One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1576: The true power of the Supreme Emperor

"Wow! Brother Su is about to break through again!"

"It's so fast, you deserve to be Brother Su Lang!"

"Brother Su Lang, come on!"


The four women exclaimed, and Su Lang, who was stunned with a smile, took Blue Star back.

Immediately after.

He glanced at the cultivators who had all turned golden.

"It's been 24 hours."

"Equivalent to a Second Great Emperor's 7.2 billion years of cultivation!"

"Although I am a soul-body and soul-universe fusion at the same time, so many cultivation bases will definitely raise my realm to a higher level!"


Su Lang took a deep breath and immediately issued instructions to the system, "System, give me continuous breakthroughs until the cultivation base is exhausted!"

"Ding! Start breaking through!"

The system prompts that the sound has not fallen off.

In the world of Su Lang's knowledge of the sea, a large stock of golden mist disappeared immediately.

Part of these golden mists merged into Su Lang's internal organs and limbs, and some merged into the universe of life in ten directions!

Each cell completely merged with Su Lang's soul.

Su Lang's soul-body fusion rate soared, 10%...30%...70%...!

The soul fusion degree is also constantly increasing, but because there are ten life universes, the progress is far behind the soul body fusion degree.


Su Lang's soul-body fusion is stable at 100%, which is the realm of the supreme emperor.

At this point, Su Lang's life essence has made another leap, and every cell and even molecular atom in his body has taken a higher level!

His lifespan has also been greatly increased. With the addition of "Reincarnation Eternal Qing Jue" and a book of emperor-level body forging techniques, it has reached three billion years!

Although this is not eternal life, it can be called longevity!

In addition to the soul-body fusion, Su Lang's soul-space fusion has also increased a lot, and finally stabilized at 10%. Looking at the surface, there is only the realm of a great emperor.


Su Lang has ten life universes!

This ten percent is almost equivalent to a complete universe of life!

"The soul body is 100% integrated!"

"Ten life universes and ten per cent souls are fused!"

"If there is only one universe in my life, I am afraid I will be promoted to the Godless level soon!"

"However, although my realm has not reached the godless level, my strength has steadily entered the godless level!"

Su Lang's eyes were superb and exquisite, and he felt the newly acquired power in detail.

The soul body is complete, bringing unimaginable explosive powers, and even the slightest bit of these powers can be perfectly controlled.

Although Soul Yu only had 10% fusion, it also allowed Su Lang to master dozens of unseen rules that he had never seen before, and his control of the power of the world became more and more exquisite! !

His control of the universe of life is also more nuanced.

As long as he wants to, he can clearly see most of the details in the Shifang universe.

With just one thought, you can accurately find a certain grass, a certain cobblestone on a certain life planet...

This is something that the previous Su Lang could not do.

"This feeling of controlling the universe is really fascinating!"

Su Lang had a deep light in his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the attribute panel.

"Properties panel!"

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: human

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Quasi-Supreme Emperor

[Attack level]: Yidu Supreme Emperor

[Defensive level]: Yidu Supreme Emperor

[Shenfa level]: A crossing of the Supreme Emperor

[Endurance level]: A crossing of the Supreme Emperor

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Broken Nirvana

[Mastering the exercises]: The Infinite Heart Sutra, "Ten Thousand Laws into One: Unnamed" (Great Emperor Level, Founding)

[Activated system functions]: one-key practice function (level 41), one-key martial arts function (level 40), clone dispatch function (level 40), one-key treasure hunt function (level 40), one-key alchemy function (level 15) ), one-key mixer function (level 15), one-key refinement function (level 15), one-key synthesis function (level 15), one-key empowerment function (level 18), one-key enhancement function (level 1), one-key Decomposition function (no grade)

"Four-dimensional attributes have reached the level of Godlessness in all aspects!"

"Next, when "Returning to Nature and Returning to One Emperor Record" reaches the founding level, it will definitely improve greatly!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth and smiled, "Che Chenghua, Zong Wenshan, your death date is not far away!"

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