One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1898: The secret method of reincarnation

Immediately after.

Jiang Wenzheng and others provided all the materials Su Lang needed.

Even give a lot of benefits!

It is estimated to be a reward.

After giving the materials.

All the early strong men immediately went to the battlefield to gather the corpses of those strong men.

"As expected to be too junior boss!"

"Give me so many materials in one breath, more than the one who destroyed hundreds of quasi-primary powers before!"

Su Lang looked at the countless extra materials in the storage space and couldn't help but express his joy.

These materials are more than enough to resurrect the dead who died in battle!

It can also be used to complete other important plans!

Of course.

Jiang Wenzheng's original intention to give these materials was to revive the strong.

So Su Lang naturally took this as his first task!

"To resurrect the godless powerhouse on a large scale."

"It is estimated that some of the current "Dead Earth Origin Soul Reincarnation Technique" is not enough."

"Even if it can be resurrected, it needs to be divided into multiple times, which takes time and effort!"

Su Lang's eyes flashed with thoughtful light, "So, I still have to strengthen this technique!"

After making up your mind.

Su Lang immediately issued instructions to the system to start strengthening the "Soul Origin Soul Reincarnation Technique"!

"Ding! Consume..."Zone Earth Origin Soul Reincarnation Art" enhancement +1!"

"Ding! Consume..."Zone Earth Origin Soul Reincarnation Art" enhancement +1!"

"Ding! Consume..."

After three times of strengthening.

"The Reincarnation Technique of the Origin of the Dead Soul" has changed from a low-level godless level to a level close to the beginning of the exercises!


To ensure that a larger number of dead can be resurrected at once.

Su Lang decided to continue to strengthen.

It was not stopped until it was strengthened into a real too primary secret technique!


The system prompt sounded again!

The fourth, fifth, and sixth strengthening ends one after another!

"Soul Origin Soul Reincarnation Technique" finally entered the primordial level from the godless level!

In fact, Su Lang knew.

This exercise can be strengthened to the primordial level.

It is entirely because it is just a secret technique with a single function.

It is absolutely impossible to reach the Primordial Beginning level by changing to other godless level exercises and strengthening six times.

At most it is close to the early stage.

no matter what.

Now "Soul Origin Soul Reincarnation Technique" has reached the early stage.

More profound meanings about the resurrection of the dead are imprinted in Su Lang's mind and soul, so that he can completely grasp it!

"Such a mysterious meaning!"

"Perhaps, I can resurrect even the too junior strong!"

"However, if you want to resurrect the powerhouse at the beginning level, you don't know how many geniuses and treasures you need to consume!"

Thinking about the profound meanings of the newly acquired exercises in his mind, a smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

Immediately after.

His eyes fell into the storage space again.

The materials given by Jiang Wenzheng and others are so much.

Even if the "Soul Earth Origin Soul Reincarnation Technique" is enhanced to the primordial level, it only consumes about one-tenth!

"These materials can be used to evolve my various weapons!"

"But forget it, everything has to wait until Jiang Wenzheng and the others have collected the dead body soil and resurrected."

Su Lang thought so, anyway, Jiang Wenzheng and the others couldn't run away right there, just ask them later!

These strong people from the beginning.

It's almost a cash machine!


Su Lang began to wait for Jiang Wenzheng and others to return.

In this process, no time was wasted.

He dispatched a large number of treasure hunting flying flying gliders to pursue Zhong Biezhu and other early powers!

The death-free level of these treasure hunting flying gliders has reached the godless level.

Only those who are too junior can kill them.

Before you find Zhong Biezhu and others, unless you encounter other too low-level enemies.

Otherwise, there will be absolutely no loss!

time flies.

It's worthy of being the twenty-one primordial masters who personally shot.

Jiang Wenzheng did not let Su Lang wait for long.

Just half an hour.

Come back with all the dead bodies that can be found!

"Little friend Su Lang!"

"These are all the dead bodies that can be found!"

"I want to ask one more question, do those strong men who have been dead for a long time still hope to be resurrected?"

Jiang Wenzheng took a storage ring to Su Lang, and asked with a hint of hope in his eyes.

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