Omega Summoner

Chapter 2039: It’s a Bug

Seeing that the Tumultuous Leviathan used its other form of attack, the players started to prepare for it. It was not perfect and there were some casualties along the way, but they were now able to defend against the Tumultuous Leviathan. The problem is that all they can do is defend against its attack and not damage it. As if the Tumultuous Leviathan is incredibly sensitive towards killing intent, it would dive the instant it senses it which makes it evade any attack.

Even Elder Bronx could not land a clear hit on the Tumultuous Leviathan. The mana recovery of Elder Koronn is also slow since he really pushed himself too far in extending the Inverse Realm all by himself. Adrian was trying his best to tap into the wormholes as he knew that this will be the chance they get if he is able to do this.

"It is not a Leviathan anymore but a Loach!" Elder Bronx shouted as he was beginning to get frustrated as he suddenly started to make the entire area shake.

Elder Bronx started to let his anger get the best of him as he started to lose control of his force shell. Elder Koronn had to slap shoot him in the face with pure mana to calm him down. The Daemos Elders knew better than to lose control as the enemy has almost the same capability as them. If they clash with the wormholes of the enemy, then they might hasten the collapse of the dimensional barrier.

Seeing even the Daemos Elders having no way to stop or catch the Tumultuous Leviathan, the player started to think of ways themselves. Some tried to fire magic spells on the wormholes, but it only ended on another wormhole. They even committed friendly fire in the process as they do not know the inner workings of the wormholes. Even attacking the inside does not guarantee that they would hit the Tumultuous Leviathan.

"We are getting nowhere, and we are pressed with time. The dimensional barrier is still weakening as we speak. Killing the Leviathan is the only way for us to stop it or else another set of gods would be difficult to battle. It already lost its mind, yet it is still fulfilling its end of the bargain or maybe that is the only thing that it has in its mind." Adrian thought as he and the other elders knew what would happen if they did not destroy the Tumultuous Leviathan.

"Master! I have finished my slumber, and I might be able to help you in your predicament." Kenos stated via their soul link as it seems that the small bug has also gained some intelligence to converse as well.

"If you have a way then tell me." Adrian stated but Kenos seemed hesitant.

"Kenos wants the master to dive into the Soul Chamber for a moment. The master will know more once he sees the situation." Paradox stated as it seems to have understood what Kenos wants.

"If that is the case, I will look for a safe spot first." Adrian stated as he then remembered that he could just create a pocket dimension for now and use that since it will not take long.

Adrian created a pocket dimension and immediately went into a meditative state to look at his subconscious. He went directly to the Soul Chamber where Kenos is placed, and it was a very odd place full of webs and wormholes. He did not know how the images of the soul chambers are exactly created but it is said to transform to a place where ethe soulbound is comfortable.

"Master! You are here!" Kenos stated as its voice was childlike, but all Adrian saw was a huge ball of silk that glistened like the stars floating above him.

"I am here but what is your form? Are you in the Pupa stage?" Adrian asked as he knew that insect type soulbounds operate in a different form of evolution.

"Yes, master! I also gained new abilities thanks to my current form. Do you wish to see?" Kenos stated which Adrian smiled as the excited tone of his soulbound is always something to look forward to.

Adrian looked carefully and only Kenos' eyes could be seen and all of his body is covered in silk of unknown origin. Adrian knew that this silk that is covering Kenos is not normal because it is pulsating Origin Energy which he did not think was possible. Kenos gained its form thanks to Adrian giving it his blood. What Adrian did not know is that his blood is incredibly potent not only for being a demon but also having the Asmodian trait as well.

"Universe Sericum Insectum. Even the new race is quite peculiar and difficult to say." Adrian stated as he looked at the soulbound status card.


Name: Kenos

Monster Tier: Legendary

Monster Race: Universe Sericum Insectum (Origin Beast)

Monster Species: Origin Insectoid

Description: This is the pupa stage of the Origin Insectoid. Not much is known about their species or race as they tend to not show themselves until they are mature. It is said that they hide in the far corners of the universe and create multiple pocket dimensions to protect themselves from other Origin Beasts. It is said that they are incredibly nutritious which is why they created a defense mechanism to hide themselves.


"You have grown! I am proud of you, but I cannot bring you out to fight." Adrian stated as he did not want to endanger Kenos when he is in a precarious stage of its evolution.

"I am strong, master! Do not worry but I cannot easily move on my own. Instead, we can fuse together, and I will empower master." Kenos stated.

Adrian returned back to the real world and also exited the pocket dimension. The scene before did not change that much as he was not gone for long. He was only gone for about five minutes which would not change much since the interval for attacks of the boss monster is between five to ten minutes. The players could be seen trying to find a way to catch the boss monster or prevent it from diving into a wormhole, but they have not yet found a way.

"I should trust Kenos since the skills that he acquired are perfect for the situation. Even Paradox agrees which means that this is very feasible. Let us change form first. Primordial Armament: Mirror!" Adrian stated as he changed form.

"What is the guild master doing?" One of the Pantheo guild members asked Solstice.

"He found a way out of this situation. Everyone must get ready as this would be quick just like always." Solstice stated as she saw the other guild members nod in agreement.

"Perfect Assimilation: Kenos!" Adrian stated as Kenos' magic circle suddenly fused with his body.

Adrian's appearance changed almost completely as his armor changed to match the silk that Kenos is covered in. If Adrian used Beast Form, then he might look more like Kenos, but he used the humanoid form for more ease of use. Adrian's mirrors that spun around him also changed to go with his new aesthetic. The eyes that looked like that of a demons changed to a more insect-like eye while the outer edges had the same silk pattern.

Adrian's blindfold also changed to that of silk which made him look incredibly stunning. If Adrian looked cool and mysterious in his mirror demon form, then his Kenos Mirror Demon form made him elegant and mysterious. Everyone that looked at him almost forgot that they were still being threatened by the Tumultuous Leviathan.

[You have fused with your soulbound, Kenos.]

[You have gained more stats for the duration of the fusion.]

[You have gained the active skill Cosmic Silk Web from your soulbound, Kenos.]

[You have gained the passive skill Cosmic Vibrations from your soulbound, Kenos.]


Skill Name: Cosmic Silk Web

Skill Tier: Legendary

Skill Type: Active


Able to create Cosmic Silk Webs to aid the user in using Cosmic Vibrations. Can be used to restrain enemies. More mana used will create a stronger and longer Cosmic Silk Web.

Mana Cost: 10 Mana points to 1000 Mana points per second

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: None


Skill Name: Cosmic Vibrations

Skill Tier: Legendary

Skill Type: Passive


Able to sense everything that the Cosmic Silk Web touches. Automatically used to sense the

entire area that is not perceived by the user. The larger the area being revealed, the longer the time needed to perceive. Using more Cosmic Silk Webs will hasten the process of perceiving

the area.

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: None


"Let us start." Adrian stated as his voice also contained Kenos' voice since they are fused


Adrian suddenly sprouted six extra insect arms from behind him with a cool effect of a wormhole being the source. As soon as the extra arms appeared, the Cosmic Silk Webs started to invade the wormhole domain of the Tumultuous Leviathan.

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