Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 995 - Target, Red-Gold City!

Chapter 995: Target, Red-Gold City!

Ice Storm spoke to Meng Chao’s heart.

Meng Chao did not believe that there really was such a superstitious thing as the “blessing and curse of the ancestral spirits.”

However, to put it in a more scientific way, the totem warframe’s operating system carried a safety measure that had to be passed through gene binding. It could only activate and safely release 100% of its combat strength once it detected Turan genes. That was not impossible.

One needed to know that even Dragon City’s power armor had the functions of fingerprint unlocking and iris detection.

Since the totem armor was so much more advanced than the power armor, could any Tom, Dick, or Harry control it?

Of course there had to be a certain connection between the genes of Earthlings and advanced orcs.

Otherwise, Picturesque Orchid Lake’s secret medicine would not have been so effective on him as an Earthling.

Perhaps, they were all descendants or test subjects of the mother, as well as the Ancients, and they were brothers of the same origin.

However, Meng Chao did not want to take the risk before he prepared enough cultivation resources and recovered to Heaven Realm.

He did not absorb the totem armor or bring it with him back to the Blood Skull Arena.

When the totem battle armor was frozen and hardened, it was too big. Plus, its shape was highly irregular. It was very unique. No matter how much it was wrapped, one could still see that it was a set of armor.

The Blood Skull Arena was Casanova’s territory.

Ice Storm reminded him yesterday that Casanova had already set his eyes on him.

How could he kill Casanova’s subordinate and snatch the other party’s treasure, then still carry the treasure with him and swagger around right under Casanova’s nose?

Therefore, Meng Chao placed the totem battle armor outside the arena, in a safe and secret place.

If he really wanted to absorb the totem battle armor, he did not want to do it in the Blood Skull Arena either.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happened during the absorption, the totem power would leak out in some mysterious way. If Casanova sensed it, would he not be done for?

“Then, can any other races other than the Turan people put on the totem battle armor?” Meng Chao asked Ice Storm for advice humbly.

He had a faint feeling that Ice Storm was neither surprised nor angry about him killing Big Buck. There was even a faint sense of joy and trust.

It was as if through this “pledge of allegiance,” Ice Storm had truly accepted himself into the same camp and they could start a deeper level of cooperation.

“Yes!” Sure enough, Ice Storm answered him resolutely and decisively.

“Although all the warriors, priests and chiefs say that the totem armor is a gift from the ancestral spirit, only the warriors of the clan with the purest bloodline, the highest moral character, and the most sense of honor are worthy to have it. Those lowlifes and outsiders who have filthy blood flowing in their bodies do not have the right to touch totem power. forcefully touching it will only tarnish the glory of the ancestral spirit, drawing the wrath of the ancestral spirit and the cruelest punishment.

“However, I want to tell you that they are all farting.

“As long as they have enough power and fighting spirit, anyone can become the owner of the totem armor—whether it is the most lowly rat people, the weirdly-shaped ogres or even the skeleton soldiers, even if they are our old enemies for tens of millions of years, the holy light humans can do it.

“Of course, the holy light humans have their own beliefs, and they are definitely not willing to easily implant the ‘chaotic creation’ of the totem armor, which is another matter.

“Speaking of which, if you are not a Turan, it would indeed be a little more difficult to plant totem armors. The impact of the ferocious souls inside the armors would be a little more intense, and there would be a higher chance that your flesh and mind would be devoured by the armors, turning you into a puppet of the armors, which is also known as the Origin Warrior.

“Therefore, you didn’t take the risk so easily. That’s right. Otherwise, you would have become a pile of broken armors and a mixture of bizarre-looking flesh and blood.”

“It’s like this…”

Meng Chao was deep in thought, “Then, how can we minimize the risk of equipping a totem armor?”

“It’s very simple. Eat more golden fruits, totem beast flesh, totem beast cores and secret medicine, and kill more people.”

Ice Storm said, “You can simply think of a totem armor as a hungry monster that lives in your body and is filled with the desire to kill, and you are its beast tamer.

“As long as you use more food to fill its stomach, and use more battles and killings to vent its killing intent, it will be satisfied and won’t have any designs on you—at least not for the time being.

“However, if you haven’t eaten many golden fruits or the flesh of totem beasts for a long period of time, and haven’t participated in any battles to fill its stomach, then it can only… eat you.”

Meng Chao suddenly understood.

Regardless of whether it was his past life or present life, the advanced orcs were the most violent and belligerent races among the many civilizations in the other world.

Including the people of Dragon City, the other races participated in the war between worlds for the purpose of victory.

And the purpose of the advanced orcs participating in the war between worlds seemed to be only the war itself. Victory or defeat, it didn’t matter at all.

