One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1433: It really is a place of exile!


The violent turbulence of time and space is coming.

The defensive mask on Su Lang's body showed signs of disintegration in an instant.

The smell of death caught on his mind, and Su Lang couldn't help his pupils shrink suddenly, and his whole body was in cold sweat!

"Space Avenue!"

Su Lang immediately unfolded the space avenue rules, and the powerful space power suddenly rushed out.

Last time Su Lang had not yet condensed the Avenue of Space, and only using space rules to fight the turbulence of time and space was of no avail.

This time it was different. He had already condensed the space avenue, which was close to perfect.

In addition, this time the gate of exile was more stable, so the space avenue took effect, smoothing out the strong spatial turbulence in most of the time and space turbulence.

However, the deadliest thing about the Gate of Exile was the turbulence of time, and Su Lang was powerless at all.

At this moment.

The horrible time turbulence hit.

Su Lang's figure was constantly changing, suddenly looking old and young, very strange.

And Su Lang also felt that his body had suffered a terrible torture, and part of his emperor's body was directly necrotic.

The situation is very critical!

Fortunately, Canglan Star's World Consciousness took action at this time.

I saw the majestic world consciousness carrying Wish Li Baoyu directly into the gate of exile.

May the Libaoyu collapse immediately, and the omnipotent aspiration power will turn into a stable space-time force to resist the tsunami-like time turbulence.

Although I wish there was only one piece of Libaoyu, the turbulence of time in the Gate of Exile had been calmed for most, reaching the range that Su Lang could bear.


Su Lang's figure disappeared into the dark gate of exile!

"Your Majesty Langdi, must arrive safely in the place of exile!"

"His Majesty Langdi is invincible, and soon, he will return with Chu Guliang and the others, for sure!"


Each of the emperors on Canglan Star watched the gradually closing black passage, kneeling in prayer silently.

The other side.

Su Lang only felt that a long time had passed, and it seemed that after only a moment, the turbulent flow of time and space around his body had completely disappeared.

"Arrived in the exile!?"

Su Lang frowned, tried to open his eyes while holding back the pain, but found that he couldn't do it.

Because his eyes are completely necrotic.

In addition to the eyes, other parts of the body have also been severely traumatized.

Moreover, these are traumas caused by the turbulence of time and space, which are difficult to treat.

"It seems that I can only commit suicide."

Su Lang sighed in his heart and thought, "Clone dispatch!"


A clone appeared in front of Su Lang.

Immediately afterwards, Su Lang smashed his head with a palm, triggering death replacement.

The mysterious power that transcended everything came and made Su Lang reborn, and all his injuries disappeared. The good could not be better.


"I didn't expect to have suffered such severe trauma, and I don't know if Chu Xiaobei and the others were injured."

Su Lang frowned slightly, "At that time, Canglan Star used more than one piece of Wish Li Baoyu, at least seven or eight yuan. It should be able to ensure their safety and worry-free."

Suppress the slightest worry in my heart.

Su Lang unfolded his mental power and looked around, and a brand new scene appeared before his eyes!

This is a huge circular valley with five terrifying hooks on one side.

At a glance, it was as if some unimaginable behemoth reached out and took a piece of the land, causing this deep pit to appear.

"At least it is a giant creature of the same level as my world, and the remaining aura is very strong, reaching the level of the Ninth Great Emperor."

Su Lang took a deep breath, and only from this deep hole could see the tip of the dangerous iceberg in this place.

Immediately after.

Su Lang's mental power continued to spread out, and soon reached the limit of the detection range-more than a dozen solar systems the size.

But the edge of mental power detection is still a thick land!

Su Lang's figure flashed, and he flew away in a random direction, and the detection range moved accordingly.

But the earth is still within the range of perception, as if the earth is endless and without edges.

"Such a vast land... it really is a place of exile!"

Su Lang was completely sure of this in his heart, and couldn't help feeling happy.

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