Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 993 - You Have Missed a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Chapter 993: You Have Missed a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Big Buck felt like he was being squeezed by a ten-thousand-ton hydraulic press.

All the secrets hidden in the depths of his brain spilled out…

The internal structure of the temple, the staffing of the guards, Casanova’s position in the Blood Hoof Clan, Casanova’s trusted generals, how many children the Blood Hoof chief had, the relationship between these dozens of children, the Blood Hoof Clan’s competitors… besides the Ironhide Clan, so on and so forth…

Just as he had said, the black-haired, black-eyed monster had mastered “exquisite techniques.”

There were many things that Big Buck had just vaguely heard once a long time ago and forgotten.

After this monster’s processing, however, he magically remembered them again.

The nightmare-like cycle continued for an unknown period of time.

Big Buck felt as if his brain and body had literally been emptied as he turned into a shriveled bag of skin.

He thought that the nightmare would never end.

In reality, it was not a nightmare at all. The black-haired, black-eyed monster was not a real thing. Instead, for some reason, he had fallen into what the holy light humans called “hell,” he was destined to suffer endless torture.

He finally heard a voice that sounded like an angel.

“Alright, our work is over. Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Big Buck.”

The black-haired, black-eyed monster said politely.

His cold hands that were like surgical instruments wrapped around Big Buck’s neck.

Those eyes that were as deep as the night sky, shining with billions of stars, were above Big Buck’s head, looking at him calmly.

The black tide that gushed out from the depths of the eyes was like the magma of the end of the world, swallowing Big Buck’s body and limbs completely.

The last bit of vitality made the Minotaur warrior’s brain clear up as if it had returned to the past.

“You… what exactly do you want!”

He was both confused and unwilling, throwing out the last question, “Power? Resources? Status? Totem battle armor? These things, the Blood Hoof Clan can give you all of them!

“Lord Casanova is recruiting experts everywhere to enrich his Blood Skull legion. Even if you want a totem armor as powerful as the Mithril Ripper, it is not impossible!

“The Blood Hoof Clan has sealed many ancient armors that are wreathed in brutal souls in the first place. They are waiting for the brave warriors who are not afraid of death to control them!

“With your ability and means, everything you want can be obtained openly and easily in the Blood Hoof Clan!

“Why do you want to make the entire Blood Hoof Clan your enemy in such an extreme way?”

Meng Chao lowered his eyelids.

Perhaps it was because this was the last question the Minotaur warrior asked before he died.

Before he exerted his strength, he explained patiently, “That’s right. In the beginning, I did seriously consider joining hands with the Blood Hoof Clan to change Picturesque Orchid Lake’s future.

“Although the Blood Hoof Clan is the most irritable, reckless, and brainless one of the five major clans, and is used to solving all problems through brute force, it doesn’t seem to be the most perfect collaborator.

“But who asked me to drift with the tide and drift into the Blood Hoof Clan’s territory?

“As long as I can save time that is more precious than crystals, I’m willing to tolerate most of your bad habits.

“It’s a pity that you missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“As I said just now, you really shouldn’t have destroyed the Bright Shell Village and slaughtered and enslaved my savior.”

Big Buck’s eyes widened, as if he didn’t dare and didn’t want to believe such a ridiculous answer.

“That’s it?”

He muttered, “Just because we destroyed Bright Shell Village, you chose to become the Blood Hoof Clan’s… mortal enemy?”

Meng Chao said, “Isn’t that enough?”

Big Buck’s expression was absent-minded, and his eyes were filled with resentment and grievance.

He had thought of ten thousand ways to die.

From the most glorious to the most painful.

But he had never thought that an awe-inspiring clan warrior would fall for such a ridiculous reason.

It was equivalent to indirectly dying at the hands of a group of rat people.

“They are just a group of rat people!”

At the end of his life, he let out a hysterical roar. “They are not people. They are just a group of rat people!”

“That’s right.”

Meng Chao Sighed. “In my previous life, we thought so too.”


His arms suddenly exerted force, twining around Big Buck’s neck like two curved steel bars. After twisting it into a twist, he continued to twist it violently.

Big Buck’s thick neck, along with his carotid artery and cervical vertebrae, were all twisted into pieces.

The bull’s head, with its eyes wide open, first rotated 180 degrees clockwise, then in the same direction, and continued to rotate 180 degrees.

