On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 391 Expelling The Darkness (2)

Upon coming out of the Teleportation Gate, Valeria and I are greeted by every high-ranking member in Antares. It is nothing out of the ordinary, but the way they see me slightly exasperates me. I have been treating them like colleagues, so seeing the reverent look on Decima and Maxine's faces quite weirds me out. I am aware of my official status, but the amount of attention it gets is slightly off the chart.

"Well, it has been some time, everyone," I greet. "Please, be casual with me."

"We will treat you the way we have been treating you," Maxine answers ahead of everyone. "You will be fine with that, won't you?"

"You know me well, Maxine."

I manage to flash her a small smile which causes her to return it in kind. She looks rather reserved around Valeria, but who wouldn't? After exchanging some pleasantries, I tell everyone to get back doing whatever they were doing. They bid Valeria and me farewell before clearing the venue. Maxine is the only one staying behind.

I ask Maxine to give me a report on the development of Antares while we are heading to the room where Winerva is resting. She lists all of the ongoing and successful projects as I listen to her keenly. Some changes were made, but they are mostly in line with what I envision. She has done a good job as my replacement.

"What do you want as a reward?" I ask sincerely.

"T- That is… I am fine. I am just fulfilling my role as a subordinate, after all," Maxine answers frantically, face red like a volcano.

"Even a good performing subordinate needs to be rewarded, no?" I quirk an eyebrow. "You have done me a favor before and I haven't paid you back. I am fully intent on paying you back and rewarding you for your hard work."

"That is…"

Maxine dodges my gaze and then sneaks a glance at Valeria. She is about to speak, but Valeria interjects us.

"We are here."

"Well, let's talk about it later," I say to the Succubus, mentally noting the flash of dejection in her eyes.

"Enjoy your time, Commander," Maxine remarks with a bow before leaving us.

I look at her retreating form for a moment before turning to Valeria. She tilts her head questioningly, prompting me to quirk an eyebrow. We remain that way until she shakes her head. I am quite floored by her action. I don't know what to make of the situation. I seem to have disappointed her by missing something she is hinting at.

Shaking my head in the next moment, I open the door to Winerva's room. I am greeted by a figure wrapped in a blanket cocoon upon entering. Winerva's expression brightens as her eyes land on me, but her joy is toned down when she notices Valeria is with me. She remains cocooned in her blanket but more reserved.

'Is she putting up a front?'

I have been training the girls to be tough physically and mentally for the last year they have spent with me. I want them to not easily crumble under the pressure of the hurdles thrown at them. With that said, I never told them to hide their pain. What Winerva has experienced is traumatic. I wouldn't say anything even if she had cried and whined in my arms while telling me about what happened to her.

A light frown mars my face. I kneel before the bed and look into Winerva's eyes. The pain is still there, but she is hesitant to show it. Her eyes flicker to Valeria from time to time, giving me a rough idea of what is holding her back. Valeria is her trainer. Considering what Valeria taught me, I can understand why Winerva is hesitant to show her weakness.

"No one is going to judge you here. I cried myself to sleep on Valeria's lap once. Crying because of the pain that you can't bear doesn't make you weak. Burying the pain also doesn't make you strong," I state, earning a vulnerable look from Winerva.

Yet, again, Winerva looks at Valeria. "I- I don't mean to—"

"Whatever you have in mind regarding me, you better scrape that off. I am not an insecure newborn like the majority of creatures born on this planet," Valeria interjects stoically.

Winerva blinks her eyes before turning to me. She looks at me for a moment before jumping into my arms. She hugs me like a koala does a tree, showing no signs of letting go. My shoulder gets wet and sobs fill the room soon after. I put a comforting hand on her back before rubbing it soothingly. I ignore the absence of clothes that I notice upon the blanket's detachment.

"I can make you forget what happened. It won't appear in your dreams or come back to haunt you for I will completely obliterate it," I offer softly.

Winerva shakes her head faintly, still refusing to lift her head off my shoulder. I drop the matter once and for all. She has decided to face her trauma instead of forgetting it. I can do nothing other than give her the shoulder to lean on and company. I can't say comforting words. I am not good at sappy situations.

After a few minutes, Winerva stops sobbing and goes still. She loosens her hold on me before getting down. She looks at me with her puffy red eyes resolutely. Her expression is quite a contrast to her eyes, so I find her look slightly humorous. Of course, I don't let my thoughts show. I merely quirk an eyebrow which prompts her to speak.

"I am full of rage. There is only one way to defeat this Demon in my heart," Winerva says with a scowl. "Bring me to that bitch!"

A smirk creeps up my face as I put my hand on her head. "We'll be leaving soon, but before that, you have to dress yourself and eat."

Like a lost puppy, Winerva looks down. The moment she realizes she is naked, her cheeks redden. She covers herself with the blanket she dropped earlier and then tells me to wait for her outside. I lightly shrug before getting out of the room. Valeria silently follows suit. We wait for Winerva silently before Valeria decides to break the silence.

"She likes you."

"I know."

Valeria turns her head to me. Even with her blind mask, I can tell she is shocked. "You do?"

"I have a Spiritual Heart beating inside me. I can read anyone's emotions. Moreover, I have an innate talent to tell what someone is feeling through the Mana they are emitting. I am playing the fool for obvious reasons," I explain.

"Because you are a sadist?"

"…that sounded very sincere."

Valeria hums in palpable curiosity. "Are you being considerate of me?"

"That and also the lack of depth of the love they have. They admire me and mistake it for love."

"What about Aurelia and Millonia?"

I clamp my mouth shut. I can't bring myself to dismiss their feelings. I have spent enough time together with them to conclude that their feelings are not superficial. It is hard to accept them, but it is even harder to reject them. It is a complicated matter, so I have always put it to the back of my head.

"I have told you that I don't mind. I chose you of my own accord, so any pain that I might receive will be solely on me," Valeria states calmly. "I am not a weak woman, Layland. I am already prepared for the consequences the moment I chose you."

"It is all right to be selfish. I won't judge you," I rebut. "Let's be real. If you are given a chance, will you hog me for yourself or share it with others?"

An unladylike snort comes out of Valeria. "The status quo doesn't give me a choice, does it?"

I am astonished by Valeria's expressiveness but still manages to show a smile. She tilts her head, telling me she is quirking her eyebrow under her mask.

"I am giving you a choice, Valeria."

I turn my body to face her and take off her blind mask. Her clear blue eyes stare deeply into my eyes. A lot of things swirl in her eyes, yet her face remains stoic. Her beauty is as hypnotizing as ever. I am close to losing myself just by staring at her. My reverie ends when she sighs. A light smile tugs on her lips, bringing one to mine.

Valeria wraps her arms around my neck and leans forward. "Who is the first person in your heart?"

"My mother," I answer, not missing the slight dejection in her eyes. "You are my heart."

Her blue eyes shine brighter than ever. The most beautiful smile this world has ever seen appears on her face, tempting me to marry her right here right now. As she leans in to capture my lips, I accept her gladly. I have always felt warmth whenever she is nearby. Her presence has always calmed me down and made me feel safe. This world may not be the best, but I have the best person on my side.

I wouldn't do some of the things I did if I could turn back time, but getting into a relationship with Valeria is not one of them. It is not perfect, but I have found my happiness in this world.

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