One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2092: His Majesty Su Lang is really the light of hope

"This is a bit strange."

"In the beginning, there were four in Jiuyan."

"In the early days of Bayan, there were none at all? This is impossible!"

"Then, Tianmi Continent suffered such a loss, and Bayan did not appear in the early days, so there must be a more important task!"

"The old bald donkey of Mi Ling couldn't leave the Tianmi Continent, and even if he moved in the Tianmi Continent, he could only rely on the golden figure, not even the clone."

"Those Bayan is too early, I am afraid that they are doing key things with Mi Ling old bald donkey?"

"Unfortunately, even the magic weapon of Buddha Mi Ling, "Dian Mi Jin Fly", does not know what he is doing."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to guess, the boat will go straight to the bridge head..."

Su Lang thought silently, then smiled and shook his head.


His eyes fell on the four monks of the Primordial Beginning Realm wearing the black jade chains.

"Ah! It hurts!!"

"Master Su Lang, please, give me a good time!"

"Su Lang, give me a decent way to die, I don't want to be tortured to death!"

"Kill me, kill me!"


The four monks in the Primordial Beginning Stage were in great agony and spoke all kinds of words about death.

"You want to die?"

"Yes, come, come, I will find a place for you to kneel down!"

"Kneel for a certain hour, I will give you a happy one!"

Su Lang sneered coldly, then moved his body and directly reached the exchange building square via the Internet.

The exchange building at this time has completely become the center of the entire Tianmen Continent.

It has also become a place where all cultivation civilizations blend.

The warriors of the Heavenly Continent, the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Realms, and the warriors of the Wu Clan from the Wu Clan Continent all gathered here.

Because the number is increasing.

The square around the exchange building has expanded dozens of times again!

If everyone were not able to communicate in the virtual Celestial Continent, I am afraid this square would have to expand hundreds of thousands of times!


Su Lang appeared on the exchange building square driving the Infinite.

Immediately attracted the attention of countless people!

"It's Boundless!!"

"It is the boundless number controlled by His Majesty Su Lang!"

"His Majesty Su Lang, the great infinite emperor, has appeared! Majesty Su Lang, I worship you!"

"Look, there is a longevity lock in the hands of Boundless, nine black jade chains stick out from the lock, and the chains are wearing four too junior monks!"

"Oh my God, it really is! Four too junior monks have been captured by His Majesty Su Lang! His Majesty Su Lang has hit the Tianmi Continent!"

"Your Majesty Su Lang is mighty, your Majesty Su Lang is domineering, and he hit the Tianmi Continent so soon. In my opinion, the Tianmi Continent is about to die!"

"Yes, His Majesty Su Lang is really the light of hope for our boundless universe!"


Countless warriors and monks knelt directly at the feet of Infinity, but they couldn't help talking, because they were so excited.

None of these warriors who had reached the elementary level had fought against Tian Mi with Su Lang.

It was the first time they saw Su Lang capture and kill the early powerhouse of Tianmi Continent.

For them, this is the Heavenly Continent, or in other words, a huge progress in the boundless universe, a milestone progress!

Heavenly Continent.

Already have the strength to counterattack Tianmi Continent!

This is great news!

Countless warriors instantly relayed this news, and spread it directly to the entire Celestial Continent, Cultivation Worlds, and Wu Clan Continent through the spiritual Internet!

All the warriors exclaimed with excitement and worshiped in the direction Su Lang was in!

Their hearts all raised strong confidence and straightened their backbones.

And the unreserved admiration, admiration, and worship of Su Lang...

To this.

Su Lang also looked in his eyes and smiled sincerely.

The reason why he didn't execute the four people including Monk Pulian.

It is for the countless hesitant, hesitant, and unconfident people in Tianmen Continent to straighten their spine!

"Everyone, Boundless Universe has stood up!!"

Su Lang shouted, shaking his right hand.

The four monks of the Primordial Beginning Realm were immediately wrapped in the heart-piercing lock, and fell on the vast square, kneeling fiercely under the gaze of countless people!

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