One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2038: All cultivation enters boundless


Han Li Mozun and others felt a faint attraction.

"We can also enter the Infinity Ship!!"

"Such a powerful magic weapon, the great Majesty Su Lang allowed us to enter!"


The primordial monks felt Su Lang's deep trust, and their hearts moved!

Immediately after.

They followed the suction force, hovered, and flew into the parts that Su Lang had prepared for them.

In an instant.

Everyone felt that their power was integrated with a large number of powerful people under the influence of Infinity, forming a more terrifying power!

"Let you feel the power we have."

"Lest you are always full of pessimism!"

Su Lang smiled faintly, and immediately moved his mind, summoning the sacred beasts one after another and entering each part.


The power of Boundless has increased again!

This is not over yet.

In order for Han Li and others to better feel the powerful power of the Infinity.

Su Lang began to use the power of time in various stages.

Starting from the "Moment of Eternity" in the ‘now’ stage, then the "Silence Heart Sutra", the "Future Good Fortune Mystery" in the ‘future’ stage, and the "Trace to the Origin of Eternity" in the ‘past’ stage.

Every exercise has been mastered to the extreme!

Therefore, the profound meaning of time displayed by Su Lang shocked all the early powers!

Even a cultivator of Qiyan Taichu such as Han Li, after comparing Su Lang's time and profound meaning, all discovered his own shortcomings!

Especially in the ‘past’ stage.

Han Li can only enter the realm of Qiyan, contacting the ‘past’ stage of time.

However, Su Lang has mastered "Trace to the Origin of Eternity" to the founding level.

The profound meaning of time in the ‘past’ stage has been mastered very profoundly.

Han Li felt it a little, and immediately benefited a lot. He felt fortunate to join Su Lang's subordinates in an instant!

It's not just Han Li.

Ying Wa of the Wu clan got a lot of inspiration from Su Lang's profound meaning of time!

This is true even for the two Qiyan primaries.

The rest of the witches and monks in the Primal Beginning Realm will naturally gain more!

"I didn't expect this powerful humanoid magic weapon to have such incredible functions!"

"Our energies are not only gathered together, but we can even feel the profound meaning of a higher realm. It is incredible!"

"Joining His Majesty Su Lang's subordinates is the most correct choice!"

"I have seen a glimmer of hope!!"


All sorts of thoughts arose in the hearts of the primordial monks, and a light of excitement flashed in their eyes.

They suddenly remembered what Su Lang had just said

——If you feel grateful and grateful for the decision you have made, shout the word ‘true fragrance’.

Although they don't know what the true fragrance represents, they also read it silently in their hearts!

at this time.


"Our strength is far more than that."

"Furthermore, under my leadership, you will be able to make continuous progress. In the future, everyone will become half-step eternal, it is possible!"

Su Lang's voice spread through everyone's minds again.


All the early monks trembled together!

Become half-step eternity! ?

This is too exaggerated!

It should be understood that this cultivation of the ten thousand realms is transformed by the half-step eternal realm strong.

In such a realm, how can they have the courage to covet it?


Everyone suddenly heard Ying Wa's voice: "Don't think that His Majesty Su Lang is bragging, he never tells lies!"

This statement came out.

A hint of surprise rose in the hearts of all the monks from the beginning.

They are neighbors with the Wu clan, and they have had some dealings with Yingwa over the long years.

They know that Ying Wa is a very arrogant and stubborn person, and never bothers to lie.

In this matter, even Ying Wa thought that it is possible for him and others to become half-step eternal, which means that under Su Lang's leadership, they really have the opportunity to become half-step eternal strong!

Thought of this.

The first cultivators couldn't help being so excited that their hearts trembled!

"I will definitely follow in the footsteps of Your Majesty!!"

"The direction of your Majesty Su Lang's will is the direction I wait for the blade!"

"The great Majesty Su Lang will surely lead us to defeat Tianmi Continent, resist Yuan Mingzhou Emperor, and save the boundless universe!"


One by one from the beginning, the strong made their own voices, letting Su Lang see his firm will!

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