One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2075: Bliss and Ruohai’s show operation

Obviously caught it, and locked it up.

But people suddenly disappeared, and it was the first time they saw such a situation!


Bai Lian and Po Suo also immediately knew what had happened to Bliss and Ruohai, and they were equally dumbfounded and puzzled!

at this time!

"Appeared again!"

"Damn, the weird primordial warrior that I caught has appeared again, and he even glanced at me!!"

"Arrogant, really arrogant, even dared to appear, this time I will not let you run away again!"

Bliss realized that the avatar of Su Lang who had been caught by him reappeared, and he was immediately embarrassed and anxious.

Su Lang's Baiying clone instantly disappeared from the spot, and continued to advance, bringing the large starry sky into the dispatchable range.

Immediately after.

Bliss and Ruohai once again used the Buddhism magical powers to lock the position of Su Lang Baiying's clone, and figure out the forward path of Su Lang's clone.


Once again, they ran to Su Lang's avatar on the way forward to intercept.

Moreover, Su Lang's clone was also successfully intercepted.

at this time.

Bliss is suspended in the void of the universe.

Looking at the avatar of Su Lang in the detection range of his mental power, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

next moment.

The avatar of Su Lang went through a space shuttle and appeared directly within the attack range of Bliss!

"Give me gel!"

With both hands pinching bliss, the magical powers of Buddhism time were unfolded, and Su Lang's clone was instantly solidified.


He immediately grabbed Su Lang's Baiying clone and threw it into his life universe!

Ruohai did that too!


They wanted to use their life universe to imprison the clone of Su Lang in order to catch alive!

And such a move instantly shocked Su Lang's body like an electric shock, staring at him, revealing an unbelievable expression.

"Lying down!"

"Even my clone was taken into the universe of life!!"

"This, this, this sorrowful operation, isn't this doing things for me!?"

"Hahaha, this is the first time I have encountered this!"

Su Lang's eyes brightened, and immediately shared the vision of the two clones, seeing the life universe of Bliss and Ruohai in his eyes.


These two life universes of the Jiuyan primordial primacy have also become places where Su Lang can dispatch clones and fly flying flying flying treasures!

at this time.

Bliss is here.

After he threw Su Lang's Hundred Shadow clone into the universe of life, he paid full attention and did not relax for a moment.


Su Lang's clone did not move.

It seems that the possibility of escape has been lost!


"Sure enough, there is no escape!"

"If you enter my life universe and you can escape, unless you are stronger than me!!"

Bliss thought so, and a smile appeared on his face.

The other side.

Wakami responded similarly.

"No matter you are weird, you can't match the absolute strength!"

Seeing that Su Lang's clone was completely imprisoned in his life universe.

Ruohai was immediately overjoyed, thinking that he had found a way to crack the other party's strange supernatural powers.

Immediately after.

The two took Su Lang's clone and returned to the place where they were guarded before.

Prepare to wait for the Mi Ling Buddha to take refuge after he leaves the customs.

Then follow the vines, unearth the weird force, uproot it and destroy it!


The two talents have just returned to their guarded ground.

Su Lang started messing up 1


"You brought this to the door yourself, I'm not welcome!"

Su Lang licked his lips in excitement, and immediately moved his thoughts, sending the entire five thousand Hundred Shadow clones directly to the blissful universe of life, spreading across the entire planet of life!

The life universe of bliss is big though.

But no matter how big it is, there is a limit!

With the mental power of Su Lang's clone, it can be enveloped instantly, and every corner can be seen clearly.

at this time.

As soon as the clones appeared, they spread all over the planet of life, and fell into the extremely prosperous cities full of Buddhism characteristics.

These places are the most prosperous places carefully selected by Su Lang.


There is no strong person in this universe of life.

The monks who wanted to break through to the Primordial Beginning Realm were taken to the boundless universe to continue their practice.

So although this life planet is extremely prosperous and rich.

But the strongest is just a Yiyan Taichu monk who has just broken through, is still consolidating his realm, and has not been taken to the boundless universe to practice.

at this time.

This monk was naturally targeted by Su Lang!

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