One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1403: Qi Yunkai, talk about the past


Qi Yun nodded.

Su Lang smiled and said: "Then, tell me about your experience in the Exile, I'm very curious."

'I am also very curious! ’

Gu Lingge secretly cast a grateful look at Su Lang, ‘Master never told me, I can finally hear it now! ’

Qi Yunkai took a deep breath and began to tell the memory:

"One hundred and three thousand years ago of the boundless universe."

"Because I was persecuted, I fell into exile by chance."

"At that time, I was just a quasi-great emperor. This level is almost a low-level existence in the exile."

"Later I met some people and joined an organization. Many of us practiced together and received the guidance of many emperors. The cultivation base has made rapid progress."

"But then, I finally learned of the existence of the "End of the War" and knew that I was just a stepping stone to nurture."

"So, I escaped from that organization and found a place to hide."

"There are many people who choose like me, but although we escaped, no one came to catch us."

"Because no one believes that we can cultivate faster than those who are superior without any guidance. Anyway, we will not die in the end."

Gu Lingge felt a chill in his heart and secretly said: ‘No one caught him after escaping. If he is truly assured, he must die. How desperate the master at that time should be. ’

Su Lang thought the same way. He nodded and continued to listen to Qi Yunkai's narration:

"I randomly picked a place to start practicing in retreat, and met some fellow practitioners."

"Later we found a lost Xuanwu near the turbulent time on the edge of the mainland.

"In the end, each of us captured the lost Xuanwu at the cost of consuming 200 million years of life."

"But then a civil war broke out, and everyone wanted to swallow Lost Xuanwu!"

"Because only a complete lost basalt carapace can refining the most perfect gate of reverse exile, so that the turbulence of time and space returning to the endless universe is safer!"

"In the war I won, I killed everyone, and those relatives and friends that I met in the Exile fell into my hands."

"I deeply felt the deeper pain and despair, and almost decreeed myself on the spot!"

Speaking of this, Qi Yun opened his eyes faintly with memories and pains, and 30 million years have been unable to heal his wounds!

See this scene.

Gu Lingge couldn't help feeling distressed for Master.

Su Lang also sighed slightly, and he couldn't help but become more worried about the three of Chu Xiaobei.

Qi Yunkai didn't notice Su Lang's different color, and continued:

"Fortunately, I survived."

"I made up my mind to escape that hell."

"Later, I hid for a while, changed my face and joined a big power again, and secretly learned the art of refining tools!"

"And I also got the refining method for the Gate of Reverse Exile, and finally refined the Gate of Reverse Exile."

"After refining, in order to ensure that I can pass the gate of exile smoothly, I still stay in the place of exile to practice."

"It's a pity that I have never been able to break through the Supreme Emperor's rank. The'Final Battle' is about to open again, so I can only make a desperate move and use the gate of reverse exile."

"The moment the door of reverse exile was opened, the time and space vision attracted a large number of great emperor-level powerhouses. Fortunately, the place I chose was remote enough, and the people who came were not as strong as me."

"In the end, I forcibly smashed a path of blood, got into the door of exile, and I really hit the Grand Canal and successfully returned to the boundless universe!"

"Immediately afterwards, I found a place to heal my wounds, and after learning how old is this eve, I started preparing for revenge..."

Hearing this, Su Lang waved his hand: "Okay, let's stop here."

"Yes, senior."

Qi Yun opened his lips, then closed his mouth.

He actually wanted to tell people about his years.

Unfortunately, in Qi Yunkai's view, no one is qualified to listen, so he never said it.

And Su Lang was the one who was extremely qualified, Qi Yunkai couldn't stop talking about it.

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