One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1749: Su Lang didn’t lose a single hair

His eyes burst open and his hands pushed hard.

A small black round shield emerged, blocking Su Lang's side instantly.

Zhan Taiqing's two twisted dragon heads, one black and one white, were like slamming upwards, completely uncontrollably hitting the small black round shield!

boom! !

Obviously it is an extremely majestic eight-dus twisting power, and it still used the special attack of the hole card, and it was blocked by that small buckler!

Countless twisting power splashes.

However, no trace can approach Su Lang.

Because Tianjia's eight-sided shield can always block all the twisting power instantly!

From Zhan Taiqing's point of view, his twisting power hit the small black buckler like a demon.

Immediately afterwards, all the twisting powers were not annihilated, scattered, or poured back, in short, they did not harm Su Lang at all!

"This...what the **** is going on!?"

"It's impossible. My attack is one of my strongest cards. How can I not even hurt his hair!?"

"No, this is not true, I must be dazzled, I am wrong!"


Zhan Taiqing looked at Su Lang dumbfounded, the surprise in his heart had long since turned into horror and disbelief, and the whole person was even more shocked!

Obviously, you can kill Su Lang with absolute certainty!

But in the end, he didn't even get a single hair off, and the gap was too big!

The other side.

Feng Ziyu also stared at this scene dumbfounded.

He thought that Zhan Taiqing could easily overcome Su Lang, but he couldn't think that Zhan Taiqing's moves were all blocked!

"Friend Zhan Taiqing!"

"I didn't expect that you, as a teammate, would actually take a backlash and shoot me!"

Su Lang turned to look at Zhan Taiqing, with a cold sarcasm hanging from the corner of his mouth.

He had known before that Zhan Taiqing had no good intentions, perhaps he was going to cross the river to demolish the bridge, but he didn't expect Zhan Taiqing to be even more ruthless and shameless, so he stabbed the knife directly from the back!

"I do not believe!"

"I never believe you can stop me!"

"Su Lang, you must die, don't blame me!"

Zhan Taiqing suddenly burst out with a terrifying roar, his hideous face was full of unwillingness and fear.

"Ha ha!"

"Did you see my shield clearly? You dare to speak big without seeing it!"

Su Lang shook his head dismissively, and poured a large amount of innate qi into the eight-sided shield between his fingers.

"No matter what the shield is, I want you to die!"

Zhan Taiqing yelled like crazy, then frantically urged the mysterious chessboard to kill Su Lang.


Countless black and white chess pieces are like endless stars, forming a black and white thick fog dragon, whizzing towards Su Lang.


These supernatural powers that killed Su Lang from all directions, but turned their direction for no reason, and directly hit the top of the eight-sided shield of the sky.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of explosions.

A large amount of the twisting power of Eight Ducts was blocked by the eight-sided shield of Tianjiao, and then the twisting force of Jiu Du annihilated.


"Fuck me!"

"You **** old man, you want to hurt my master too, you are thinking of fart!"

Ah Jia let out an arrogant yelling, and he didn't look like a coward at all, even Su Lang looked at him.

"This, this is impossible!"

"Feng Ziyu, what are you waiting for, you and I join forces to kill him first!!"

Zhan Taiqing's face was twisted, and he did not hesitate to join forces with Feng Ziyu to kill Su Lang first, and then **** the Nine Dragon Coffin.


"What a Zhan Taiqing!"

"But what you said also makes sense, kill Su Lang first, kill you, perfect!"

Feng Ziyu's expression was gloomy, he had actually recognized that Su Lang's eight-sided shield was the Jiudu Godless Soldier!


How easy is it to activate the Jiudu Godless Soldier?

A supreme emperor of the Eight Crossing ranks will exhaust his mana with four or five times at most, and become a fish, no matter how good the weapon is, it will be useless!

and so.

Feng Ziyu agreed to Zhan Taiqing, planning to consume Su Lang first, and then seize the Nine Dragon Coffin.

"Xiaoyu Zangkong·Shan Slash!"

Feng Ziyu held the long sword in his hand, poured a large amount of the twisting power of the eight crosses, and displayed one of his hole cards.

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