
"There are no traitors among them, I'm just talking nonsense."

"Their real names are what I used and the method to see."

"I used a special method to destroy that formation!"

"If we do it, they will definitely attack us together, and then my lie will be broken!"

"And you will be temporarily restrained, unable to exert the power of time and space on the time and space sky!"

"This will allow the people of Tianmi Continent to break the space-time and sky trench faster!"

Su Lang smiled and replied with divine thoughts, telling Qin Song the reason.


"They didn't make a traitor!?"

"Then the elementary formation was destroyed by you?"

"This, how is this possible, you are only quasi-primary, how can you destroy the primary formation!"

Qin Song's surface was as usual, but his heart was full of incredible and stormy waves.

Because what Su Lang said is too fantastic!

"Senior Qin Song!"

"You don't believe many things I said!"

Su Lang continued to use his spiritual thoughts to transmit his voice, "But now, as long as you buy me some time, I can let you see the facts!"


Qin Song swallowed, "But if you fail..."

"What if I never showed up?"

Su Lang asked with a smile, "I have never appeared before, what kind of situation will you face?"


Qin Song was suddenly speechless.

If Su Lang never showed up.

According to the original plan.

They will also come here to exert the power of time and space for the time and space sky.

Then the rear of Tianmen mainland was stolen.

Twenty-eight primordial powerhouses stared at the primordial formation to fight them, dragging them.

Immediately after the Tianmi Continent experts in the space-time sky trench, they will soon enter the space-time sky trench.

At last.

They are going to die!

And this time.

Su Lang relied on a special method to destroy the formation of Zhong Biezhu and others.

And sow discords, making them afraid of each other.

At this time, Zhong Biezhu and the others, standing next to them were like air.

Such a situation.

It's so much better already.

"it is good!"

"Little friend Su Lang, although your words are really incredible, I believe you!"

Qin Song nodded solemnly, and immediately ventilated with Jiang Wenzheng.


The two passed on the order, but did not say why.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why they had to give up this great opportunity, but they also obeyed the order.

Immediately after.

Qin Song's forty-six ancestors at the beginning of the time instilled the power of time and space into the time and space.

far away.

Zhong Biezhu and the others, who retreated and were jealous of each other, were originally worried that Qin Song would make a move.

They even joined up with people they trusted to prepare for a battle.


Qin Song and others did not do anything!

"They gave up this great opportunity!?"

"They can obviously annihilate us, even if they pay a certain price, they can better face the army of warriors on the Tianmi Continent in the future!"

"What the **** is this!"


While Zhong Biezhu, Mu Yizhi and the others were relieved, they were also deeply puzzled!

"Could it be!"

"Could it be that the reason they don't do anything is that they have reinforcements!?"

"They are waiting for reinforcements to annihilate us at a lower cost!?"

Wu Yuquan shook his whole body severely, and spoke to Zhong Biezhu and the others in shock.

And this judgment came out.

Immediately make Zhong Biezhu and others stand upside down, like falling into an ice cave!

They remembered what Su Lang said before.

——They have stepped into the trap!

And this time.

Isn't that the other side's attitude that is not in a hurry?


"Damn, we really stepped into a trap!"

"How about we withdraw!?"

"But, Emperor Yuan Ming Zhou is there..."

"Doesn't care about him? From beginning to end, have you seen Emperor Yuan Mingzhou!?"


Zhong Biezhu and others talked about it, their eyes flickered, and they turned and ran!

For a moment!

Eight of the twenty-eight strong men from the beginning ran away!

The remaining twenty, seeing their changes, tightened all over, and then fled one after another!

Such a scene.

Not to mention Qin Song, even Su Lang was stunned.

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