One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1574: The first emperor level upgrade

I saw that the cultivator had turned from white to gold again!

"Ding! The sea of ??repair is full, do you break through?"


"Break immediately!"

Su Lang directly issued the order.

Suddenly, almost endless aura appeared in his body.

At the same time, part of the golden mist in Su Lang's Consciousness Sea also suddenly disappeared.

These golden mists are his broken Nirvana soul!

And the part that disappeared was divided into two, which were respectively integrated into the pubic universe and the heart!

This is exactly the process of fusion of soul and universe and soul body!

The average emperor needs countless time to complete this process.

However, Su Lang had already practiced more than one soul-body fusion technique, and the soul-space fusion technique had also practiced a Huadao Great Emperor Sutra!

All these exercises have reached the founding level, so Su Lang has no bottleneck on the two roads of soul-body-spirit fusion.

At this moment.

A large amount of Su Lang's soul power was integrated into the heart and the Dantian universe.


Su Lang felt that his control of the heart had reached the limit, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Although it was possible to achieve relatively perfect control before, it was impossible to control every molecule and atom like it is now.

Moreover, the fusion of soul will and flesh and blood is not as simple as one plus one, but it can burst out even more incredible power!

That kind of mysterious state that is almost indescribable, probably the word ‘angry blow’ can express one part in a trillion.

And "a blow with anger" is just the most superficial means to explode stronger power with the fusion of will and body!

Soul-body fusion is to always maintain the strongest will and the strongest body fusion to explode, and each move can exert its ultimate strength.

This is a simultaneous sublimation of the spirit and the body, a higher level of life completely reborn!

at this time.

Su Lang's heart has completed the fusion of soul and body and has become a higher level of flesh and blood!

In addition to soul-body fusion, Su Lang also took a step on the road of soul-yu fusion!

A large amount of soul power has been integrated into the Shifang Life Universe, and Su Lang has improved his control over the Shifang Universe!

The ten vast universes of life, in front of Su Lang, are like high-definition videos turned into Blu-ray videos, becoming clearer and clearer.

Moreover, the rule avenue of self-understanding, and the rule avenue of Shifang Universe are also more compatible!

The two sides complement each other, and the degree of harmony has gone to the next level!

Although Su Lang understood more than 3,900 rules and more than 3,600 imaginary number rules, they were still imperfect in reality.

And his condensed avenues are only 490, which is too far away from the realm of Consummation.

Therefore, with the initial level of soul fusion, Su Lang felt more remote rules and avenues on life planets such as Blue Star.

Once the fusion of soul and universe is completed, he will be able to master these rules of avenues perfectly, and complement his foundation on the avenues of rules.

In addition, the ability to control the universe of life has naturally reached the perfect level.

Can manipulate anything in the life universe except time, even a small dust.

"Hey, wait until then, can you be called the true creator."

Su Lang chuckled, then glanced at his attribute panel again.

But except for the change in the realm, nothing else has changed.

Su Lang didn't feel disappointed either, after all, although he now mastered a lot of exercises, they were all of the Great Emperor.

Who is the Supreme Emperor who has not cultivated a godless-level technique?

He can pile up his combat power to infinitely close to the godless level with various great emperor-level techniques, which is super abnormal!

Moreover, Su Lang believed that as long as he broke through a few more small realms, his daily combat power would probably be able to break through to the godless level.

At that time, in addition to being unable to use the power of distortion, other attack methods will never be inferior to the godless level!

With a trace of anticipation.

While continuing to refine parts, Su Lang was accumulating cultivation base, planning to break through to a higher level in one breath.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded suddenly!

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