At this time.

"huh huh huh huh!"

"I see, the reason why you don't resist with all your strength is to create a bit of fun. You want to resist symbolically and arouse my desire to attack. You are so good!"

The Wushuang host who blocked Li Xianyang's attack grinned, showing a perverted smile.


The bean-sized light on the candlestick flickered, turning into countless stars, condensed into chains to surround Li Xianyang.

This is to be restrained and tired!

Li Xianyang's face turned black in an instant!

Su Lang was a little confused and dumbfounded.

This Wushuang poster still thinks that the one in front of him is "You Weaving". I really believe my own judgment!

"Jie Jie!"

"I understand your careful thoughts, come on, baby!"

The Wushuang poster controlled the Five Great Emperor, and the smile on his face gradually became more and more abnormal.

"I vomited!"

"Deadly, perverted! Labor and capital are men!"

Li Xianyang finally couldn't help it, and instantly removed the shelter of the Unreal Rule Avenue and the Soul Chasing Emperor Palace, and its original appearance suddenly emerged.

The gradual smile of the Wushuang original poster gradually solidified, and the excitement in his eyes instantly transformed into incredible and endless shame.

Even the deity who was far away in the Wushuang Building suddenly covered his heart, and his breath was disordered, as if he was crazy!


His unparalleled host, actually said so many shameful words to a man, and produced such shameful intentions.

This is really shameless and disqualifying, okay! ?

Immediately after.

The Wushuang original poster realized that he was being tricked, and the shame in his heart instantly transformed into endless shame.

This kind of shame is more and more profound than before Li Xianyang slapped him in the face!


"I will surely cause you to suffer the most painful punishment in the exile!!!"

The Wushuang original poster roared frantically, and his breath rushed violently, blasting Zhiyushan's palace to pieces.

next moment.

He stared at Li Xianyang, one hand slowly raised, and the chain formed by the supreme wishful lamp grew spikes, exuding a heart-palpitating breath.

Immediately afterwards, the chain gradually tightened, and that strange force was about to pierce Li Xianyang's body and soul!

But at this moment.

Li Xianyang sneered, and his body instantly turned into a phantom, about to disappear.

Not bad.

It was Su Lang who initiated the avatar dispatch to dispatch Li Xianyang to other places.

"Want to escape!?"

"What kind of secret is this!? Even my supreme wishful lamp can't stop it!?"

The Wushuang host sneered first, and immediately realized that the Supreme Ruyi Lantern could not stop Li Xianyang from disappearing, and his face suddenly appeared in horror.

Without thinking about it, he immediately squeezed it with a big hand, and the chains formed by the supreme wishful lamp instantly kneaded.

A trace of blood overflowed from the gap in the chain!

"The dog byproducts really ran away!!"

Seeing the glimmer of blood, the Wushuang host was shaking with anger.

He knew that although the opponent was injured, he did not die, but managed to escape.

A little Seven Great Emperor escaped from his dignified and unparalleled host, this is another great shame!


"No matter who you are, I will find you and make you pay a heavy price!"

The Wushuang original poster was so angry that his eyes burst out with blood, and the Five Great Emperors under his control were about to explode!

Immediately after.

The Wushuang original poster controlled the five great emperors who had been seriously injured and dying, and brought the dying Qiao Zhen from outside, and quickly left Zhiyu Mountain.

next moment.

The supreme wishful lantern talisman, which was left in the Zhiyushan palace and turned into a chain, exploded.

Although it has been consumed two or three times, it still possesses very terrifying power, and instantly wiped the entire Zhiyu Mountain from the world.

Even the earth in a radius of tens of millions of miles has been shortened by thousands of feet and turned into a vast pit!

at the same time.

The other side.


A phantom gradually condensed into a **** body, it was Li Xianyang.

It takes a little bit of time for the clone to be dispatched, even if it is less than the time required to replace the clone, but this time still exists.

Because of this little time, Li Xianyang almost died under the talisman of the supreme wishful lantern.

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