"It's okay."

"My side will probably go to the Exile soon."

"You just pretend to be successful and return to Cicada Dragon Star, remember to behave as usual."

Su Lang said lightly, "In addition, you secretly pay attention to these planets under my command, and don't let them have any accidents."

"My servant, please follow orders!"

Yuan Sanlin knelt to lead the command.

In fact, he was very shocked at the place where Su Lang was going to exile, after all, it was a place where almost everyone would die.

However, he did not dare to speak at all when he asked where a servant had the qualifications to be beaked.


Su Lang suddenly asked, "Do you Cicada Dragon Star have a wish for Li Baoyu?"


"Lord, may Li Baoyu, an emperor-level treasure, don't know how many people are staring."

"Once there is a wish for Li Baoyu, the world ruler will definitely use it as soon as possible."

"Our wish-libaoyu of Cicada Dragon Star has long been used up, and the new wish-libaoyu has not yet condensed."

Yuan Sanlin replied, "Under normal circumstances, only extremely remote planets where few people set foot on it, can it be possible to retain the wish for Baoyu."

"That's it."

"It seems that Tian Can waits for six planets to be out of play."

"These six planets even know the coordinates of a small chamber of commerce like Goochen, and they have long been exposed to the starry sky. It's strange that Li Baoyu can retain the wish."

"Those outside world powers who are unable to seize the Wish Li Baoyu of the world's consciousness can instruct and cultivate the local indigenous people and use them as tools for capturing Wish Li Baoyu to achieve their goals."

"At this time, the best way is to find a planet farther away than Canglan Star. Only in this way can we get the wishing treasure."

Su Lang nodded slightly, thinking in his heart, "However, those six planets can still ask, what if there is a wish for Li Baoyu?"

Thinking of this, Su Lang gave a wry smile, sighing inwardly that it is really difficult to go to the exile.

"Yuan Sanlin."

Su Lang looked down at Yuan Sanlin, "You go back to Dragon Star now, and behave as usual. A few people here will take care of it."

"The servant understands!"

Yuan Sanlin kowtowed his head, "please rest assured, master!"

"Go ahead."

Su Lang waved his hand, put the Xin Jue Wu Feng Sword into the storage space, and dispatched a clone to replace it with Tian Can Xing.


Su Lang went all the way through Tiancan, Dongzhen, Jijun...Antian, Lanling, Judu...and all the planets under his command. The result was as expected, and there was no wish for Baoyu!


"I found twenty or so planets, and there is no one piece of Wish Li Baoyu!"

"At the beginning, Chu Xiaobei and the others were rescued by Canglan Star Consciousness with the wish of Baoyu. It was really lucky."

Su Lang sighed, and then returned to Canglan Star.

Among the planets under his command, Canglan Star is already the most remote planet.

If you want to continue searching, you must go to the extreme east of the star sea.

The star field in the extreme east is unknown to Su Lang.

However, he wants to explore a star field, much easier than other great emperors!

"Clone dispatch!"

"Baiying avatar!"

With a thought in Su Lang, clones and avatars emerged out of thin air, and then turned into 3,600 clones!

Immediately after.

Su Lang dispatched these avatars to explore the remote places in the far east.

In the middle of the Xinghai area, the distance between Emperor Wudi-class life planets is generally hundreds of thousands of light years.

But in remote places, life planets are very rare, and one cannot be found far away.

Even if Su Lang had more than 3,000 Great Emperor-level clones continuously dispatching and exploring, it took three full minutes! !

Uh... three full minutes...

An ice blue planet appeared in the vision of a clone.

Su Lang immediately used the clone to replace it and came outside of this planet.

This is a planet smaller than Canglan Star, and it is icy blue, and even the atmosphere is like ice fog.


Su Lang took out the Xinghai Wanfangyi and asked, "Is this planet in the record?"

"Enlighten Master, not here!"

The Spirit Compass replied respectfully, "This should be a planet that is rarely discovered by outsiders."

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