Demon Kings only bring their trusted people to their summit. Most of the time, they bring their right hands with them. In some rare chances, they bring the heirs to their throne. Their right hands will also usually succeed to their throne if something happens to their heirs. In a way, their summit is a way to show off the people who will replace them in the future.

Ilschevar has deemed me ready to dabble in the politics of the Demon Realm. I don't need to ask him to know there will be some kind of trial waiting for me at the summit. On top of officially introducing me to the Demon Realm, I bet he also wants me to get to know about my future opponents. I have a feeling that many of the heirs will attend the summit.

"I am not sure about what you do at the Demon Kings Summit, but I am sure you are supposed to show off there. I am not undermining this young man's competence, but I believe he is not worthy enough to accompany you," Quetzalcoatl remarks, surprising everyone including me.

"That might be the case if I was like the rest of the Demon Kings. I am not like them, so I don't have to show off to make them wary of me," Ilschevar replies with a smile. "I just want to introduce Layland to the world of Demon politics. He is a smart man—he will learn a lot from his 'study tour.'"

Quetzalcoatl quirked an eyebrow as he gazed at Ilschevar who keeps a faint smile on his face. The old Dragon shakes his head not long after. He seems to have understood that things are not as direct as Ilschevar makes them look. He seems to also know that he will never figure out the truth, so he gives up and focuses on his food instead.

The room turns silent as no one says a word. There is not much to talk about. The Demon Kings Summit, while well-known, is not something for the public to stick their noses into. No one knows what will transpire at the summit, but everyone can tell something significant will occur. In most cases, it is a disaster.

Currently, the upcoming Demon Kings Summit is still known only by those affiliated with the nine Demon Kings. Though, knowing it in advance doesn't make any difference because they have nothing to worry about. Whatever the result of the summit is, they will keep doing what they have been doing. They will still kill those who go against their Demon Kings'.

Of course, they have to be more violent than they usually are this time.

"Do you think you can recover your power soon, Haletha?" Ilschevar asks neutrally.

"Yes, I surely can," Haletha answers affirmatively.

"How long will it take you?"

Haletha hums to herself for a little while before saying, "Maybe around two weeks. Should things go south, it will take me a month."

"Will you immediately get to your prime the moment you regain your power?"

At that question, Haletha turns quiet. She remains that way for half a minute before shaking her head and looking at Ilschevar apologetically.

"I will need, at least, three months to get back to my prime."

"I see…"

Ilschevar nods his head lightly, looking as if he has expected it to be the case. He turns to me and eyes me silently. He has his trademark faint, mischievous smile on his face. He wants me to do something—that is not hard to discern. However, I can't think why it has something to do with Haletha's state. I won't be able to cure her, after all.

"How is your progress with Antares' development, Layland?"

"It is going well."

"What mishap may occur if you leave it for half a year?"

"Nothing should happen. Every one of my colleagues is extremely competent in the field I have assigned them to. Though, I am afraid they won't be able to quickly adapt should an unexpected development occur."

"It is progressing well, then."

I nod my head at Ilschevar's remark and watch as he mulls over the information. He puts down his cutlery after some time and interlaces his fingers before leaning his body slightly forward. Everyone instinctively waits for him to say something. That is not the case for me because I prefer enjoying the food to listening to his words.

"Then, will it be possible for you to help Haletha manage Lysimork, so she can focus on getting back to her prime?"

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"You need to also note that managing both Antares and Lysimork is not the only thing you will do from now on. There is another thing that you should worry about, but I won't say it here."

Ilschevar looks at me from the corner of his eyes. His eyes are telling me I know what he is talking about and it leaves me stumped. It is one of the moments when I don't understand what Ilschevar is talking about. I thought helping Haletha would be the end of the case, but I was wrong. It takes me a few seconds to realize it has something to do with our relationship.

I quirk my eyebrow and slightly lift my right hand. Ilschevar closes his eyes for a moment before returning his gaze to the front. The only thing he did was confirm the thing he couldn't say is related to the fact of my being a Demon King Candidate. My best guess is that I have to find the other Demon King Candidates. The worst case is that I have to be careful of the other Demon King Candidates. His declaration of taking me to the summit may spark their ire, after all.

In whichever case, my identity as a Demon King Candidate will be exposed. I was a nobody who climbed up the rank at a ridiculous pace. My power growth is also absurdly rapid. Even though the other candidates can just consider me another genius who is born once in a millennium, I believe they won't. My closeness with Ilschevar will make them suspect my identity.

"I have to thank you and your subordinates for the fine banquet, Haletha. I am sorry I can't stay for long. As unwilling as my siblings are at the moment, I am afraid my presence will still pose danger to Lysimork. Furthermore, I am worried about my Kingdom. My siblings' lunacy is beyond even my comprehension," Ilschevar says as he stands up.

Everyone immediately stands from their seats. Since Quetzalcoatl and the Dragons are even willing to do that, I am pressured to also stand up.

"I thank you for your kind words, Ilschevar. I am very glad you enjoyed the banquet despite our lacking preparation," Haletha replies respectfully. Her body wobbles from time to time, but her expression remains the same.

"You may have a rest, Haletha. There is no need to see me off." Seeing Haletha nod her head without heeding his words, Ilschevar turns to Quetzalcoatl. "I am serious about our alliance. Our past may be bloody but we can move on and create a better future together. Don't hesitate to meet me if you have something to discuss. You know where you can find me."

Then, he turns to me. "You can see me after you finish your business. You can make me wait for as long as your conscience lets you. Though, I won't recommend that. I am sure you will like to hear it as soon as possible."

Without waiting for my response, he snaps his fingers. "Farewell," he says before disappearing into thin air.



Haletha falls to the ground as soon as Ilschevar disappears. The panicked Arieda immediately supports her. The Guardians waiting outside barge in and quickly rush to Haletha to make sure she is all right. Surprisingly, Eliseus also moves to Haletha's side to help her. In the blink of an eye, the Dark Elf Queen is brought out of the banquet room.

Bereft of the Dark Elves, the room was filled with Warriors and Dragons. Quetzalcoatl and I look at each other silently. The others look at us in anticipation as if their fate is in our hands. When we sit back and resume eating, they immediately follow suit. It is quite amusing to see them expecting us to have a brawl right here right now.

The conversation entirely ceased. The only sound reverberating in the room is the sound that our cutlery makes against the plate. Another variation of sounds only appears when Aurelia stands up, pushing her chair to the back. She carries her plates and cutlery with her as he scurries to my side. She sits down, ignoring the bewildered look Quetzalcoatl shoots her.

"Kuhum!" Quetzalcoatl clears his throat. "I think it is time to talk about when you two will come to Ne Okozmo."

"Is that how you call the world you created for the surviving Dragons?" I ask.

"Yes. You must visit it. Although you are only a part Dragon, you are still a Dragon. There are things you need to learn and Ne Okozmo is the best place to learn them." Quetzalcoatl then turns to Aurelia. "You also want to unseal your power, don't you?"

From what Quetzalcoatl said before, Aurelia's power has been unsealed, but she hasn't realized it. I don't want to see it this way, but it seems that he genuinely wants to train me. Though, it can also mean that he wants to beat the hell out of me. Regardless of what it is, I will be busy for the next six months.

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