When the bull’s head’s angle returned to normal, the bull’s eyes, which were filled with confusion and unwillingness, had already lost all of its brilliance.

Meng Chao was still worried.

His knees pressed against Big Buck’s shoulders, and he pulled the bull’s head along with the cervical vertebrae out from the cavity, half an arm’s length.

Next, he used five minutes to clean up the body and everything.

He packed up the small and exquisite tools and the totem armor fragments and took them away.

Then, he checked the mechanism that he had carefully set up.

He made sure that this mechanism could be opened at the entrances and exits on both sides of the secret passage. When a large amount of oxygen rushed in, it would automatically ignite the oil that was mixed with chemicals.

The entire room, Big Buck’s body, and the device that was left here would all be charred and burned in half a minute. It would be twisted and deformed, and no one would be able to tell its origin.

Only then did he shake his hood and cloak and walk out of the room.

Outside was a narrow and long corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a fork road that had been half-excavated for some unknown reason.

At the end of the Fork Road, there was a guy curled up in a corner that reeked of alcohol. He was unconscious.

His head was covered with three layers of a hood, and his face could not be seen clearly.

However, through his slanted shoulders, dark claws, slender tail, and the clothes on his body, it was still possible to recognize that he was the real candy house attendant.

It was also him who told Meng Chao the whereabouts of Big Buck, the name of the candy house, and the existence of this secret passage.

Meng Chao rolled up a few stacked mandala leaves into a long tube, lit the end of it, and placed it under the nose of the rat man attendant through the hood.

The hood could only block vision, not smoke.

The pungent smell caused the rat servant to sneeze a few times in his sleep and slowly wake up.

Realizing where he was, the rat servant immediately squirmed uneasily.

“Don’t worry, it’s all over.”

Meng Chao raised the thumb of his left hand and pressed it against his Adam’s apple.

As he spoke, his thumb trembled slightly and his real voice changed, turning into a sharp and croaky voice.

“I won’t kill you, but whether or not you can save your own life depends on you.”

Meng Chao said, “If you want to live, then take a deep breath and remain calm. Listen to what I have to say. Is that okay?”

The rat servant nodded slightly.

He was a little flustered and took a deep breath with some difficulty.

“Take another breath and slowly exhale,” Meng Chao said.

At the same time, he grabbed the rat servant’s wrist and checked his pulse.

The rat servant took a second deep breath.

“Very good. Do It again. Do it three times in a row. Very good. Your breathing and heartbeat are gradually stabilizing. Your mentality is very good. I think you can survive.”

Meng Chao and the rat-man manservant took five deep breaths in a row. Their shoulders were no longer trembling, and their pulse was more stable. Then, they continued, “There is a corpse on the other side of the secret passage. You should be able to guess who it is, but please believe me. For the sake of your little life, you don’t need to see his miserable state.

“What you need to do most now is to leave this place without anyone noticing. You need to do what you originally wanted to do as if nothing had happened. Today is your day off. You originally wanted to go to Dirty Harry Tavern to drink, right?”

The rat servant nodded.

“Then go. It’s still early. It’s enough for you to drink another round, get drunk, and sleep next to the garbage in the alley behind the tavern until dawn.”

Meng Chao said, “Then, with red eyes and a headache, you will go back to the sugar house and forget everything that happened today.

“No, nothing happened today. You don’t know anything, haven’t done anything, and have nothing to do with your business.

“Almost everyone in the sugarhouse knows about the existence of this secret passage and Big Buck’s whereabouts.

“Maybe I even found someone else to find out everything from other people, just to confirm it with you?

“This guy’s death will bring some small troubles, but the troubles will not last long. After all, the owner of the Sugar House and the big shots who often visit the sugar house are best at solving troubles.

“Moreover, before long, the Blood Hoof army will set off and the entire Black-corner City will be sent out in full force. At that time, this small trouble will disappear like a broken wave on the raging battlefield.

“In other words, you only need to remind yourself to survive this period of time, understand?”

The rat servant nodded again.

Now, he had become much calmer.

Meng Chao laughed and patted the rat servant’s shoulder lightly.

He stuffed another bone coin, which was absolutely traceless and not very valuable, into the rat servant’s clothes.

“Although you are a lowly rat man, serving people in the sugarhouse, your life is also a priceless treasure to you.”

He said to the rat-man manservant very seriously, “So, come on, you must live!”

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