One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1623: Fusion of Cosmos Grade Different Fire Devouring Sun Sky Flame

"Colorful burning heaven!"

Su Lang spread out his right hand again, and a group of colorful flames appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is a special fire formed by fusing 88 different fires with "Burning Heaven Great Emperor Jing", possessing various strange characteristics.

"Fen Tian, ??turn!"

Su Lang thought, and the colorful flame in his right hand suddenly turned into a ball of colorful envelopment.

Immediately, the black gold flame on the palm of his left hand suddenly looked like iron filings attracted by a magnet, and it rushed straight towards the entanglement and blended into it.

Immediately, 氤氲 began to rotate slowly, like a grinding disc-shaped nebula.

Not long.

The Sun-Biting Heavenly Flame was completely integrated into the colorful Burning Heavenly Flame.

The endlessly spinning 氤氲 also stopped spinning, returning to the previous colorful colors.

At this time, the colorful Burning Heaven Miaoyan had swallowed the Sun Devouring Heaven Flame, and he was immediately promoted from a Wuxian-level heterogeneous fire to a Supreme Emperor-level heterogeneous fire!

It contains eighty-eight kinds of flames, such as ‘green lotus and dragon pattern’, ‘xuanyun pure moon’, ‘crape myrtle indefinite’, ‘rock blood and dark death’, and ‘forbidden spirit of heaven’.

Its characteristic level has also been raised to the godless level, which is suitable for the battle of godless level!


"Unexpectedly, a cosmic grade alien fire can actually improve all the characteristics of the alien fire!"

"These strange fires all have the characteristics of'transcending the universe' and can resist the existence of twisting power!"

"With these flames, facing a godless opponent, I have another terrifying hole card!"


Su Lang looked at the brand new colorful Burning Heaven Miaoyan in his hand, and his eyes were full of surprises.

Just this colorful burning sky magic flame has the characteristics of attack, concealment, defense, amplification, trapping enemies, etc., which can be regarded as a twisting power with distinct attributes.

In the battle, it can definitely play an unexpected role.

"I knew it was extraordinary."

"It now appears that the potential of Alien Fire greatly exceeds my prediction."

"I don't know if there is still a strange fire in this place of exile, if there is, you must get it!"

Su Lang licked his lips. He who tasted the sweetness wanted to melt into more strange fire now.

of course.

Make bricks without straw.

There is no other strange fire in his hands, and Su Lang can only temporarily shelve it.

Taking the colorful Fentian Miaoyan back into his body, Su Lang took out the Heart of Devouring Flow.

The Mental Arithmetic of Qi Liu is a special transcendent organ in Jing Yuanbai's body, which is used to condense the special twisting power of "Li Liu".

After condensing enough heart of the flow, you can perform the flow of the lore!

Su Lang had personally experienced the horror of "Sweeping the Flow Lore".

This move can directly engulf and control the enemy's power to counter-kill without going through any process of absorption and transformation!

Whether it is conventional power or twisting power, it will be directly engulfed, a counterattack!

The stronger the force being entrapped, the stronger the flow of devouring lore, which will often exceed the enemy's own strength and carry out leapfrog counter-kills!

If it weren't for Su Lang's system function, he could switch positions with the clone instantly when the space rules collapsed, he would definitely lose in this trick.

"However, this trick is mine now!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched, revealing a faint smile.

The Heart of Devouring Flow is completely preserved by the system, just like the Supreme Emperor Dao Jing, forming a special whole, which can be used directly.

Of course, the Supreme Emperor Dao Jing was a tasteless one for Su Lang.

The heart of phagocytosis is different. This thing can be put into the universe of life, instilling various energies to cultivate the ‘destructive force of phagocytosis’!


This thing can also be used to refine tools, if it is refined into a godless soldier, the effect will be better!

Although Su Lang did not have a complete refining formula, if he refined it randomly, he would not get the desired result.

But he has a key decomposition function!

If the refined weapon does not meet expectations, it will be decomposed directly without losing any material at all!

"It's a pity that the refining materials are too scarce now."

"It's better to put it in the pubic universe to absorb energy first, and then use it to refine Godless Soldiers when you have the materials!"

Su Lang made a decision while his thoughts flickered.

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