Chapter 449: Brother, I believe you.

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“All right! You hold on tight to my arm now!” Yichen seemed oblivious to his last statement and merely struggled to hook that safety railing. Bending his body slightly, he made sure that his younger twin could hold on to his arm.

Their bold actions caused a stir among the security personnel watching from below.

They were professionally trained, so they knew very well the limits of a human body. They could tell that this was a dangerous move for Little Yichen!

Yun Shishi watched this scene with her heart in her mouth. Her pulse also hastened from extreme trepidation!

Youyou quickly grabbed hold of his brother’s arm. The strength in his arm was clearly inferior to his sibling’s, yet in this perilous situation, he amazingly found the drive to struggle for survival.

Clenching his lips, he held on to his older brother’s arm. “I’m holding tight!”

“You sure?!” Yichen was worried. He did not want his brother to fall the moment he let go, after all.

“Eh! Go and grab that belt!”

“All right! Be careful, okay! Tell me if you can’t hang on any longer!”

As he spoke, he reached for the safety belt.

He failed a few times, but he did not give up. Conscious of the time, as well as of how valuable every minute and second to his brother’s survival was, he doubled his efforts. Finally, with nearly insurmountable difficulty, he managed to snag that safety belt.

He looped the belt around his wrist a few times to ensure that it would hold fast. Turning his head over to his younger brother, he said, “I got a hold of the belt. I’m now going to pull you up; make sure to hold tight to my arm!”

“Eh!” Half a beat later, Youyou solemnly said, “I know you can do it; I believe you!”

“Good!” Little Yichen gave a slight smile and began to hurl him up with all his strength!

Clenching his lips tightly, he mustered his last strand of might and, with a huff , heaved Youyou into the cabin at once.

A crack sounded. His elbow dislocated with this last bit of exertion.

The joint of Youyou’s left wrist also broke with that sudden strong heave.

The two little lads rolled into the cabin, with the younger one quickly grabbing on to another safety belt and tying it around his waist to secure his balance.

There was a burst of stupendous hooray from below!

Yun Shishi stood dumbly on the spot and stared with wide eyes at this unbelievable scene. The two little fellows had managed to save themselves!

Oh, god. This is a miracle!

Only after Little Yichen had closed and locked the cabin door did she believe that a miracle had truly just happened. Emotional and tearful, her body slumped weakly on the ground. Her tension was released, but her heart had yet to calm down fully as she knelt on the floor.

Inside the cabin, the two little lads sat looking at each other. Yun Tianyou was dripping in sweat as he held his dislocated wrist. He looked at his brother’s elbow and noted that it was broken and misaligned.

In that moment, his heart was full of turmoil.

His older brother seemed to be in great pain from his misaligned elbow, but his face did not show any indication of this. Instead, he was fussing more over him as he calmly asked, “How’s your wrist?”

“It appears to be dislocated.” The younger twin had a lower pain tolerance, but he had enough will to bear with the discomfort. Despite being bathed in a cold perspiration, he did not utter a word of pain.

After a moment’s silence, he showed concern over his older twin’s injury.

“Are you... all right?” he asked gently, his tone no longer sounding as detached, and foreign, as before.

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