One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1195: Open up the eighth inner world!

Because the concentration of aura in the void is very low, it is difficult to support the operation of the formation.

Therefore, there are many formations similar to the ‘Sun Moon Immortal Spirit Emperor Array’ in that united imperial formation.

With these formations, Su Lang can quickly improve the Shetian Ming Emperor formation.

At this time, the efficiency of the Shetianming Emperor Formation is 10,000 times higher than the previous one, and the number has increased by a quarter. Naturally, more auras can be absorbed and transformed!

Su Lang could feel that the Shetianming Emperor Formation could almost completely capture the energy from the outside world, without letting it go.

In other words, if the Shentianming Emperor Formation is one level higher, then the outer energy will not be enough to absorb.

"It would be great if Canglan Star was close to the sun."

"That way, you can arrange the formation on the edge of the sun, just like the'Dyson Ball' of some advanced cosmic civilization, directly absorbing the energy of the sun!"

"Unfortunately, the sun on the Canglan Continent is too far away, probably in the center of the star sea area..."

Su Lang shook his head, temporarily aside the thoughts in his heart.

Immediately after.

Su Lang turned and ordered Li Xianyang: "Go, assign Wuxian and Wusheng to guard the five emperor soldiers!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Li Xianyang bowed and took orders, ordered some Wuxians, and then went to dispatch Wusheng.

"Small cannon."

"And gourd."

"You are responsible for cruising the mainland. If something happens, report it immediately."

Su Lang ordered again, "Gourd, Xiao Pao is not too smart yet, please bring him more."

"Yes, Lord!"

Hulu and the small artillery saluted at the same time, and then flew away together to be the patrolling security guard of the southern mainland.

"Bei Bei, like snow, slender."

Su Lang turned to look at the three of Chu Xiaobei and asked with a smile, "How is the incense statue work?"

"Not finished yet."

Chu Xiaobei stuck his tongue out, "But the plan has been finalized, don't worry, it will be done soon."

Ji Ruxue and Murong Xianxian also patted their chests to ensure that they would complete the task as soon as possible.

Su Lang's mouth twitched and nodded.


The three daughters of Chu Xiaobei flew far away and took the empty Zhun Emperor and others to perform the task arranged by Su Lang.

Su Lang also returned to the White Jade Emperor Palace.

However, the warriors gathered in the holy city of Yaochi still did not leave.

Su Lang has created too many miracles today!

It is estimated that in the next period of time, if there is no new big news, people in the world will continue to talk about it.

In the quiet room.

Su Lang sat on the futon and took out a lot of materials to refine the parts of the super humanoid weapon.

At this time, Su Lang's cultivation base was different from the past, and the refining speed had once again increased a lot.

It used to be able to refine about 70 parts per hour, but now it can stabilize at 100.

In a blink of an eye.

A whole day passed.

Su Lang refined more than 1,000 parts of super humanoid weapons, and the total number of parts reached more than 15,000.

at the same time.

Su Lang has accumulated enough cultivation skills to open up two new inner realms.

The souls that had become weak due to the burning of souls, whether they were the main soul or one hundred thousand sub-souls, had recovered their peak state.

The number of one-key empowerments has also been refreshed for more than a long time, and it can instill the power of rules into Chu Xiaobei.

On the contrary, it was close to four hundred immortal level exercises, still not completed, a few dozen books short.

"If you instill the rules, you can find Chu Xiaobei when the frequency is about to refresh."

"After instilling the rules, the number of instillations can be refreshed immediately, and then continue to instill."

As Su Lang thought, he put the materials and cauldron in front of him into the storage space.

Immediately after.

"System, open up the seventh and eighth inner realms!"

Su Lang took a deep breath and gave instructions.

Suddenly, in the mysterious black space, the gold on the cultivating villain quickly faded and turned directly into white.

"Ding! The tenth party inner boundary function is activated, and the seventh party inner boundary is being developed!"

"Ding! The tenth party inner boundary function is activated, and the eighth party inner boundary is being developed!"

Two system prompts came one after another, and Su Lang immediately felt a strong soreness in his feet!

"It turned out to be on both feet!"

Su Lang thoughtfully, "It seems that the ninth and tenth inner world should be in his hands."


With the continuous expansion and sublimation of the space guide, the seventh and eighth inner boundaries were finally formed!

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