One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1842: Interpretation and teaching at Baiyu Emperor Palace

In this way.

As soon as they open their eyes, they can worship Su Lang's statue, recite Su Lang's admonitions, worship devoutly, strengthen their will, and continue to work hard!


All the strong below the godless level were all dispersed.

What is left is Yanxingxing and other quasi-primary and godless class!

They are also quite large!

A total of twelve quasi-tai junior warriors, plus Yanxingxing!

Nine Crossing Powerhouses, such as Void, Yuehong and others, have a total of forty-nine!

The rest are godless, there are five thousand two hundred!

This kind of power is already countless times stronger than the land of exile!

Although the Seventy Two Regions of Xinghai are more than seventy times the size of the Land of Exile, most of them are inhabitable voids.

The total surface area of ??all living planets is not as big as the exile!

It can be seen that the martial arts cultivation civilization of the Xinghai domain group is really advanced!

"bring it on!"

"All come in for a meeting!"

Su Lang's thoughts immediately opened the entrance to the Dantian universe.

"Yes! Patriarch!"

Yan Hingxing and others took their orders one after another, and then flew into Su Lang's Dantian universe.


Everyone entered the pubic universe and saw the blue star and the real sun, which were composed entirely of treasures!

"Wow, this is the life universe of Master Renzu!"

"This planet is all made up of precious land!?"

"This is not the point, you feel that there are countless manifestation rules here, my God, it must be very easy to understand the rules here!!"

"Of course, you have never experienced it. Brother, I used to practice with 50,000 quasi-sages on a small island on the planet Renzu-sama, and I will be sanctified in one day!"

"Hi! Senior, boss, I didn't expect you to have lived from the primitive times to the present. I actually only know now!"

"Cough cough, stop blowing, the one who is fortunate to practice on that holy island is my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, I envy him to death!"

"Stop talking, look at the sun, it's not a solar projection, but the real sun!"


When everyone saw Blue Star, they were immediately shocked by the manifest rules.

Soon they looked at the sun again and immediately recognized that it was the real sun.

After Yanxingxing and others explained, they also understood that it was a fragment of the Infinite Sun!


Everyone admired Su Lang even more.

Oh my god, even the sun of the boundless world can be obtained, and it can be used as energy source in the life universe. It is worthy of being an ancestor!

at this time.

"Bai Yu, come out."

Su Lang whispered, and the White Jade Emperor Palace immediately unfolded on the ground, forming a group of fairy-like palaces.

Qi Ling Bai Yu also immediately came out to bow to Su Lang.

Su Lang nodded and asked her to return to her body.

The White Jade Emperor Palace has always been on the Blue Star, and Chu Xiaobei and others occasionally come to live.

The Soul Chasing Emperor Palace was regarded by Su Lang as his personal cave, and he could take it out to rest wherever he went.

at this time.

Su Lang came to the huge White Jade Square of the White Jade Emperor Palace.

With a thought, countless futons appeared neatly on the ground.

"Sit down!"

Su Lang sat on the head and spoke softly!


More than five thousand people including Yanxingxing took their seats and sat down on the futon.

As long as the old department of Su Lang naturally sits forward.

The old ministries were separated from men and women.

The female warriors sat with Chu Xiaobei and others.

The male warriors sat with Li Xianyang and others, and Monk Xinzheng was among them.

Yan Hingxing and others naturally saw the monk Xinzheng.

But at a glance, they could see that this monk was completely different from those bald donkeys. Although they were a little puzzled, they were not hostile.


"You are all the mainstays of the Xinghai domain group and the main force in resisting invasion."

"Now, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can raise them, and I will answer them for you."

Su Lang looked around and saw that many people were stuck in the bottleneck at a glance, and this bottleneck could not be broken through with a pill.

"Patriarch! The stars have just accumulated countless questions!"

Yan Hingxing knew that Su Lang was also unable to use common sense in the exercises. From the bottom of his heart, he believed that Su Lang could completely answer his questions.

In addition to this, there are also the empty moon rainbow and others, all of whom have been indoctrinated by Su Lang!

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