One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1642: Can’t even carry shoes for Senior Su

"Su Lang!?"

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes flickering, and they were surprised.

What kind of person would he make a strong man like Zhan Taiqing so solemn?

"I know you must be very curious about this Daoist Su Lang."

Zhan Taiqing looked around at the disciples, "This Daoist Su Lang is the number one alchemist in Exile, and these pills were purchased from him."

"The First Alchemist in the Exile!"

"No wonder, it's no wonder that a god-less perfect quality pill can be refined!"

A supreme emperor wearing a green shirt and full of pill incense said with emotion, "Although I can also refine a godless pill, I have already talked about the elixir, and I am afraid that it is not worthy to give Su Lang Taoist friend shoes!"


"This is too scary!"

A slightly younger Supreme Emperor was horrified, "Uncle Third Master, we are the number one alchemist of the Ninth Qing Palace, so we can't carry shoes to Senior Su Lang?"


"You only know about taking pills, but you don't know the difficulty of the pill!"

The emerald green-clothed Supreme Emperor coldly snorted, "Daoist Su Lang can refine so many godless-level perfect pill, his alchemy attainments may have reached the realm of the beginning!"

"Oh my God!"

"The primordial realm! There is no primordial realm above the God level!"

Another supreme emperor was shocked, "The alchemy attainment reached the realm of the primordial beginning, and his cultivation must be terrifying too!"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately looked at Zhan Taiqing.

"Taoist Su Lang has just recovered, even if he cut five godless grades, these five people are not general."

"Although I sent a avatar to visit Daoist Su Lang before, his breath is only Sandu Godless."

"But I know, that is definitely not his true strength, and his true strength is probably not worse than mine!"

"By the way, when my clone just left, I saw Daoist Su Lang's 80 clones!"

Zhan Taiqing raised his head to look in the direction of Su Lang, with a hint of horror in his eyes, "Do you know what level of combat power the eighty clones are?"

"What level?"

Lei Qing was surprised, "Could it be possible that all of them are Godless?"

"Not bad!"

"All the 80 clones of Fellow Daoist Su Lang are Supreme Emperor! And all of them are Sandu level!"

Zhan Taiqing's face was solemn, "Even my avatar Yuan Qing saw him, there is no certainty that I can kill one of them!"

Hear this.

The fifteen Supreme Emperors all stagnated, their expressions freezing for a moment.


"How can Senior Su Lang have so many godless clones?"

"A total of 80 Sandu Godless Grades, the total number of Godless Grades in the Nine Qing Palaces of our Supreme Supreme Being is only twenty!"

Chang Qing said in disbelief, "We are the No. 1 power in the exile!"

"Huh, the frog at the bottom of the well!"

"How big is the world?"

"The godless-level exercise books are even more encompassing in the universe, even jumping out of the universe, not in the avenue!"

Zhan Taiqing reprimanded, "Daoist Su Lang's clone technique is indeed terrifying, but it is real, you must not doubt it!"

"Senior brother is right."

"The place of exile is still a corner of the infinite universe, it's just a small well for the entire infinite universe."

"The technique of Xuanqi clone is seen with my own eyes, so naturally there will be no fakes."

Xuan Qing, the second master of the Supreme Nine Qing Palace, said, "By the way, brother, with the 80 clones of Daoist Su Lang, will the probability of the battle of reincarnation lead to the coffin of Nine Dragons?"

"Yes indeed!"

"Senior Su Lang has a total of 80 Supreme Emperors!"

"This is comparable to the sum of all the godless levels of the Blue Blood Sky Leiyin Temple!"

Lei Qing was surprised, "The strength of our exile is equivalent to an increase of one and a half, more than any previous reincarnation era!"

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