One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1159: Nicholas evolution experiment

Endless light and heat scatter the earth, dispelling the darkness!

The Liqi Clan warriors who were suffering in pain suddenly felt that the pain disappeared, and it seemed that they had never been so happy in their entire lives.

"It's the savior!"

"He is the savior who rescued us from the collapsed world. He has appeared!"

"Great Savior, Americk worships you, please don't leave us again!"

"Great savior, please bless the Liqi clan so that we can live on this terrible land."


Each of the Liqi tribe warriors continued to worship Su Lang.

These muscular, simple-minded Liqi tribe warriors did not have any suspiciousness or strangeness at all.

At this moment, they had thoroughly and sincerely regarded Su Lang as a great salvation god.

In a short time.

Su Lang noticed that a trace of incense and willingness was converging towards him.

of course.

Gathering the incense power in a short period of time is not only because of the sincerity of the Liqi clan, but also because the Liqi clan is stronger.

The Liqi tribe is not the Heifu tribe!

The strongest combat power of the Heifu tribe is Wu Zun, not even the Valkyrie.

But among the Liqi clan, there are quasi-saint-level powerhouses!

At the time of the destruction of the world, those who can survive are at least at the level of King Wu.

In addition, although the Ricky tribe only survived one-tenth, the number was extremely terrifying.

For various reasons, the incense aspiration power was condensed in a short time.

"The Liqi people are not very intelligent, and they are very easy to become fanatics."

"This is because Emperor Ling Juewu is also cautious, and he doesn't want to touch the incense force."

"Well... if he is like Zhou You, using incense and willingness to lay his back, I will have to solve a few more minor problems if I want to kill him."

While thinking about it, Su Lang isolated the gathered incense aspiration power.

Then use the rules of willingness to carefully collect the different sky boxes for Wuyu tea trees to absorb.

"Next, start experimenting."

Su Lang thought in his heart, descending from a height, and came to a place where hundreds of thousands of Liqi tribes gathered.

"The savior has come to us!"

"Oh my God, if we can get the favor of the savior, we will surely rise again!"

"Great, great!"


Countless Liqi tribesmen saw Su Lang approaching, and they were all trembling with excitement, and worshiped more vigorously.

Su Lang stopped in the air, looking down at the hundreds of thousands of Liqis below.

These Liqi tribes were led by more than a dozen war gods, and they kept kowtow to Su Lang.

"Ricky people."

"The opportunity to change destiny has arrived."

"I will give you the opportunity to evolve, and you will gain the ability to adapt to this land."

"Of course, there is also the possibility of failure. You may become unimaginable monsters and die in endless pain."

"Accept it or not, it's up to you to decide."

Su Lang's voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of every Liqi tribe.

This immediately made the Liqi tribe below boil.

They directly ignored the possible failure, regarded it as the favor of the savior, and cheered.

"Sure enough, we really got the savior's intimacy!"

"Oh my God, we can evolve, what is the word evolution? Although I don't understand, I think it must be very, very powerful!"

"I want to evolve, I want to adapt to this land, I want to survive, and then become a strong one!"

"Hahahaha, the Liqi family will not perish!"


The Liqi tribe cheered and danced a distinctive dance

——A kind of dance with kowtow as the main movement!

In short, it is to use various postures to kowtow, which looks very emotional.

Su Lang looked at this performance-like scene, his face became quite weird.


"Since you are all willing to accept this opportunity."

"Then, I will give you this precious opportunity!"

Su Lang's voice became serious, and all the dancing Liqi tribes also crawled on the ground, waiting with excitement for the gift of the great savior.

"Everything evolves!"

Su Lang suspended the sky, opened his arms, and his body radiated a unique radiation!

This special radiation energy can cause benign mutations in living beings. This is how Su Lang makes the Liqi tribe adapt to this world.

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