One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1814: Coincidentally Encountering Old Man Yaochi Yiran

According to the information of Monk Jiulian.

Tongtian Temple has a quasi-primary level, and there is more than one.

Su Lang consciously had the Youtian Sword, which was a quasi-primary weapon that exceeded the same level, but his energy reserves were not enough for normal quasi-primary combat.

Therefore, one must improve one's true realm, obtain a more vigorous innate reserve, and condense higher quality distortion power.

at this time.

A clone arrived at the third fragment of the Black Dragon Star Territory.

Su Lang put the thoughts in his mind temporarily aside, and replaced him with the clone to come to this third fragment of the Black Dragon Star Territory.


"This fragment of the Black Dragon Star Territory has a total of forty-two pieces!"

Su Lang looked around the fragment of the star field, and while revealing surprise, he stretched out his hand and pinched the Linglian Temple spy who was hiding in the sky to monitor.

The spies that Linglian Temple placed here did not react at all, and his eyes went dark, completely losing consciousness.


"Who would dare to trespass into the Black Dragon Jade Pool!?"

A crisp humming sound came from the fragments of the star field.

Immediately afterwards, the forty-two planets trembled and flew out forty-two powerful warriors.

The leader turned out to be a Sidu Godless Class!

In addition to this, there are three godless level and thirty-eight quasi godless level powerhouses.

These powerhouses came to the edge of the fragments of the star field, posing an unrelenting appearance.

"Good, not bad!"

Su Lang nodded in satisfaction, and was suddenly shocked!

Because he found that the headed Sidu Godless Grade was a bit familiar, and it didn't look like a normal living person!

"what's the situation?"

"How can you be familiar?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows, thinking about it carefully, a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

Yaochi Yiran!

The sixty-sixth generation saint of Canglan Star Jade Lake Sanctuary!

Back then, I followed Su Lang's **** to explore the heritage left by Li Xianyang!

"It's you, Yaochi Yiran!"

"Unexpectedly, you have cultivated to the Sidu Godless level, and you have lived to the present!"

"No, it's not right, you should have used some special method to resurrect, otherwise you would not live for three billion years with the life span of the four crossing godless."

"Furthermore, your soul seems to have been damaged very badly, causing your consciousness to be greatly affected, but it doesn't matter, I should be able to save you."

The surprise on Su Lang's face grew more and more, how could he not be happy to see Canglan Star’s acquaintances here!

And when Yao Chi Yiran heard Su Lang's words, her whole body trembled, and various scenes appeared in her eyes, which was exactly the scene of her getting along with Su Lang.

"You, who are you?"

A young girl flew out of Yaochi Yiran's body, looking at Su Lang in disbelief.

"Yao Chi Zhi Meng!"

Su Lang glanced at the girl's attribute panel and smiled, "You should know who I am. After all, you inherited the memory of Yaochi Yiran?"

"Langdi...Star Lord...Human Ancestor Su Lang!"

Yaochi Zhimeng's eyes widened and she lost her voice in horror, "You, you are the ancestor Su Lang!!"

Although horrified, although I feel incredible.

But Yaochi Zhimeng didn't doubt it, because through various details, she had already determined that the person in front of her was definitely Su Lang.


Su Lang smiled happily, "You tell me, after I return to the boundless universe, you are still the first person to believe in my identity!"

"You are really an ancestor!"

"Jimeng, a descendant of the younger Yaochi, knock on the ancestor!"

Yaochi Zhimeng knelt down with excitement and bowed deeply to Su Lang.

"stand up."

"From now on, just call me Langdi."

"I am really happy to see you."

"You now have a relatively pure human blood. It seems that Yaochi and the human intermarried more frequently."

Su Lang helped Yaochi Zhimeng up and said with a smile.


"After you disappeared, your subordinates, including the ancestor of Yan Fa of the Yaochi tribe, elected Lord Yan Hengxing for the event, and started to develop Canglan Star uphold your will."

"The Yaochi ethnic group was able to intermarry with the human race on a large scale because Yan Fa's ancestor was your old tribe. Later, their cultivation qualifications were generally greatly improved!"

Yaochi Zhimeng was talking about the past, and Su Lang suddenly remembered the scene when he had just entered the gate of exile from Blue Star.

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