One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1848: Three great brain supplements

"what's the situation!?"

"How could there be so many Godless Grades in this large star sea domain group suddenly!"

"Look at this battlefield, there are godless magical moves everywhere!"

"Various kinds of exercises are countless, and all kinds of twisting powers are beyond defense!"

"The warriors we sent over can't stop them at all!"

Monk Kongzhi also thundered, and his face was full of horror.

"This is incredible!"

"They showed thousands of godless people in the last war."

"At this time, based on the speed of their shots and the frequency of their attacks, their newly added Godless Grade is at least 10,000!"

"How could they suddenly cultivate so many Godless Grades!?"

Monk Shi Yu also took a breath, his head buzzing a little.

It takes more than one billion years to develop a godless class.

And this is still in the most smoothest situation.

Even if there are a large number of quasi-no-god-level powerhouses in the Xinghai domain, it is absolutely impossible to be promoted at the same time!

A quasi-no-god-level must break through to the non-god-level.

Need to go through the process of soul fusion to 100%, which is almost equivalent to another great realm!

To achieve this progress.

It is not something that can be accomplished in just a few years and ten years!

But now, this situation happened in the Xinghai large area group.

It's incredible, unbelievable!


"They can't have so many quasi-no-god-level breakthroughs at the same time!"

Master Huijue had an ugly face, "They must have used some secret method to forcibly increase their combat effectiveness!"

"It may be a secret method, or it may be another method!"

"I have seen that after a quasi-godless soul body is completed, it exerts its godless power through the way of the world of harmony!"

Monk Kongzhi touched his beard under his jaw, and said in a serious analysis.

"Yes, Brother Kongzhi is right!"

"They now have 70 star regions, and each star region has a planet of life ranging from one hundred to two hundred."

"Calculated in this way, if each life planet is combined with a quasi-no-god-level, just over 10,000 quasi-no-god-levels can exert the power of the non-god-level!"

Monk Shi Yu also kept nodding, echoing Monk Kongzhi's judgment.

"This is indeed very possible!"

"However, many of these extra Godless Levels are senior Supreme Emperors!"

"Only relying on Hedao Planet, how can it be possible to exert a stronger power than Yidu!"

Master Huijue shook his head while nodding, still puzzled.

"It's easy!"

"They first used this kind of Harmony Planet method to cross the threshold of Godless Class!"

"Then use various secret techniques and various weapons to increase the combat effectiveness to the current level!"

"Because there is a gap between the secret arts and weapons that everyone has, and there are even people who don't have Godless soldiers available, so there is a huge gap in their strength."

"Furthermore, the original Xinghai domain group had thousands of senior godless ranks!"

Monk Kongzhi said as his eyes were getting brighter, he was clearly determined to his own thoughts.

"Not bad."

Monk Shi Yu continued to echo, "Brother Kongzhi has already analyzed it thoroughly, it should be like this."


Master Huijue Ni also nodded, "I really can't think of how they have so many godless grades."


"Now the supreme emperor of the Xinghai domain group basically uses secret techniques."

"Their fighting capacity can only be strong for a short time, and they will soon fall!"

Monk Kongzhi looked scheming, "At that time, it will be the time when the great formation is destroyed and the star sea is breached."

"Not bad."

Monk Shi Yu nodded again, "If the mysterious strongman does not appear."


"If that person does not show up, we have just robbed the cultivation civilization of the Xinghai domain group!"

"With their cultivation civilization, those star regions under my command will greatly increase in strength, and my strength will also increase!"

Master Huijue snorted coldly, with a sneer and excitement on his face.

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