One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1398: Scared a quasi-great to death!

"Who came from?"

"You dare to intervene in the affairs of our Cicada Dragon Clan, don't you fear death?"

Elder Yi immediately returned to Yuan Longlie's side, staring at Su Lang with great fear.

"Are you cicada dragons very powerful?"

"Dare to ask if there is a great emperor in the clan? How many are there at the emperor level?"

Su Lang came close with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression, and asked slowly.


"Where did the **** come from? We don't even know about the Cicada Dragon clan. He is really shallow!"

"Master Yuan, I will tell you today that our Cicada Dragon clan has the bloodline of Shenlong, and it is the strongest emperor clan with the strongest cantilever!"

"Furthermore, there is a great emperor in our clan serving as elders in the Void Cult, and there is more than one!"

Yuan Longlie shouted expressionlessly, "If you are more acquainted, you should retreat immediately, and we can forget the blame!"

In fact, Yuan Longlie has never been such a talkative person. If someone provokes him a little, he will pay back ten thousand times.

Those who dared to intervene in his affairs with Yuan Longlie never end well.

But he is not stupid, knowing that it is not appropriate to provoke the unfathomable Su Lang at this time, so he didn't even say to make Su Lang apologize, just let Su Lang retreat.

In Yuan Longlie's view, if he moved out of his own race and relationship, Su Lang would definitely retreat.

But something unexpected happened to him.

Su Lang not only didn't retreat, but sneered, "Let me retreat? The people who should be acquainted are you, right?"

"Your Excellency insists on enmity with us?"

Old Yi said in a sullen voice, the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

The opponent is not only unfathomable in strength, but also seems to have a particularly strong background, so he is not even afraid of the Cicada Dragon!

"Ha ha."

"Am I enmity with you? You have no qualifications."

Su Lang smiled coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, do you guys go by yourself, or do I do it myself?"

As soon as the voice fell, it really bluffed Yi Lao and others.

The gray-clothed boy Gu Linge's eyes were shining, and he was extremely excited, saying that I have met a super noble person!


"You nameless person, really arrogant!"

Yuan Longlie waved the talisman in his hand with a sneer on his face, "I just contacted my parents and generations, Xinghai Dayu does not have yours at all. Who are you the boss?"

Hear this.

Gu Lingge's expression of excitement suddenly solidified, and a series of question marks rose in his head!

"It turns out to be an unknown person!"

"Fortunately, I also treat you as a character!"

Old Yi's face was blue and red, "After all, how do you want to die, little bastard!?"


"What's wrong with not being famous? Does not being famous mean not having strength?"

Su Lang shrugged helplessly, "If this is the case, then I will let you see my strength."

The voice fell off.

Su Lang directly used the clone dispatch.

Yes, it was dispatched by the clone, and Yuan Longlie was not qualified to let him use the Devouring clone.

As soon as the clones were dispatched, seventy-three Six Great Emperor clones came and surrounded the crowd!


The breath of terror instantly filled the entire void.

Yuan Longlie and others' sarcasm and disdain, their expressions of anger and anger suddenly solidified!

Gu Lingge was stunned, his eyes were about to fall out!

Summon seventy-three emperor ranks instantly! ?

Each one is the rank of Six Great Emperor! ?

But this is not over yet.

A scene that everyone has never seen in a lifetime appeared!

Among the seventy-three great emperors, thirty-seven great emperors suddenly changed into three thousand seven hundred great emperors!

A full four-figure emperor is suspended in the void, surrounded by Yuan Longlie and others, without dripping water!

At a glance, it is all the existence of the Great Emperor!

A terrifying great emperor just suspended there, letting the void twist and fold it!


Yi Lao's shriveled mouth swallowed hard.


Yuan Longlie's teeth were trembling constantly, his body was stiff, and he did not listen at all.


"Such as... so many emperor ranks!"

"I'm afraid I won't see so many great emperor ranks for a hundred lives!"

Gu Linge took a cold breath and trembles slightly, but he was excited instead of fear and despair.

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