One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2041: Food for the Ethereal Universe

At this time they joined Su Lang's command.

At this time, Su Lang mastered the powerful power of the Bayan Realm, and he might be able to defeat Baitian!


"I know what you are thinking!"

"However, I hope you can be more confident. With me, BAITIEN MASS can be wiped out easily!"

Su Lang guessed the thoughts of Han Li and others, and suddenly laughed, his tone full of confidence.

Seeing this, Han Li and the others felt a little weird, but surprises arose.

Through the attitude of the Wu people, as well as the miraculousness of Su Lang that he experienced.

They have already understood that Su Lang is not comparable to an ordinary early powerhouse!


Su Lang is indeed sure to deal with the BAITIIAN Demon Sect!

Because no matter how weird the extraterritorial celestial devil is, it also exists with incense.

As long as it is an incense, whether you sublimate the incense or not, it is all the food of the virtual spirit universe! !

Not bad!

The Ethereal Universe is the method that Su Lang intends to use to deal with BAITIEN DEMONS!


"There are a lot of extraterritorial monsters, right!!"

"Baitian Demon Sect is very powerful, right? BAITIEN is very strong, right!"

"Everything of you will be the food of my virtual spirit universe!"

A trace of killing intent and a trace of excitement flashed in Su Lang's eyes.

The extraterritorial celestial demons began to accumulate billions of years ago, and now I don’t know how many, and how many incense aspirations they carry.

Once it is swallowed up all, the heart-piercing lock will surely be able to successfully condense!

"Through heart lock can successfully condense."

"Then what magic weapon should I gather next?"

"It's a bit hard to think about, forget it, wait until the incense willingness is enough."

"Anyway, after the incense willing force is collected into the virtual spirit universe, it can't run away!"

Excited thoughts arose in Su Lang's heart, and the smile on his face grew!

at this time!

"Your Majesty Su Lang!"

"The front is the entrance of the cultivation world!"

Han Li suddenly pointed to a small world on the edge of the Ten Thousand Realms Tower.

"The entrance is in this small world?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows, "Is this to prevent foreign enemies from invading?"


"The cultivation world seems to be a small independent world."

"But all the worlds form a whole again."

"We use this small world as an entrance and exit. Once a foreign invasion occurs, immediately destroying this small world can completely isolate the connection between the outside world and the cultivation world."

Han Li nodded and said.

"That's it."

"Come on, let's go in."

Su Lang smiled and controlled the Infinity to come to the entrance.

Immediately after.

Han Li and others all shot together, opening the entrance and exit in a special way.


A huge space channel appeared in front of everyone.

Through the space channel, Su Lang could even see the world behind him.



Under the control of Su Lang, the Boundless ship turned into a small streamer and instantly entered the small world.

After entering the small world, the passage behind him is closed.

Everyone suddenly felt depressed.

It's like an ordinary person entering an extremely small space.

And this small world shivered under the pressure of the Infinity.

Fortunately, the creatures in the world have been moved away by Han Li and others, otherwise the creatures in the entire world will die instantly.

at this time.

"As the import and export of the cultivation world."

"Baitian Demon Sect will definitely pay attention here."

"In this small world, there should be an extraterritorial demon hidden!"

A sneer was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he immediately said to the people, "If you have anything related to incense, put it away quickly!"

This statement came out.

Everyone was a little puzzled.

They didn't know that Su Lang possessed the Void Spirit universe.

However, since it was Su Lang's order, everyone naturally did not dare to disobey.

Anything that involved incense was immediately collected into his life universe, and then reported to Su Lang.

Wait until everyone is cleaned up.

"Voidling Universe, open!!"

With a thought in Su Lang, the virtual spirit universe that merged with the sea of ??knowledge suddenly quietly spread out invisible and colorless!

This small world as a channel for cultivation of the ten thousand realms was completely enveloped by the virtual spirit universe in an instant!

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