One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1284: Consolidate the Avenue of Destiny!

"Ding! Destiny Avenue begins to condense!"

As the system prompt came, Su Lang's accumulated cultivation base disappeared like a flood.

at the same time.

A trace of destiny was derived from the void and hovered around Su Lang.

As the avenue of fate condenses.

Su Lang gradually understood a lot of the profound meaning of fate.

The Avenue of Destiny and the Avenue of Incense have a common feature, that is, they both belong to the force of humanity.

From a certain perspective, the avenues in the universe can be divided into ‘the avenue of heaven and earth’ and the ‘power of humanity’.

The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth refers to the five elements, yin and yang, ice thunder, light and darkness, and so on.

The power of humanity refers to spirit, life and death, destiny, incense, cause and effect, and so on.

The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth is the foundation of the universe, and the power of humanity is the ‘high-rise building’ based on the foundation.

The power of humanity and intelligent creatures survive together, but the great road of heaven and earth remains unmoved.


It is an important part of the power of humanity. It is a strange power that is naturally formed by the gathering of countless creatures.

It is not like the power of incense, which requires intense emotions from beings to urge it.

Any action of any creature will produce the power of destiny.

When the traces of fate are intertwined and strengthened, it will finally form a horrible road of fate, encumbering all the creatures to move forward together!

This avenue of destiny can also be called the world line!

If a creature's different choices have a great impact, it may affect the world line and change the direction of world development.

World consciousness has a certain ability to control fate.

He can make wise creatures prefer luck or unlucky, influence certain creatures' choices in certain things, and guide the direction of the world line.


The world consciousness lacks subjective ability, and the ability to control fate is limited.

Its limit is probably to urge the son of the world.

Comprehend here.

Su Lang couldn't help but think of the "Soul and Universe Fusion" he talked about when he talked with Si Yu on the Tao.

If a great emperor completes the ‘soul fusion’, he can completely become the world consciousness of the universe of life.

And it is a world consciousness with complete subjective ability!

The ability to control fate is extremely powerful, and can perfectly control the direction of world development!

You can guide yourself what kind of world line you want!

Closer to home.

The world's ability to control fate is limited, but He can perfectly observe all fate.

The strong man who controls the avenue of destiny can establish a certain connection with the world consciousness based on this, so as to spy on the secret of heaven.

At this moment.

"Ding! The Avenue of Destiny is successfully condensed!"

boom! !

The Avenue of Destiny is condensed.

Su Lang's consciousness vibrated.


Su Lang opened his eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be a strange brilliance flowing in his eyes, containing the development trend of everything in the world!

His spiritual power covered the entire main city in the summer.

The expressions, movements, and words of each creature... can be seen in the eyes.

Any of their actions are generating the power of fate, everything seems to form a group of mysterious and mysterious light and shadow, gathered together, and melted into the torrent of fate.

Su Lang immediately saw what would happen in the next period of time, as if he had predicted the future.

Of course, these ‘things’ are major events, not trivial details.

In addition.

It depends on whether the scope of observation is wide or not, and the length of time.

As long as the scope of observation is larger and the time is longer, we can predict farther future events, even the turning point of the times!

If you see the general trend of future development, wouldn't it be easy for oneself to benefit and avoid misfortune?

Isn't it the lucky one in the eyes of others to constantly seek for good and avoid evil?


The warrior who controls the avenue of fate can see the future, but he cannot see the past by himself.

Only with the help of the "vast memory" of world consciousness can we see those pictures of the past.

In other words, if you only grasp the avenue of destiny, you cannot reverse it and see the past.

Perhaps coupled with the avenue of cause and effect, when the exact result is known, the cause can be seen by using the power of causation.


Su Lang is currently not very sure about the result of "Chu Xiaobei and others are still alive", so even if the avenue of cause and effect is condensed, it will not help.

Of course, the avenue of destiny is enough!

"Let me see."

"When the Gate of Exile broke out, what did you experience!"

Su Lang walked out of the quiet room, looked up at the sky, the mighty power of destiny erupted from his body and rushed straight into the sky! !

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