Omega Summoner

Chapter 138 - Escaping From The Holy City

Adrian did not even spared a glance at the woman shouting at him. The spell she casted was a skill shot and not a target spell so Adrian evaded it by hiding in one of the glass cases. Adrian had to admit that the glass case was durable despite it being made of what looks like feeble glass.

Adrian continued bashing the glass case in hopes of it breaking but he only got damaged in the end. He even bashed it with his oversized gauntlet but there was not even a crack. He was getting immense pressure though as skill shots were being fired upon him while he bashed the glass case.

The Church of Light Pope, Her Holiness Pristina, was looking at Adrian in a vile manner and wants to tear the intruder limb from limb. Adrian could feel the killing intent coming from someone below but he is too focused on breaking the glass case. He suddenly heard another shout below and a blinding ray of light coming towards him.

"Devil Possessed Being! Come down here and fight coward!" Her Holiness Pristina shouted as she cast one of her long range skills.

Adrian saw the beam of intense light come towards him at light speed. Adrian decided that he would not be able to evade it and decided to blink just a meter away. The paladins and priest were shocked as they did not expect the devil possessed being was fast.

Thankfully, Adrian was evaluated as a devil possessed being instead of a demon. Adrian wanted to know why he was seen as such but he was too busy breaking the glass and dodging skills to even bother. Adrian's mind started to go into overdrive so that he could get out of this predicament with the fragments but that was hopeless.

Adrian thought that it was already a loss cause and decided to use a teleportation scroll. Adrian tore the teleportation scroll which he now only has two but nothing happened. Adrian was stunned because this never happened before. A system notification then popped up to inform Adrian of what happened.

[Cannot use any long range teleportation skills and equipment due to the Prismatic Barrier. All that touches the light will not be able to escape.]

Adrian could only curse as he would definitely not be getting out of here alive. Adrian though was very doubtful as why does the paladins and the pope not even get him down themselves. Adrian wanted to know why high level NPCs could not even snipe him down so he used his evil eye on them and he was shocked on what he saw.

NPC: Pristina Lumen

Tier: Legendary

Title: Pope of the Church of Light

Race: Angelus

Hierarchy: Third Sphere - Principalities (Sealed in Human Form)

Level: 250

NPC: Jaren Lightblade

Tier: Epic

Title: Sword of the Pope

Race: Angelus

Hierarchy: Third Sphere - Arch Angel (Sealed in Human Form)

Level: 230

NPC: Fera Lightguard

Tier: Epic

Title: Shield of the Pope

Race: Angelus

Hierarchy: Third Sphere - Arch Angel (Sealed in Human Form)

Level: 230

"Come down here you unhuman scum!" Jaren Lightblade who is a male paladin shouted.

Adrian was greatly shocked of the information he managed to glimpse. Adrian wanted to ask questions but it seems that it was not optimistic to do so. Adrian also noticed that when the group entered the room, the room somehow became brighter. It was almost like a domain was applied but only partially.

The Church of Light was pro-human but views other races tolerable due to the threat of the dark gods. Adrian noticed this because he has yet to see an elf priest NPC or any other race for that matter. Also, majority of the vendors in the city were human NPCs and only the roaming merchants were of other race.

Adrian previously did not know why this was the case as their catchphrase was "All is equal within the light". He now knows why they have this viewpoint. The leader of the Church of Light are angels. Despite hearing good things about them in the real word, in Pandemonium angels are just like any other individual. In fact, Ascalor hated the angels because they are too conceited.

Ascalor told Adrian that he hated angels because they see themselves as perfect or the purest of creations. It seems that having sparkly lights when you manifest your white feathered wings was enough to blind the weak willed. Add to the fact that angels were blessed with mastery of magic and a slightly better physique than the humans then it was clear that attention got to their head.

Ascalor also told Adrian that he prefer the devils more rather than the angels because devils were more true to their nature and they cannot lie. The only thing on Adrian's mind when Ascalor was telling him that story was that an angel must have offended him in some way.

In the end, the angels' head became big and treated themselves as superior. They viewed races other than humans inferior because humans like to worship them or praise them. Angels have a bitter rivalry with devils and always try to kill devils when one appears. It was a good thing for Adrian as he will not bring demons and angels to war due to his quest.

Adrian then thought of one thing and that is to get rid of all the light in the area. Adrian could only sigh as he will waste a long cooldown skill just to escape but he was left with no choice.

"Netheros Domain" Adrian muttered.

A chilling wind from who knows where blew inside the room. The light that flooded the room was being eaten by the black, white and gray smoke. The priests started reciting prayers and a barrier made of yellow light enveloped the group but they could still feel their souls becoming afraid.

With the bright light now gone from the room, even the glass cases were fading to inexistence. It seems that the lock was darkness. It now makes sense why there were no guards inside because nobody would be able to even open those glass cases as a specified individual was needed.

But now, everything was different. The glass cases lost their enchantment and Adrian just leaned on one of the glass cases and it immediately cracked. The downside is that they are disappearing immediately like when day shifts into night.

Adrian used Assault Charge to reach the glass case where the fragments are held. The glass immediately shattered and Adrian caught the fragments. He kept the fragments in his inventory and immediately took out his remaining teleportation scroll.

When the pope saw one of the glass cases shattered, she immediately casted one of her ultimate skills.

"Illuminate!" Her Holiness Pristina shouted.

Adrian heard the shout and saw a dome of golden light extending towards Adrian. Even Adrian's domain was slightly getting overpowered due to their level difference. Even if a domain skill was powerful, it still depended on the player's stats. Adrian could feel destructive power from the enlarging golden dome.

Adrian immediately tore the teleportation scroll in panic but it seems that he was not fast enough. Adrian disappeared from the church. Since soulbounds would be automatically be unsummoned when the player is far apart from it, Kanlaon vanished and the people near him was shocked when that happened. They thought that someone kidnapped the boy sitting near a fountain outside the cathedral.

Her Holiness Pristina lost her composure and shouted. Her shout even reverberated all over the church. Even someone just outside the church heard her scream.

"Investigate where that devil possessed went. Purge him and his family. Their stain must not be spread!" Her Holiness Pristina ordered in a harsh cold tone. The paladins immediately investigated what happened.

"Bring me Bishop Lu. I must speak with him." Her Holiness Pristina ordered in a calmer but cold tone.


Adrian was transported back to Paradox Plane. Well, most of him anyway. From his knee below, everything was decimated and he was losing large health every half second. It did not take long for the most dreadful of all system messages to appear.

[You have died.]

[Do you wish to revive here? Yes or No]

Adrian chose yes and his avatar materialized in a familiar place in the Paradox Plane which was Ascalor's backyard.

"Seriously! She is scary. She even released some of her angelic powers just to kill me. Well, she did kill me but I did not give her the satisfaction of my dead body. So in the end, it's her lost." Adrian complained while Ascalor was observing him.

"It seems you are too upset. So how did the meeting go? What did they ask for?" Ascalor asked.

"Oh? Was I supposed to go back and report? I did not know that?" Adrian replied and he was smacked on the head.

"Why are you hitting my head when you just chucked me to some unknown land? Fending for myself. Without back-up. Thankfully, I manage to survive using my awesomeness and wits." Adrian said dramatically which landed another hit on his head. The hits were not even that bad as he only lost one health.

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