One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1048: It’s time to practice emperor level exercises

"Those fairy weapons and quasi-imperial soldiers before, let the clone use them first."

Su Lang touched his chin, "When there are suitable candidates, I will reward them."

Immediately after.

Su Lang took out another jade slip of the exercise technique and placed it in front of him.

Sweeping away at a glance, it is the exercises used by Xuan Xuan, such as "Cry Yu Heart Sutra", "Nine Revolutions Xuan Di Jue", "Shen Tian Di", "Liang Yi Tian Yin Di Lu" and so on.

In addition to these exercises, there are other rare exercises in the Xuanhu collection, available at various levels.

"It just so happens that my Wushu villain is empty."

"The number of rule comprehensions has also exceeded the pass line, so don't be too rushed for now."

"All, it's time to practice the emperor level exercises."

Su Lang licked his lips with some excitement. He had long wanted to practice the emperor level exercises.

Looking at the dozens of emperor-level exercises in the storage space, my saliva would flow out!


Su Lang did not immediately select the exercises for practice.

Because this time he got a lot of natural immortal level exercises.

Obtain four immortal-level techniques from the two quasi-emperors of the Yaojin Emperor and the Tianyin Emperor.

Received five emperor-level exercises, thirty-two immortal-level exercises, hundreds of holy-level exercises and several god-level exercises from Xuanxuan.

The number of Immortal-level and Saint-level exercises is very small, completely inferior to those obtained from Qianyou.

But these exercises are all carefully collected by Xuan Xuan, and the ordinary immortal-level exercises that are just enough to fill the number are not in Xuan Xuan's eyes.

Therefore, these exercises have their own characteristics, and many exercises correspond to the unfamiliar rules that Su Lang has not yet understood.

Except for the exercises below the immortal level.

Of the five emperor-level exercises, three have been practiced by Xuan Huo, and only two have not been practiced.

These two exercises are called "Earth Burst in the Sky" and "Vientiane Sky Yin Tu", both of which are emperor-level exercises on the Avenue of Gravity.

There is also a small book in the two exercises.

Su Lang opened it and found that it was a note about these two emperor-level exercises, and the reason why Xuan Xuan studied these two exercises.

When Xuanyu became the emperor, the road of strength was condensed.

The Nine Turns Profound Emperor Jue is to continuously temper the body. After nine turns, the body becomes Dao and step into the realm of Emperor Wu.

This method is similar to the "Burning Soul and Solitary Lamp Jue".

After the avenue of cohesion, Xuanyu minored in the avenue of incense, and planned to concurrently study the avenue of gravity.

The reason for choosing the Avenue of Gravity was actually trying to fill the incomplete part of Canglan Continent with one's own power!

The coordinates of many continental debris are recorded in the notebook.

Xuan Yu intends to drag these mainland fragments to the Canglan Continent to fill in the missing parts!


"With one's own power, complement one party's true boundless universe!"

"The original Xuanhu... actually had such great ambition and spirit!"

Su Lang couldn't help but think of a terrifying existence that spanned a large period of time and overwhelmed the entire continent with billions of creatures.

The image of that class of heroes and the Xuan Xuan that I saw before are completely two people.

"The incense is terrible."

Su Lang sighed again, and immediately used the newly obtained forty natural immortal level exercises to synthesize four emperor level exercises.

Two of them belonged to the relatively ordinary Dao of Power Emperor-level exercises.

The other two books made Su Lang's eyes shine.

One exercise belongs to the spiritual avenue, named "Soul Gathering and Splitting Jue".

The other one belongs to the Avenue of Space and is called "Eternal Realm Classic".

Su Lang first picked up "Soul Gathering and Splitting Jue" and read it.

The special feature of this method is that there is actually a means inside to condense the origin of the pseudo-soul.

Putting the forged soul origin into the cut soul fragments can make it a soul that can be cultivated and grown.

This method of forging the origin of the soul is the most important foundation of "Soul Gathering and Splitting Technique"!

The cultivation method of this exercise is to cut one's own soul into countless small souls and practice independently.

After the souls have become strong in cultivation, they can be gathered together with the exercises to achieve the goal of greatly improving the soul in a short time.

"Lying down!"

"This can be called a plug-in technique for cultivating soul and spiritual power!"

"If I have practiced this exercise, coupled with the automatic spiritual cultivation function, and "Burning Soul Solitary Lamp Jue"..."

Su Lang's eyes flashed with excitement, "My soul, I'm afraid it will be as powerful as no one has ever been before, and there will be no one in the future!"

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