One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2066: Wuyan Taichu Stage Combat Power

of course.

It has been a full day since the last breakthrough.

With the current one-key training function, the accumulated cultivation base is definitely enough!

"The cultivation base is enough, it's time to break through!"

Su Lang took a deep breath, and the next moment he issued a system command, "System, give me a deeper time rule!!"

"Ding! Time rules are beginning to comprehend!"

The system prompt immediately appeared in my mind!

Immediately after.

The countless cultivation base accumulated by the cultivation villain began to be consumed in large quantities!

A series of mysterious and obscure time rules appeared out of thin air and merged into Su Lang's soul.

In an instant.

Su Lang completely grasped the time rules of the'now' stage.

He has a clearer understanding of the elapsed time, and can even divide a millisecond into 49,000 smaller time units!

Except besides.

Su Lang can also use time to freeze, easily stop the target's time for an instant!

"The time rule has reached the breakthrough standard!"

Su Lang glanced at the still golden cultivator, and gave the instruction again, "System, give me a breakthrough!"

Accompanied by his order.

Again, countless cultivation bases disappeared.

These cultivation bases entered Su Lang's body, merged with the rules of time, and merged into the Third Life Universe, that is, the Chenxing Universe!

This is not over yet.

Incorporating into the time rules and cultivation base of the Chenxing universe, it began to move into the surrounding clothes and merge into the crystal wall cells.


The crystal wall world around Chenxing Universe suddenly began to sublimate.

The number of cells sublimated this time was the same as the previous two times, reaching the same number.

at this time.

Su Lang has three life universes that incorporate the rules of time!

They are Dantian Universe, Yinghu Universe and Chenxing Universe!

Around every living universe there are crystal wall cells that sublimate and qualitatively change, the total number is three!

And Su Lang's realm also successfully broke through to the realm of Sanyan Taichu!


"Open the properties panel!"

Su Lang felt the powerful force in his body and immediately issued instructions.


His information is presented in detail!

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: human

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Three Yan Taichu

[Attack level]: Wuyan Taichu

[Defensive Level]: Wuyan Taichu

[Shenfa Level]: Wuyan Taichu

[Endurance Level]: Wuyan Taichu+

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Pure Nirvana

[Mastering the exercises]: Infinite Heart Sutra, "Ten Thousand Laws into One: Unlimited Profound Meaning" (too elementary, founding)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 49), one-key martial arts function (level 49), clone dispatch function (level 48), one-key treasure hunt function (level 47), one-key alchemy function (level 15) ), one-key mixer function (level 15), one-key refining function (level 15), one-key synthesis function (level 15), one-key empowerment function (level 25), one-key enhancement function (level 8), one Key decomposition function (no level)

"The endurance has directly reached the level of Wuyan+!"

"It's a small realm raised by two and a half!"

Su Lang looked at his attribute panel, nodded slightly, and then looked at his cultivator again.

But I saw that the cultivator is still all golden!

"I don't know whether it will be enough to condense further time rules..."

A hint of surprise flashed in Su Lang's eyes, "Follow him, give it a try first!"

Just do it!


Su Lang immediately issued an order, "Give me time rules again!"

"Ding! Time rules are beginning to comprehend!"

The system prompt appeared, and then the cultivator instantly turned white, and only a small part of it was golden.


A series of profound meanings about the time rules of the ‘future’ stage appeared in Su Lang’s soul.

Su Lang directly comprehended the difficult and obscure profound meaning, and became the basis for the use of ‘time acceleration’!

"It's a pity that the cultivation base is almost used!"

"I guess it won't break until tomorrow."

Su Lang sighed, waiting for tomorrow? What a long time!

I don’t know if the others knew his thoughts at first, would they be so angry that they spurted blood on the spot, languished, and spent the second half of their lives in autism...

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