One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1924: Build a reincarnation world

Xiaoluo clearly felt that he had mastered a peculiar ability.

That is, time can be stagnated to a certain extent.

At the same time, the mastery of space has reached its limit!

And in her body.

The space where the incense will power and dead soul can be stored on that side has become almost endless!

And for this space.

Xiaoluo can manipulate it as he wants.

Just a thought.

A purple-black earth appeared in the world.

Another thought flashed, and a large number of purple and black swirls appeared in the sky.


Xiaoluo found that he didn't seem to have any other powerful methods.

At least to help Su Lang fight, it is estimated that he can only be a meat shield.

"Xiaoluo, Xiaoluo has lived up to the Lord's expectations..."

A trace of shame and self-blame appeared in Xiaoluo's heart.

She has always been very calm, and even the shock before it has quickly calmed down.

But at this time.

The deep guilt and self-blame are too strong to dissipate.

"Don't be sad, Xiaoluo."

"Your mission is not to fight!"

"I want you to help me build a world of reincarnation!"

"Now, the world you created now fits my mind very well!"

Su Lang's soft and gentle voice appeared in Xiaoluo's mind again.


"Build a world of reincarnation!?"

"Master, what is the reincarnation world, what should Xiaoluo do?"

Xiao Luo heard Su Lang's voice and asked immediately.

"The specific world of reincarnation is like this!"

Su Lang chuckled, divine consciousness carrying a large amount of information flow into Xiaoluo's mind.


Xiao Luo saw a strange world transformed by Su Lang.

On the vast ground.

An extremely turbid and wide river divides it into two parts.

At the source of the river, a huge stone tablet was erected with the word'Wang Chuan' engraved on it.

In the middle of the river, a bridge was erected across the river.

A stone tablet was also erected on the bridge head of the bridge with the word'naihe' engraved on it.

However, the earth on the side of the stele was purple-black, and the sky was bleeding red.

Strange plants grow everywhere on the ground.

Even the mountains are like grave piles, creepy.

A road extends from the stele of the bridge to the end of the purple-black earth, on the edge of a cliff whose bottom is invisible.

There is no bottom under the cliff.

But you can vaguely see an endless round wheel slowly spinning!

The round wheel is composed of countless small squares.

There is a small space in each small square, containing incense power without a trace of impurities.

On the edge of the cliff, there is a stone tablet with the word'Huangquan' engraved on it.

On both sides of the road.

Eighteen behemoths rising straight into the sky one after another!

Sixteen of them are just shadows.

Only the two closest to the "Yellow Spring" stele can clearly see their appearance.

The first behemoth is a huge colorful tree!

The second behemoth is a long life lock surrounded by black jade chains!

Look at the other side of the bridge.

The sky is full of countless stars.

These stars guard ten suns!

The sun's rays shone on the earth.

The ground is vibrant, peaceful, and very beautiful.

On this ground, there are four giant stone monuments standing up and down.

Four giant stone monuments stand side by side.

The carvings on the above are different, including countless woods, countless beasts, and intelligent human beings living on the earth.

Finally, there are intelligent creatures living in the clouds, high above them.

Just when Xiaoluo looked at this world and pondered the intention of each of these arrangements.

A huge flow of information poured into her mind.


Xiaoluo thoroughly understood the arrangement of this reincarnation world.

This is a transit point for the reincarnation of a soul.

After the soul enters the world of reincarnation.

The soul that enters for the first time will leave the mark of the true spirit in the reincarnation under that cliff.

Under the action of pure incense, it is guaranteed not to die completely.

Souls that have left the mark of the true spirit will enter Huangquan Road.

After discerning its good and evil cause and effect.

Unqualified people will enter the Hell of Qibao and Heart-piercing Hell!

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