One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1281: I’m little schooling, don’t lie to me

Su Lang took a breath.

He thoroughly understood everything in the Exile Land.

Simply put, it is a world with super fast time flow.

When there are enough warriors who are strong enough, a big battle will be held to compete for the only place to return to the boundless universe!


"Why is this a bit familiar?"

Su Lang suddenly changed his expression, "This Nima, isn't it the fantasy version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Only the one who eats chicken can survive and return to the normal boundless universe!"

Thought of this.

Su Lang couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched.

He knew the cruelty of Battle Royale very well.

If Chu Xiaobei and others are successfully exiled to the exile, can they be killed from that ghost place?


There was only one chicken eater in the end of a great war, but Chu Xiaobei and the others were three!

"Lying down!"

"This is difficult!"

Su Lang frowned slightly, and immediately asked Gao Bingjie, "Is there any way to enter the Exile?"

"Except for the door of exile."

Gao Bingjie shook her head, "Probably only the strong who understand the avenue of time and space can enter."

Su Lang immediately asked: "What strength can survive through the gate of exile and enter the land of exile?"

Su Lang's Youtian Sword, Jianxian Cannon, and his subordinate Li Xianyang were all locked by the Gate of Exile, which became his three chances to enter the Land of Exile.


"No one wants to take the initiative to go to the exile, so it's not clear."

"Perhaps it must be the supreme emperor, the peak of the emperor rank is also possible."

"Master Langdi has important things that have fallen into exile, do you want to find it back?"

Gao Bingjie took a deep look at Su Lang, then sighed, "Why don't you give up, it's really hard!"

Hear this.

Su Lang looked at Gao Bingjie coldly, and a murderous aura gradually spread.

"My lord, forgive me!"

Gao Bingjie stood upside down all over her body, frightened in her heart, and immediately bowed to the ground.


Su Lang snorted coldly, a little irritable and impatient, "What else do you know, tell me."


"One more clue!"

"Thirty million years ago, someone came back from the land of exile using the gate of exile. I know the world he came back from!"

With a cold sweat, Gao Bingjie said hurriedly, "If you can find him, maybe you can get more detailed information and a more feasible way to enter the exile!"


Su Lang asked with a look.


"This involves the coordinates of a world."

Gao Bingjie hesitated and said, "The world coordinates are very expensive, worth billions of dollars, so I can't call the shots. I ask the adults to wait. I will ask the chairman for instructions."

"The world coordinates are worth billions of dollars?"

Su Lang frowned slightly, "Then you go and ask."


Gao Bingjie nodded, then turned and flew towards Gouchen.

But before she flew to the ship, a vigorous voice came from the secret room: "No need to ask for instructions, Gao Bingjie.

Your Excellency Langdi, here I have a star map with six world coordinates, including the one you need.

In the previous transaction, your Excellency treated me with sincerity, and I retaliated.

Now, you only need to pay 10 billion to get the star map! "

"Six coordinates ten billion?"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth twitched, and he sneered, "You really deserve to be businessmen."

"The price is really good."

Li Gouchen's voice continued, "Generally speaking, the coordinates of Emperor Wu's world are 2.5 billion, which is clearly marked in the city of Xuyanfang."

"Xufang City?"

"Where is that?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows, "I read little, don't lie to me."


"Don't you know Xuyanfang City?"

Li Gouchen's face was surprised, and a white light flashed in his eyes immediately, "That is the most notarized trading place in the Xinghai realm established by the Void Cult with great magical powers.

You can enter the world with spiritual power just by holding a hand talisman certified by Suanfang City.

After making a transaction inside, the person from the void teaches as an intermediary to deliver goods to both parties.

Suanfang City collects heavy taxes, and the service fee for door-to-door delivery is also very expensive. That's why we have room for the small fleet.

Of course, if you just go in for a stroll, gain knowledge, or trade intelligence, there will be no charge. "

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