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Chapter 1874: Chu Xiaobei was promoted to Quasi Taichu


In its pubic area.

A soul body cell began to merge with the soul!

With the support of Su Lang's cultivation base, the first soul body cell was condensed in an instant!

The aura on Chu Xiaobei's body suddenly changed drastically, and he immediately jumped from the quasi-no-god level to the non-god-level.

The bottleneck that countless creatures in the universe cannot overcome in their lifetime.

In front of the cultivation base that Su Lang instilled was too fragile!

Chu Xiaobei actually achieved the achievements of other warriors who have worked hard for hundreds of millions of years in just a few breaths.

And at this time its cultivation base is still skyrocketing!

Countless soul-body cells and soul-yu have been fused to form crystal wall cells!

In a blink of an eye.

Chu Xiaobei's cultivation level has been elevated from the first-passing godless level to the quasi-primary beginning level!

Although she has little power to master the Dao, she was relatively weak in her class at the beginning.

But in any case, it is the quasi-primary level!

Almost all of Chu Xiaobei's soul body cells merged with the soul to form crystal wall cells.


She only needs to continue to understand more avenues, and she can gradually reach the level of the old quasi-primary!

And this time.

Chu Xiaobei also noticed that his cultivation level had changed drastically and reached a new realm, and he was completely shocked once again!

It's not just Chu Xiaobei.

People like Ji Ruxue were also shocked.

Among them, Yuqing, An Xin, Xiao Ning, Bi Ye Lin and other warriors who have reached the godless level are most shocked.

They are too aware of how difficult the Godless level is!

And now.

Chu Xiaobei jumped from the godless level to the quasi-prime primacy, which is too exaggerated!

can only say.

Su Lang is worthy of being an ancestor, and the methods are really terrifying, it's unreasonable!


"Next, I will impose a restriction on you, and familiarize yourself with the power."

Su Lang chuckled, "Otherwise you get excited, afraid that you are going to destroy a small star field."

"you are so bad!"

Chu Xiaobei gave Su Lang angrily.

Yu Qing and the others also recovered from the shock, their eyes shyly dodged, and they clearly understood that Su Lang meant something.

"Brother Su Lang!"

"Is it my fault next?"

Ji Ruxue didn't seem to understand, she looked at Su Lang expectantly!


"It's time to instill rules for you!"

"This time I will promote you to the quasi emperor!"

Su Lang nodded seriously, and then began to instill rules in Ji Ruxue.

When the last preaching.

Su Lang instilled a rule in her.

Coupled with the rules instilled before the sermon, this time only the rules in the early 200s need to be instilled to give her a perfect martial arts foundation.


More than two hundred rules have been instilled.

Su Lang instilled suitable Wuxian-level techniques for her, and then instilled her cultivation base, raising her to the quasi-emperor level.

"What a powerful force!"

Ji Ruxue felt the power in her body, her face flushed with excitement!

But then.

She pushed Murong Xianxian in front of Su Lang: "Brother Su Lang, come on, it's time for Sister Xianxian!"

"it is good!"

Su Lang smiled and nodded, and immediately began to instill rules in Murong Xianxian.

After using up the number of instilling rules, it happened that Murong Xianxian mastered more than three hundred and sixty!


Su Lang also elevated her to the level of a quasi-emperor like Ji Ruxue.

When the number of Taoist empowerments is refreshed next time, you can choose one of them to be promoted to Quasi-Taichu!

And this time.

Only the regular and avenue initiations have been used up.

The exercises initiation and cultivation base initiation are almost useless.


Su Lang looked at Yuqing and other women again.

"Su Lang..."

Yuqing asked a little timidly and suspiciously, "What are you, can you instill in us?"

Su Ling'er and other women also looked at Su Lang with scorching eyes.

"Of course!"

"But the rules and avenues are exhausted."

"Now I can only instill cultivation bases and techniques for you!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth, "Guliang Yuqing, why don't you come first?"


Yuqing immediately shook her head, "Let Ling'er, Xiaomei, Youzhi and the others first!"

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