One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1582: Use it as a mount to pull the wind

Of course, there are exceptions to Su Lang who are immune to Longwei.

In addition, the godless dragon platform is naturally able to condense the power of distortion.

And because it is born to rely on energy to attack, it has a unique advantage in this regard, the same innate qi can condense more twisting power!

"Not bad!"

"One more weapon that can be used!"

Su Lang smiled happily, "Moreover, you can use it as a mount if you don't usually fight, to pull the wind!"


He put his gaze on those Diyuan Xianyuan again, and issued an instruction: "System, deposit all the Xianyuan Diyuan I got into the balance!"

"Ding! The balance has been deposited!"

I saw in the mysterious space, the number behind the balance suddenly rose from 24330 to 111580!

"There are more than one hundred thousand subordinate emperor sources!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth, "System, upgrade me the one-key empowerment function!"

"Ding! Consumption of 100,000 lower multiplier sources, the one-key empowerment function has been upgraded to 19, the current empowerment efficiency is 100%, and the number of daily empowerments has been increased to 38!"

"It's only one level to level 20."

"I don't know what kind of bonus feature will be given."

Su Lang smiled slightly, keeping a trace of anticipation.

Immediately after.

He turned his gaze to the exercise books he had just harvested.


Except for some lower-level exercises, the other advanced exercises are exactly the same as those obtained from Liang Xiaofei.

"It seems that the desire to synthesize a brand-new Godless-level technique has fallen back."

Su Lang curled his lips, and then took out two life universes, it was Che Chenghua and Zong Wenshan!

These are two godless life universes, as high-level as the one from Liang Xiaofei, with perfect rules and avenues, almost independent of the universe.

"Open the channel!"

Su Lang's heart moved, and the dragon button on the Godless Dragon Platform opened his mouth and let out a twist of force.

Suddenly, a crack was opened on the surface of one of the living universes, forming a stable channel.

"Clone dispatch."

Su Lang directly dispatched a clone into this universe of life, and used perception sharing.


A deadly universe appeared before his eyes.

A super-large planet full of cracks is suspended in the universe, surrounded by two clusters of yin and yang slowly escaping energy.

On the planet of life, all creatures are completely dead, not even a single bacteria left.

Obviously, the master of the universe of life has exhausted all costs.

Su Lang controlled the clone to walk on this vast planet of life, and the cities were full of corpses.

Some corpses still maintain their pre-death actions, such as meditating, practicing martial arts, dual cultivation and enlightenment...

These corpses were turned into black, dry remains, which would turn into ashes when touched.

Su Lang even found nests of dragon corpses in the withered virgin forest.

These dragons are different from the colorful dragons in Liang Xiaofei's universe. They are purple and have different bloodlines.

And these dragon corpses also lost all use value, for Su Lang, it was no more precious than a handful of loess.

Immediately after.

He explored another universe of life and found that the situation was the same.

The planet of life cracked, the sun and the moon collapsed, and all creatures died regardless of their cultivation level.

"It seems that only some precious land and a lot of ordinary land can be harvested."

Su Lang raised his eyebrows, withdrew from the clone, and returned to his deity.

Then send a large number of avatars to the two universes to dig out the treasures inside.

So far.

The trophies obtained from Che Chenghua and Zong Wenshan have been counted.

"Next, continue to search for the lost Xuanwu."

"The space-time turbulence near the border of the Eastern Wilderness is basically searched again, and I can only go to other places."

"Where should I go then? The West is too far, to the South or the North?"


After some thoughts, Su Lang decided to go south.

Because the battlefields used to kill Lin Fang, the leader of Guangming, and Emperor Gouyue were all in the south, which was a place that could be sent directly.

But the north needs to send a clone to expand the map on a large scale to reach it quickly.

Since the South can arrive faster, then the South!

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