One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1952: A clan of beasts, never surrendered

These too junior powerhouses are also unbelievable.

When Su Lang's clone just appeared, they found out together.

However, I noticed that the coming person is only a very basic person.

Therefore, after Monk Kongzhi took the shot, the others did not take the shot.

from their perspective.

Using the means of the empty-witted monk, catching a beginner Yiyantai is simply a matter of hand.


They didn't expect it.

Monk Kongzhi unexpectedly missed!

It's as incredible as a cooked duck flying away!

"Damn it!"

"What exactly is going on?"

"How could he escape under my nose!?"

Monk Kongzhi stood up angrily.

Under the full view of everyone, even one of the junior Yiyan was not caught, which is simply a shame to him!

"Brother Kongzhi calm down!"

"That person may have come prepared!"

"In my opinion, it should be someone who is rebelling, and there is definitely a very powerful, too junior, powerful behind him!"

"Yes! That's it!"


Monk Shi Yu and the others were relieved, and immediately let Monk Kongzhi's anger gradually dissipated.

"We are now being targeted by a resistance force that is too rudimentary."

"Unfortunately, the time has been rushed just now, and there was no time to capture that person's breath!"

"Otherwise, you will be able to follow that person's trail and find the person behind him!"

"Now, we have to strengthen the investigation of the surroundings, although the probability of someone shooting us is very small!"


There was a lot of discussion at the beginning, and they did not expect that the figure that appeared before was a clone of Su Lang, and the power represented was the Heavenly Misty Continent that they had just explored!


"On the other side of Tianmen Mainland, Zhong Biezhu contacted me."

"I have dispatched three other too junior powerhouses lurking in the star field near the Heavenly Continent to meet them."

"I believe that with their hidden ability, they will not be discovered by the Heavenly Mian Continent."

"Hmph, after Zhong Biezhu and the others come back, I will find the traitors among them!"

"Yes, the traitor must die!"


At the beginning of the discussion, everyone still believed that a traitor had really appeared among Zhong Biezhu and others.

The other side.

"There's news!"

Su Lang who retracted his clone squinted his eyes and touched his chin.


"There is news so soon!?"

"Dao Fellow Su Lang, your investigative ability is too strong, right? Unbelievably strong!!"

"Daoist Su Lang, please tell me, what's the news!"


Qin Song and the others looked at Su Lang in shock. It was only a quarter of an hour before they had received the available news.

Had it not been for they had already convinced Su Feng.

Su Feng will definitely be suspicious at this time, thinking that he is fabricating fake news!


"I saw the people who came to invade the Heavenly Continent."

"Most of them are from the Tianmi Continent, and a few are from other forces."

"And those sacred beasts were forcibly enslaved by them!"

Su Lang's eyes suddenly rose, and then a trace of anger emerged.

He had heard of it before.

When the Tongtian Temple attacked the Xinghai domain group, the beasts of the Tianting Continent dispatched to participate.

However, he fought back halfway with the beast, using his own life as the price to cause huge losses to Tongtian Temple.


The Xinghai large domain group can escape, all have the credit of the sacrificed beast.


At that time, I saw a super-primary beast helping a bald donkey in Tianmi Continent to open a space-time channel.

Su Lang felt incredible.

And this time.

The truth is revealed.

The beasts do not voluntarily help the evil spirits, they are all involuntarily!

"The divine beasts and spirit beasts of all races in the Tianting Continent have never succumbed!"

"I don't know how much they have suffered during such a long time."

"I really want to hit the Tianting Continent now and rescue them all!"

Su Lang sighed in his heart. He knew that his current strength was not enough, so he could only wait!


Qin Song and the others were relieved and sighed when they learned that the beasts had never succumbed.

They had tried to contact the Tianting Continent before, but they all failed without exception.

Every failure is accompanied by huge losses.

So that later, there was no more power to unite the power of Tianting Continent.

at this time.

Su Lang's expression suddenly moved again: "The person who responded to Zhong Biezhu and the others has appeared!"

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