One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1052: Recast the Five Elements Heaven

"With the space dojo, we can become the **** of war more easily!"

"Yes, I have been stuck in the Quasi-God Realm for three thousand years, and now I finally have hope of becoming a God!"

"I am so lucky to be ruled by the great Langdi!"

"Thank you to the great Langdi!"


The warriors were excited, grateful, or praying in the direction of Baiyuxian Palace with a pious expression.

Su Lang was hiding in the dark, and he actually felt a trace of incense and willing force converging toward him.

Obviously, Su Lang has entered the hearts of all warriors in the southern continent and has become their belief.

However, Su Lang does not intend to absorb these incense aspirations for the time being.

He took out the different sky box and collected these incense willingness as fertilizer for cultivating Wuyu tea trees.

At this time.

Li Xianyang's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Behind him are Huangfuqin, Yaochi Yan Fa, Chiri Muzhu and other Su Lang's old men.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Li Xianyang spoke, and his voice spread throughout the city, "His Majesty Lang is so virtuous, pitying sentient beings, specially refined the space dojo, ordered me to arrange it in the southeast corner, Fuze all the warriors!"

This statement came out.

The crowd suddenly couldn't help but boil, and more and more people bowed their heads in the direction of the White Jade Fairy Palace, and they were extremely religious.

Li Xianyang didn't interrupt the worship of everyone, and when everyone was almost quiet, he began to introduce the rules of using the space dojo.

For this, Su Lang has no interest in listening.

He believed that Li Xianyang would do a good job, so that the rate of becoming a **** in the southern continent increased exponentially.

"If there are more martial gods, there will be more martial sages, and if there are more martial sages, there will be more martial arts..."

Su Lang smiled faintly, turned and left here, and came to the Five Elements Heaven.

The Five Elements Heaven is based on five quasi-emperor soldiers, and the five elements combined imperial formations are arranged to form a defense barrier at the rank of four-turn Wudi.

Its scope covers the entire southern part of the Canglan Continent!

"The Five Elements Heaven should also be upgraded."

Su Lang looked down at the vast barrier beneath him.

During the battle with Zhou You, he went to Qingyou City to learn a lot of formations.

Later, he sent a clone to act as a mysterious businessman to contact with various emperors, and learned some secretly.

Compared with before the arrangement of the Five Elements Heaven, Su Lang mastered a lot more emperor rank formations, and he could naturally improve it.

However, Su Lang did not intend to just improve on the basis of the Five Elements Heaven.

He decided to decompose the Five Elements Heaven and rearrange it from scratch.

There are two reasons.

One is that when the Five Elements Sky was arranged before, the connection of all formations was so perfect that it was impossible to insert new formations.

Once forcibly inserted, it is likely to cause some hidden dangers.

The second is that Su Lang already has better materials for refining the formation, and the rearranged formation will be stronger!

"One-click decomposition!"

Su Lang was suspended high in the sky, and in a single thought, he broke down the Five Elements Heaven he created by himself.

Because the Five Elements Heaven is transparent, it did not cause panic among the creatures on the earth.


Countless array refining materials returned to the storage space.

Immediately after.

Su Lang began the arrangement of the New Five Elements Sky.

With the experience of deploying the formation for the first time, and Su Lang's cultivation base has also become higher, so this time the formation is faster!

The time spent has been reduced from tens of minutes to ten minutes!

Silently, the new Five Elements Heaven unfolded, forming a powerful barrier of Rank 5 Wudi level.

Moreover, Wuxingtian not only possesses defensive capabilities, but also possesses powerful counterattacks.

Because Su Lang added the Three Kill Prison Emperor Array to it, and there is more than one!

of course.

Su Lang has not forgotten to arrange the ‘Sky-Shooting Spirit Formation’ and the ‘Sun Moon Fairy Spirit Formation’.

These two formations are very important, not only the key to improving the cultivation environment in the southern continent, but also one of the energy sources of the Five Elements Heaven.

With the Sun and Moon Fairy Spirit Emperor Formation as the main base, Su Lang integrated the Heaven-Shooting Spirit Formation into it, forming an emperor-level formation with more functions and stronger effects.

This kind of combined imperial formation was called "Shetianming Emperor Formation" by Su Lang.

It can take in various extra-space energies such as the sun, moon, stars, cosmic rays, etc., with extremely high efficiency, and transform them into high-concentration auras to feed back the mainland.

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