[Name]: Po Suo

[Race]: Golden Cicada

[Qualification level]: Unparalleled (colorless jade body)

[Realm level]: Jiuyan Taichu

[Attack level]: Jiuyan Taichu

[Defensive level]: Jiuyan Taichu

[Shenfa level]: Jiuyan Taichu

[Endurance level]: Jiuyan Taichu

[Master the exercises]: Mingjing Wuchen (major), "Three Thousand Prosperity" (Taichu, Consummation), "Finger Moment" (Taichu, Dacheng), "Yue Wuhen" (Taichu, Dacheng), "One Flower and One Mustard Seed (Taichu, Consummation)...... Partially omitted

"It turned out to be a Jiuyan Taichu!"

"Psuo...should be the most important powerhouse of Buddhism in Tianmi Continent!"

"Unexpectedly, Jiuyan Taichu was stationed at the edge of the Tianmi continent."

"It seems that the last time I snatched some goldfly and killed Monk Kongchan and others, the Buddhism in Tianmi Continent was very angry!"

"Hmph, anger is useless, I will kill you more powerful people, grab you more things!"

"I want to see how many powerhouses in your Tianmi Continent Buddhism, and how long a battle line can be held!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer, and immediately with a thought, he took back the remaining treasure hunt flying flying flying flying.

Immediately after.

He once again dispatched the treasure hunting flying flying gliders and several Baiying clones that had been transferred.

But this time it was not dispatched directly to Tianmi Continent, but to the void outside Tianmi Continent.

Then make it move around, constantly bringing the void around the Tianmi continent into the dispatchable range.

This is to stretch the front!

When there are more and more dispatchable areas.

With the super mobility that the clone can dispatch at will, Su Lang can turn the powerhouses of Tianmi Continent around!

At this moment.

One by one avatar flew around the edge of Tianmi continent.

Everything you go has become dispatchable!

The clones continued to move forward.


The four Jiuyan primordial masters of Tianmi Continent.

Bai Lian, Po Suo, Bliss and Ruo Hai also communicate with each other.

"Appeared again!"

"Those weird little things appeared out of thin air, plundering wealth!"

"The strong below the elementary level can't hurt them at all, but they are very cunning and only go to places where there is no elementary level!"

The whispering faint voice rang in Bailian and others' ears.

This is a supernatural power that belongs to their Buddhism alone, very powerful, even if it is half a day away from the Tianmi continent, they can talk directly.

"Appear out of thin air, disappear out of thin air."

Bai Lian frowned, "This characteristic is really troublesome, it's impossible to prevent it!"

at this time.


"I found a weird primordial warrior here."

"It also appeared out of thin air, disappeared out of thin air, in a short time, it has advanced hundreds of millions of light years!"

"I'm following him now, he seems to be flying around the Tianmi continent, but he is far away, I don't know what the purpose is!"

The voice of bliss came, and the expressions of Bai Lian and others suddenly changed.


"I found it too!"

"It's a Three-Yan from the Primordial Beginning, but possesses the strength of the Four-Yan Primal Beginning Realm. This is a genius!!"

"He is also constantly appearing and disappearing, moving forward around the Tianmi continent!"

Ruohai's voice also came, making everyone's expressions changed again.

among them.

Bliss is the most horrified.

"Junior Brother Ruohai, what are you talking about?"

"The warrior of the Primordial Beginning that you discovered is the Primordial Beginning of the Third Evolution, who has the combat power of the Fourth Generation Realm?"

"What I found here is also such a genius. Isn't that weird force that is a peerless genius per capita?"

"And such a genius is sent out to do investigative work, instead of being well protected and nurtured to become stronger!?"

Bliss said in shock, and the content of the words surprised Bai Lian and Po Suo who had not found Su Lang's clone.

In the Sanyan realm, there are four battles in the realm.

That is a real genius, comparable to the four of them back then!

But such a genius figure came out and risked his life to move around Tianmi Continent?

What is this for?

"It doesn't matter so much."

"Since they have appeared, it is impossible for us to let go of them!"

Bai Lian said with a cold expression, "Catch it first, take it forcibly, and then uncover the strong behind them!"

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