One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1217: The battle of the mainland is open!

In the secret room.

Thirty-five Wuzun powerful emperors gathered together.

Tianyu Wu Emperor Xi Kejia sat on the head, his appearance was young, but his eyes were extremely vicissitudes of life.

A long green sword slung around his waist, exuding a very terrifying aura, it was the Seventh Rank Emperor Soldier Broken Dream Knife!

Its next.

On each side, there are seventeen Wudi in order according to their strength and seniority.

The expressions of the emperors were serious, and there was silence in the secret room.

After a while.

Xi Kejia looked around at everyone, and the other emperors also looked at me and I looked at you. Everyone was looking at each other.

Strangely, no one made any noise.

It seems that they are communicating in some very hidden way.

This weird scene lasted for a few minutes, and then the secret room opened again, and all the martial emperors filed out.

No one knows what they discussed.

at the same time.

Su Lang and others are in the secret teleportation base on the Chiqu Floating Island.

There is a teleportation array that leads to all front-line positions. No matter which direction the enemy attacks, it can be supported as quickly as possible from here.

The same as the silence when the Emperor Wu of the Jingtian Continent conspired.

Su Lang and others were also silent.

This is the tranquility before the storm, everything is full of suffocation!

Time passed slowly.

Just as everyone became more and more nervous.


Ninety million miles away from the Chiqu Floating Island, a terrifying explosion suddenly occurred on a front line defending the emptiness!

The entire line of defense, together with a huge void floating island and a powerful emperor-level formation, was wiped out together!

Powerful figures rushed into the void defense line of the Canglan Continent, and it was the dozens of Martial Emperors of the Jingtian Continent.

There are countless martial arts and martial sages who are close behind!

"Let's go!"

Qingqiu Emperor Wu shouted.

Because the opponent is relatively close, everyone abandoning the teleportation array, directly tore through the gap in the space and stepped into it.

The next moment.

Su Lang and others have already appeared in the broken front line.

"It's Emperor Wu of Canglan Continent!"

"There are actually twenty-nine, and they have already come out!"

"How come they are all here, do they know our raid plan?"


Xi Kejia and other Emperor Wu of Jingtian Continent also never expected that Emperor Wu of Canglan Continent would gather in the front line, and he was shocked!

"It is impossible that the plan has been leaked."

"It should be the Canglan Continent defending Yirucheng. He is too afraid of us, so he will gather at the front line without relaxing for a moment."

Star Lord Jingtian, Emperor Wudi of Rank 8 Xi Kejia showed surprise, and immediately turned into a sneer, "Since you are all gathered here, that would be great."

In an instant, Xi Kejia issued an order: Emperor Wu will not enter the battle for now, go to Canglan Star!


The Emperor Wu of the Jingtian Continent didn't even look at Su Lang and the others, they tore through the space cracks and got into it.

And those Wuxian-level powerhouses spread out in a swarm, constantly destroying the front line of Canglan Continent.

"not good!"

"They hit Canglan Star last time and mastered a lot of space coordinates. This time they must go to Canglan Star and use it as the main battlefield!"

"This is the countless creatures who want to use the Canglan Star, let us cast a rat!"

"Catch up with them, you can't let them succeed!"

"Go back, let's take the teleportation array!"


Qingqiu Wudi did not hesitate to give orders.

All the emperors immediately returned to the previous teleportation hall and chased the emperors of Jingtian Continent through the teleportation array.

These teleportation formations are all very special emperor-level teleportation formations, which are more stable and teleport distance farther than the channels that Emperor Wu used to tear apart using space rules!

Su Lang acted together with a group of emperors, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The rest of the Wudi were almost frightened by the Jingtian Continent, and when they saw the Jingtian Continent hit Huanglong, they immediately panicked.

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