"no no!"

In Lu Mingxuan's desperate and numb soul, a trace of panic suddenly flashed like thunder.

But the next moment.

He was hit by Su Lang's fingers and turned into fly ash!

"Ding! You get the Soul of the Supreme Emperor (broken)*1, the universe of life (broken)*1, and the Buddha Sky Star Dragon (broken)*1!"

The system prompted that this is Lu Mingxuan's funeral song.

But this funeral song seems a bit short!

"Fighting such a big battle, just such a trophy, alas, I am too difficult."

Su Lang slowly shook his head, showing regret, but it was a pity that he couldn't crush Lu Mingxuan and kill him perfectly, otherwise there would be more than these things.


Su Lang took out the three items he had obtained.

The first one is the broken soul of the Supreme Emperor.

The Soul of the Supreme Emperor is different, originally divided into three layers.

The first layer represents the red hazy mist of the soul and body, the second layer represents the colorful colors of the soul and the universe, and the third layer is the golden light spot that represents the soul's origin.

And the broken soul of the Supreme Emperor obtained from Lu Mingxuan has only the third layer of golden light spots left.

And this golden light spot consumes most of it, and the rest is hard to see with the naked eye.

"What can be called broken?"

"There is only one thing left!"

Su Lang was speechless, then opened the Void Dragon Vein Heaven Realm and threw it in.

This golden light spot quickly absorbed a large amount of incense aspirations and turned into an incense creature.

Perhaps this broken soul origin from the godless level will make a difference in the Void Dragon Vein Heaven Realm.

Of course, there is no way to escape Su Lang's palm.


Su Lang took out the second item, the broken universe of life.

The normal universe of godless life is spherical like a jewel.

But this broken universe of life is dark, and the surface is covered with countless cracks.

The Godless universe is already very stable, and can exist alone for a long time when exposed to the boundless universe.

Now that the life universe has become like this, it can be seen that it has been completely squeezed.

Su Lang also didn't need the help of the Godless Soldiers, and directly dispatched the clone to enter the universe along the rift.


A dark and dead space appeared before his eyes.

The life planet in the life universe has completely collapsed, forming countless dust and small meteorites, filling the entire life universe.

"Lying down."

"Even the treasure land has collapsed."

"The Avenue of Rules has been chaotic and annihilated!"

"If this universe hadn't been put away by my perfect plundering function, I'm afraid it would completely dissipate when Lu Mingxuan died."


Su Lang looked at everything in the universe through his clone, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

But he still did not give up on sending a clone to search the entire universe.

As the saying goes, Huang Tian pays off, and Su Lang really found something.

These things are dead, and there is no energy to consume, so they can be preserved in the endless dragon bite.

Among them, most of them are some debris.

For example, the inanimate tools made by the indigenous creatures in this life universe.

But these debris are useless.

The only useful things Su Lang found were some exercises classics.

Almost all of these exercises classics are recorded on mortal materials.

Only one of the exercises is recorded in godless transcendental materials.

This exercise is exactly the "Four Dragons Treasures" practiced by Lu Mingxuan.

The material used to record this exercise turned out to be a godless dragon crystal!

Although because of the endless dragon bite, this dragon crystal was torn apart and almost lost all its extraordinary characteristics.

However, after all, there was still a little power left, and a small part of the exercises inside.

If someone else finds this thing, it will be of no use to keep it.

But Su Lang is different, he has the function of ‘fragment repair’!

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