One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1275: Gouchen Chamber of Commerce!

Just when Su Lang was vigilant.

A young woman with a pretty face flew out of Gochen.

This woman looks similar to the human race, and her racial feature is the two pink lines at the corners of her eyes, which adds another point to her grace.

She was wearing a purple robe, and her style was different from that of Canglan Star, with less fabric and a low neckline, which made her appear more glamorous.

In short.

Even from Su Lang's eyes, this woman is very beautiful.

Of course, senior warriors are not bad in appearance, and the most important thing is strength!

Seeing the woman flying in front of him, Su Lang opened her attribute panel while turning his mind.

[Name]: Gao Bingjie

[Race]: Concubine

[Qualification level]: No shortage

[Realm level]: Three-turn Wudi

[Attack level]: Three-turn Wudi

[Defensive level]: Three-turn Wudi

[Shenfa Level]: Three-turn Wudi+

[Endurance level]: Three-turn Wudi

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Kongni

[Master the exercises]: Concubine Red Heart Sutra (major exercises), Lingpaku Shixin Emperor Sutra (Emperor Level, Xiao Cheng), Qi Xing Dang Xuan Lu (Emperor Level, Introduction)

"Are you going to take the seductive route?"

Su Lang's mouth twitched and smiled coldly.

at this time.

Gao Bingjie had already flown in front of Su Lang.

"The slave servant Bingjie, I have seen seniors."

Gao Bingjie bowed, and the white color flashed by, bringing a delicate fragrance.

"Without further ado."

Su Lang rolled his eyes and asked directly, "Who are you, where are you from, and what are you doing?"

"Return to senior."

"We are the Gouchen Chamber of Commerce, walking in the void of the star sea, and trading with the planets that we pass through."

"Not long ago, we felt the aura of battle in the distant void, and we speculated that there might be a planet with intelligent creatures in this direction, and we rushed over."

"We are not malicious, just want to sell some items, such as... healing treasures."

Hao Bingjie's face always has a gentle and well-behaved smile, which is like a spring breeze, refreshing, and worthy of being a professional female publicist.

"A chamber of commerce that walks in the void and does business with various planets?"

"Tsk tusk, I also worked as a mysterious merchant back then, and was considered by the Canglan Star Wudi to be a cross-stellar business organization."

While thinking, Su Lang glanced at Gao Bingjie.

He couldn't believe this woman.

After all, this Gouchen Chamber of Commerce is indeed powerful. There are ninety-nine martial emperors. It is enough to destroy a martial emperor-level planet.

As long as your heart is darker, what kind of business do you have, just grab it!

"Gouchen Chamber of Commerce really has no malice!"

Hao Bingjie still kept smiling, "We have a lot of healing medicines for sale, and seniors may be able to use them."


She waved to Gouchen behind her, and a quasi-emperor man flew above.

"Meet seniors."

After the quasi-emperor man saluted, he took out a huge silver metal box and opened it.

Su Lang glanced at it, and saw that there were a large number of emperor grade healing pills, even spiritual ones.

"Tsk tut!"

"So many emperor-level pills!!"

Su Lang's eyes lit up, revealing a touch of excitement.

Upon seeing this scene, Hao Bingjie and the Zhundi man suddenly felt a little disdain.

This box of pill is just a little inventory of the Chen Chamber of Commerce.

Fortunately, they have made deals with warriors on many planets, and even bigger ‘Tubaozi’ have been seen, so their expressions have not changed and they still remain humble.


Hao Bingjie and Zhundi men broke their heads, but they couldn't think that Su Lang's "earth buns" actually didn't like these pills.

Although these medicines are of the emperor rank, they are all low-grade!

How can Su Lang, who is used to eating the perfect quality pill as jelly beans, swallow this kind of garbage pill?

Su Lang's excitement is entirely because these medicinal pills can be used to decompose medicinal prescriptions and ingredients!

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