One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1386: The emperor level exercises completed

Su Lang ignored Gu's horror and said lightly:

"Next, you can find a place to guard the dark sky star, and you have to watch the nine resource stars around."


"Gu Kow thanks the Lord for his support in cultivation, and Gu will go to guard the dark star!"

Gu knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, and then ran away like the wind, to perform the task.

Su Lang smiled slightly, and then planned to leave for the world of Zhetian and Hongtian.

But at this moment.

"Ding! "Zihua Hengsha" has reached the founding level!"

"Ding! "Hidden Scale West Hunting" has reached the founding level!"

"Ding! "Pupils of Ten Thousand Worlds" has reached the founding level!"


"Ding! "The Great Devouring Magic Skill" has reached the founding level!"

Eight consecutive system prompts came!

It is "Zihua Hengsha", "Hidden Scale West Hunting", "Pupils of Ten Thousand Realms", "Universal Annihilation Finger", "Undead Emperor Sutra", "Dying Dead Emperor Sutra", "Burning Heaven Emperor Sutra", The eight great emperor-level exercises of "The Great Devouring Magic Skill" have been practiced!

"Lying down, it can be regarded as finished!"

Su Lang was shocked, his eyes brightened, like searchlights!

Immediately after.

Su Lang felt that there was a strong warm current in his body!

These warm currents are integrated into the limbs and souls, from the inside to the outside, nourishing and improving the whole body from the molecular level, and frantically enhancing Su Lang's combat power in all aspects!

Su Lang only felt his whole body crackling, his blood boiled, and his soul changed drastically, suddenly imprinting countless profound meanings of his techniques!

next moment.

Su Lang felt that he had mastered the eight great emperor-level exercises, as if he had practiced for countless years and had formed an instinct!

"Eight emperor level exercises!"

Su Lang took a deep breath, and immediately experimented with the first exercise, "Zhihua Hengsha!!"



Su Lang's emperor body turned into countless invisible gravel, just like using the leaf dust of "Broken World".

However, the nature of Zihua Hengsha and Broken World is different.

The latter is a purely explosive exercise, designed to force out all the power of every cell in the body.

The former self-huahengsha is a form-changing technique, which is more similar to the "Emperor Phase Without Beginning Sutra" that can display the world's elements.

At this time, Su Lang has turned into countless ‘gravels’, which can constantly change with his mind, and perfectly control the movement, aggregation and dispersion of every ‘gravel’.

This can form a very peculiar attack and defensive situation in the battle, making the enemy impossible to defend!

And this technique is not only very useful in battle, it can also play a powerful role in the Great Emperor-level soul-body fusion cultivation method.

Soul-body fusion requires the soul of the Broken Nirvana to fuse every cell of the body to achieve the most perfect control.

And Zihua Hengsha can just divide the body into countless particles. This extremely powerful control is one of the pursuits of soul-body fusion!


Su Lang's heart moved, and the emperor's body immediately recovered.

Immediately after.

He performed the second great emperor-level exercise "Hidden Scale West Hunting"!

But suddenly there was a second Su Lang figure in the void, followed by the third and the fourth...

Almost within milliseconds, a thousand and one Su Lang appeared in the void!

And at this moment.

The first Su Lang suddenly disappeared!

Then, the second, third, and fourth Su Lang disappeared...

In the end, only one thousand and one Su Lang remained!

It turned out that all those who disappeared were the afterimages left by Su Lang!

In this millisecond's time, he used Hidden Scale West Hunting a thousand times!

Every time you attack, there will be an afterimage that will be cast a thousand times in one millisecond!

"Tsk tut!"

"It deserves to be a great emperor rank technique, this attack speed is simply against the sky!"

"The key is that achieving this attack speed is not based on sacrificing attack power."

"On the contrary, every attack can erupt with a stronger power, which is comparable to an increase of half a small realm!"

Su Lang took a breath of excitement and calmed down fiercely, "Unfortunately, there is no suitable weapon.

Youtian Sword is sealed...Break Dream Knife...By the way, this product hasn't been sealed yet, let's talk about it first! "

Su Lang patted his forehead fiercely, and then cautiously took out the lost and recovered Broken Dream Knife from the storage space.

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