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Chapter 1152: Circular gravitational array

In just one or two days, nothing has changed at all on Mercury.

The surface is still like a hot hell, but there are very cold ice in some abysses.

The places where the north and south poles cannot be illuminated by the sun are full of strange glaciers.


A space channel appeared in the empty space with long hair and long robes. If ancient nobles, it was Su Lang.


When Su Lang saw Mercury not far away, he clicked the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth immediately.

The large-scale formations appeared in space with Su Lang's thoughts, exuding strange powers that counteract the powerful gravitational force from the sun.

After Mercury breaks away from the sun's traction, another large formation will appear, besieging it and preventing it from running around.

Immediately after.

Su Lang immediately used space rules to tear through space cracks and separate Mercury from this space.

Black cracks are all over the space, and even the light is swallowed.

Mercury seems to have fallen into a prison of countless space cracks.

Immediately, Su Lang immediately expanded the inner boundary of the kidney.


A world of chaos emerged, like the big mouth of a giant starry sky, swallowing Mercury suddenly.

The original position of Mercury suddenly became a huge shadow!


Su Lang's thoughts moved, and the inner world suddenly closed, and Mercury completely entered Su Lang's inner world.

In the inner boundary of the kidney, Mercury is suspended in the middle, absorbing all the surrounding matter.

A virtual sun orbits Mercury continuously, bringing light and heat.

However, the virtual sun with the power of rules is not comparable to the great stars of the solar system.

Therefore, the temperature on Mercury began to plummet!

Directly reduce from four to five hundred degrees Celsius to minus hundreds of degrees!

Those rivers that were originally in the inner boundary but were later attracted by Mercury's gravitational force have directly become glaciers, covering the surface of Mercury like a spider web.

Su Lang could clearly feel that the thick water avenue continued to spread in the inner boundary.

Su Lang also understood some unfamiliar rules about the water system that he had never understood.

Of course, in a tight moment, you cannot comprehend any rules, only some simple rules.

"Finally finished, the inner boundary of the kidney!"

"Wow, the inner boundary of the kidney is not very nice. The name of Mercury is Chenxing, so let's call it the inner boundary of Chenxing."

Su Lang looked at his inner circle of Chenxing and showed a very satisfied smile.

Immediately after.

He went to take a look at the asteroid belt, which was already full of Jupiter elements.

Small planets are like miniature Jupiters, with their surface covered with gaseous liquid components and a **** in the middle.

Su Lang was floating in the distance of the asteroid belt, looking at this beautiful solar system halo, but he felt a little pity in his heart.

Because the Jupiter components absorbed by the asteroids in the asteroid belt are basically saturated.

The remaining Jupiter elements are homeless and can only wander in space, gradually disappearing.

"Hey, this is really a shame."

"Now Jupiter only draws less than half."

"If this goes on, the remaining half will be wasted."

"Next there will be Saturn, and perhaps Uranus and Neptune. These two are also gas giants and require component extraction."

"If the ingredients of these four planets are all wasted, it would be a violent thing."

Su Lang touched his chin and thought, "No, I have to think of a way to solve this problem."

So, Su Lang began to think hard.

After a long time, finally thought of a way-to arrange a huge circular formation.

This kind of ring formation is all based on the rules of gravity, like a huge but very thin ring, centered on the sun, in the asteroid belt.

Its role is to emit a huge gravitational force, capture surrounding asteroids and spilled Jupiter components.

"The engineering volume of the formation seems to be huge."

"But I didn't spend a lot of time with the means of arranging the formation with one thought."

Su Lang felt that this method was feasible, so he immediately began to arrange the gravitational array magic ring in the asteroid belt.

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