One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1452: Dedication of Emperor Huowu


Su Lang did not act recklessly immediately.

Instead, continue to wait, waiting for the end of the time limit for swallowing clones, waiting for the swallowed clones to cool down again!

During this process.

Su Lang did not stop searching for the three daughters of Chu Xiaobei.

His remaining thirty-odd avatars and countless treasure hunting flying flying gliders are still advancing frantically, looking for the unknown three daughters of Chu Xiaobei.


Su Lang also used this time to count the spoils obtained by killing Emperor Huowu.

First, it is a martial spirit of the quasi-superior emperor's rank, and second is the emperor Daojing and the universe of life.

In addition, there is a broken defensive Great Emperor's Army to resist the sky wall.

In the end, there are less than 20 million high-quality fairy sources, various materials, and two emperor-level secret techniques "Randeng Dafa" and "Netherworld Dragon Vein Heaven".

Su Lang first took out the Quasi-Godless Martial Spirit.

This martial soul is already different from the ordinary Emperor Wu and even the soul of the Great Emperor.

It has turned into a misty, smog, with a small golden crystal on the center of the eyebrow.

"This is the soul of the emperor whose soul and body are perfectly integrated."

"Most of the souls in the broken nirvana have been integrated into the body, that is, the smoke-like part."

"And that small golden crystal is probably the remaining part after the emperor body is perfectly integrated into the emperor soul."

"This part should be used to integrate into the universe of life, but unfortunately there is too little to embark on the path of soul fusion."

"This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for the vast majority of soul-body fusion emperors to step on the path of soul-space fusion."

"At the quasi-no-god level, the soul has become a huge obstacle to the promotion of warriors."

"It seems that I still have to strengthen my soul a lot, and practice some new exercises to train the soul. The previous exercises are no longer good."

While thinking about it, Su Lang put the quasi godless soul into the storage space while taking out the second treasure, the life universe of Emperor Huowu.

After being perfectly plundered, the life universe of Emperor Huo Wu also turned into a miniature version of the life universe sand table model.

But compared to the ordinary life universe, it is not only larger, but also brighter, and the aura emanating from it is more perfect.

Obviously, during the long years, the Great Emperor Huowu has made great efforts to grow and develop his life universe.


With a thought, Su Lang opened the universe of life and sent a clone to come in.


An extremely huge planet appeared before his eyes.

This planet is huge, with a diameter of only 20 light-years, much larger than the dark star!

In addition, the Great Emperor Huo Wu actually created thirty pure fire-system avenue satellites for this planet.

They are like thirty red moons hanging in the sky, and like thirty little suns.

"It's not small."

A tick in the corner of Su Lang's mouth, the 30 little fire-type suns alone are equivalent to at least 300,000 fire-type avenues!

Looking at the planet of life, there are also treasures of various attributes.

Many of them are even rare treasures of rules that Su Lang has never seen before.

Su Lang glanced over and made some rough statistics.

With the addition of the 30 little suns in the sky, the total number of treasure lands has reached more than 2.3 million!

But Su Lang was not very surprised about this, but had expected it.

Rule treasures can be cast manually.

As long as the power of the great avenue is used to cultivate ordinary land at all times, after a very long period of time, ordinary land will gradually become a treasure.

It's not that this treasure in the universe of life was cultivated by Emperor Huowu.

But in the land of exile, countless warriors grow, kill, and fall one by one.

Throughout the ages, they have grabbed land from the land of exile to create their own universe of life. After death, if there is no accident, the land will return to the land of exile.

The treasure they cultivated was inherited by future generations.

In the long river of time, the warriors cultivated more and more treasures, and the later ones inherited more.

Most of the treasures in the life universe of Emperor Huowu were not forged by himself, but ready-made!

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