One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1599: Four Dragons Baojian Endless Dragon Bite!

"Fotu! No--!"

"Dog offal, I fight with you, today is not for the complete, just for the jade!"

"Four Dragons-Endless Dragon Bite!"

When Lu Mingxuan saw the Buddha Tianxinglong shattered, his eyes burst into tears, blood and tears splashed, and he launched a real suicide attack!

This is the ultimate trump card he has shown at the cost of everything he has!

He will consume every mana, every cell, every soul, every great power and the entire universe of life, and consume all the energy of heaven and earth within a light-year radius, and die with the enemy!

The moment when the endless dragon bite is displayed, it can no longer be described by words such as earth-shaking and earth-shaking.

It's the terrifying catastrophe of the collision of the planets, the world-destroying disaster of the complete collapse of the world and the annihilation of flying ash!

I saw all matter within a light-year radius, even light, suddenly collapsed around Lu Mingxuan!

Even the spell that Su Lang used with his own mana was swallowed!

Only the power of twisting detaches from the universe and remains unaffected!


"This is a black hole!"

"Unexpectedly, it will explode next..."

Su Lang stood still in the storm that was enough to tear a godless class, his brows raised slightly.

And his thoughts had not flashed before, and suddenly an explosion happened.

The black hole formed by Lu Mingxuan suddenly exploded!

The godless power of Wudu has come to the world!

A burst of energy is like a nine-day galaxy pouring around!

A lot of twisting force is condensed into a torrent, all methods are changed, and everything you pass will be annihilated!

Only Su Lang's breaking sword is like a mainstay, resisting the power of endless dragon bite!

But Lu Mingxuan is already so poor that he even died as a donkey, but Su Lang still has the Dragon Terrace without God, Youtian Sword, Bright Sword, Xin Jue Wu Feng Sword, and Xing Cuan Yun He!

The dragon's nest of the Godless Dragon Platform suddenly unfolded, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if a big net would pounce on ordinary power to absorb!



Ao Bing used the captured power to condense into a large amount of twisting power, and blasted out like a serial cannon!

Before Lu Mingxuan absorbed the power in Su Lang's attack.

At this time, Longchao absorbed the power of Lu Mingxuan's attack, and it can be said to be treating his body in his own way!

Except for the Godless Dragon Terrace and the Youtian Sword, the Xinjuewufeng Sword and the Bright Sword were held in the hands of the Godless avatar condensed by the stars and clouds, and they swung at the same time.

A wave of twisting power joins the battle group to counteract the twisting power of the endless dragon bite.

Groups of gentle and warm light groups appeared on Su Lang, causing his recovery speed to surge again.

Under the action of the Bright Sword, the Great Sun Haotian, the Dantian Universe Sun, and the superb elixir as many as jelly beans.

Su Lang recovered a half within milliseconds, and he recovered all within a blink of an eye!

"This kind of battery life is afraid that even dead ghosts can be scared to death again!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched, but his vigilance did not relax.

Although his strength has reached the Wudu Godless Level, he actually relies on the accumulation of conventional strength.

The current Su Lang is still at the quasi godless level, unable to rely on himself to condense the power of distortion, and all the distortion power displayed is relying on godless soldiers.

And Su Lang's Godless Soldiers, the strongest is only Sandu Godless Dragon Terrace.

The quality of the twisting power they condense is not as good as Lu Mingxuan.

So we can only fight by quantity!

And the power of condensing and twisting requires energy, and most of these energy must be provided by the master of the emperor soldier.

So Su Lang himself had practiced a lot of founding-level exercise techniques!

There was a sun in the body, and it was still a fragment of the real sun in the boundless world.

There is also the professional counterpart of Da Ri Hao Tian Tu, as well as the densely packed quasi-no-god-level perfect pill and no-god-level perfect pill.

In addition, the godless-level clones condensed by the stars and clouds are exhausting themselves.

How can these all be together to condense enough twisting power to offset the power of Lu Mingxuan's endless dragon bite.

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