Meng Chao had always wondered how the advanced orcs developed such a character of “Indifferent to life and death, willing to do anything if not satisfied”.

After Ice Storm’s explanation, he seemed to understand a little.

Once Ice Storm finished speaking, she walked towards the backyard of the training ground.

The backyard was blocked by an ice wall. With a wave of her hand, a huge crack opened up, revealing the natural large freezer inside.

The freezer was filled with large amounts of frozen golden fruits and frozen totem beast flesh.

There were also totem beast cores that were emitting a magnificent radiance, like crystal clusters and gemstones.

There were also hundreds of secret medicines that were filled with glass bottles and plastic soda bottles. They were sticky like honey, but they were emitting a faint fluorescent light.

The spirit energy that was emitted from these cultivation resources was so dense that it was visible to the naked eye. They were like semi-transparent vortexes that were slowly rotating in front of Meng Chao.

Meng Chao’s breathing could not help but stop.

Every cell in his body was screaming crazily.

“This is the reward from yesterday’s victory. Apart from the usual rewards, I have also placed a large bet on myself. I bet that we will win this victory cleanly and cleanly.”

“Also, because our victory was too beautiful, many of the audience were excited and rewarded us crazily,” Ice Storm said.

“With these resources, it seems that it’s still not enough to build the strongest battle team or battle gang in Picturesque Orchid Lake.

“However, it’s more than enough to let one or two experts raise their battle strength to the peak and do whatever they want.”

Meng Chao’s eyes flashed.

Ice storm was about to tell him everything.

“So, I’m not wrong. You never thought of forming a battle team or even a battle gang to command thousands of troops?” he asked the snow leopard warrior.


Ice Storm shook her head. “I’m very clear that I don’t have the ability to train soldiers and command troops. Moreover, commanding a battle gang is a very troublesome matter. The more subordinates they have, the more problems they have to consider in terms of food, drinks, daily training, and garrisoning. As an outsider, I’m on my own. It’s impossible for me to support an army with my own strength.

“I can only rely on Casanova to tie myself tightly to the Blood Hoof Clan. In name, I’m the commander of the battle team, the battle gang, and even the battle group, but in reality, I’m still a chess piece of the Blood Hoof Clan.

“The larger the army under my command is, the tighter the tie will be. I’ll never be able to get rid of it.

“Therefore, I’ve never thought of being a commander. The only reason I joined the battle group was to obtain… the resources to build a battle gang and a larger space for activities

“And then?”

Meng Chao asked without surprise, “What happens after we obtain sufficient resources and space?”

“After that, we escape and escape from black-corner city,” Ice Storm stared into Meng Chao’s eyes and said.

“Where do we go after we escape from Black-corner City?” Meng Chao was not surprised by the snow leopard warrior’s answer either. He continued to ask with a calm expression.

“Red-gold City!” Ice Storm said the final answer with a pause.

Meng Chao raised his eyebrows.

“Why? Are you afraid?” Ice Storm’s eyes flashed with disappointment.

“I’m not afraid. I’m just a little surprised.”

Meng Chao smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that the two of us would have the same destination.”

Red-gold City was the Gold Clan’s main city among the five major clans.

It was also the most glorious city in Picturesque Orchid.

There were five major clans in the Turan civilization.

However, in the glorious era, when the five clans competed for the supreme throne of the War Chief and the highest authority to command the entire Turan army, the only ones who were truly competitive were the Blood Hoof and the Gold Clans.

Of the other three clans, the Thunder Clan was mainly composed of the Feather Clan, which had the blood of falcons and raptors flowing in their veins. They were existences that came and went as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning.

However, the power in the air alone wasn’t enough to decide the outcome of a war. The weakness of the land combat ability meant that the Thunder Clan couldn’t become the main force of the Turan army, they could only carry out special combat missions of scouting, harassing, restraining, and going deep into the enemy’s rear.

The Dark Moon Clan was made up of the turtle, snake, crocodile, lizard, and other advanced orcs with reptilian bloodlines.

Although they were best at hiding and assassinating, they were the most terrifying nightmare of the enemy in the starless night.

However, in a frontal battlefield where tens of thousands of people were charging at the same time, they lacked the ability to make the final decision like the Thunder Clan.

As for the Divine Wood Clan, there was no need to mention them. Strictly speaking, it was a question whether they could be considered as advanced orcs.

Many of the Divine Wood Clan’s people didn’t look like beasts at all. Instead, they looked like human-shaped trees that could photosynthesize.

They were good at recovery and healing, not destruction and conquest. In the Turan army, they were mainly responsible for medical and logistical tasks. Naturally, they didn’t have the ability or ambition to compete for the throne.

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