Chapter 987: Fish in a Jar

Buck, the wild boar did not lose his mind completely in his rage.

He knew that the place was not far from the Blood Skull Arena, and there were many active Blood Hoof Clan warriors nearby.

It was quite a distance from the Ironhide Clan’s active area.

On top of that, they came from Red Creek Town and were only vassals of the Ironhide Clan.

If the Ironhide Clan knew that they were humiliated like this and that one of the five ambushers wanted revenge but the other party escaped…

The Ironhide Clan would not look upon them kindly.

Thinking of this, Buck, the wild boar gritted his teeth and waved his battle ax at Big Buck. He growled, “Buck of the Blood Hoof Clan, just you wait. The battle between us is far from over!”

With that, the five wild boar warriors climbed onto the wall and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Big Buck naturally wanted to keep one or two of them as evidence.

However, the other party cooperated well, and both of them had the power of totems. If he was desperate, he might not be able to gain any benefits.

Not to mention, with the noise from all directions and the flickering lights, they were approaching the place like a burning flood.

Plus, the rat servant, who had come out of the corner, was still screaming.

D*mn it. Big Buck had never known that a small rat man could produce such a shrill scream.

It was as if it would attract all the people in the surrounding four or five streets.

Fortunately, the mouse gave a warning.

Otherwise, he would have died here today.

Thinking of this, Big Buck could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

Of course, he would not be grateful to the rat for this.

“B * stard, stop screaming!”

With a gloomy face, he picked up the rat-man servant, “Who are you? Why are you mixed with the pigs from Red Creek Town?”

The rat-man servant was violently shaken by him twice, and his neck was almost broken. Only then did he forcefully swallow the scream back into his stomach.

“M-lord Big Buck, are you okay? You fought them off? That’s great! Thank God, that’s great! Boohoo!”

The mouse-man manservant was still in shock, and his words were incoherent. He even squirmed to move forward, wanting to hug Big Buck’s thigh tightly.

Big Buck threw him to the ground with a face full of disgust. He used the tip of the knife to pry open his coat, and saw the cat ear badge that was fastened inside the coat.

This action caused a misunderstanding to the mouse-man manservant. He thought that Big Buck was going to use the tip of his knife to pull out his heart.

He was scared out of his wits and kept begging for mercy. “Lord Big Buck, I’m the manservant of the Sugar House. You Know Me! Last time when you won big at the Goldfinger Casino, you even rewarded me with 20 bone coins!”

“Humph, of course I know you’re from the Sugar House!”

Big Buck had never paid attention to the appearance of the rat-man servant.

In his opinion, these most despicable, most wretched, and lowest-class lowlifes all looked the same.

However, there were a few times when he was lucky enough to run into the sugar house drunk after the Goldfinger Casino had won a lot of money. He had also thrown money all over the place and let the rat-man servants fight over it. It was considered a pleasure.

Compared to the identity of the mouse-man manservant, he was more concerned about who he was. “Wait, how did you know who I am? How did the pigs in Red Creek town know that I was in the candy house and that I would pass by during this period of time?”

Big Buck was well-developed, but he was definitely not simple-minded.

The duty of ‘spectator’was not only to deal with the unexpected situation on the arena, but also to appease the emotions of the audience. Many problems could not be solved perfectly by force alone.

Big Buck thought quickly and his pupils contracted to the tip of a needle. He said furiously, “You leaked my whereabouts? You Lowly Rat, how dare you betray me!”

“I –”

The rat-man manservant wriggled on the ground like a panicked earthworm, trying to find a hole to hide in.

He defended crazily, “It wasn’t me. They already knew you were in the Sugar House. They just wanted me to lead the way. I had no choice, Lord Big Buck. They are also masters of the clan. I really had no choice. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to Die!”

At the end of his speech, he let out a “Wah”and really cried. Tears and Snot covered his face.

Big Buck’s expression was as if he had seen a slug infected with a plague.

It was both disgusting and disgusting.

At this time, the noise and lights around them were getting closer and closer.

It was as if someone would appear from the corner at any time.

On the high walls and behind the windows, there seemed to be dozens of people hiding.

It was unknown if they could see Big Buck’s appearance clearly.

Hearing the noise getting closer and closer, the mouse-man servant let out a sigh of relief. It was as if he was defending himself, at the same time, it was as if he was trying to claim credit. He said, “Fortunately, I broke free from their control at the last moment. I risked my life to jump out and warn Lord Big Buck. These pigs from Red Creek Town… the wild boar people did not succeed.

“Please rest assured, Lord Big Buck. I have already shouted just now. Someone will come soon. When that time comes, we will definitely catch these wild boar people!”

Big Buck finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and kicked the mouse-man servant.

“Idiot, why are you shouting so loudly? You’ve called so many people over. How can I explain to the master that I’ve appeared in this alley so late at night!”


The mouse-man servant was dumbfounded.

It was as if he had just thought of this serious problem.

“Then, I’ll take Lord Big Buck back to the Sugar House?”He was somewhat at a loss and asked carefully.

Big Buck pondered for a moment.

The cry for help that Kid made just now was too sharp, and the content was “Help, murder”. The direction was very clear.

Therefore, he could sense that many warriors were flying over the eaves and walls, quickly approaching this place.

If he turned back to the sugar house, he might be blocked on the road.

The Warriors who rushed over quickly did not know whether he was a victim or a murderer. They would definitely want him to reveal his true face and explain why he was here.

If he was unwilling, the misunderstanding might become even bigger.

What if he was really forced by more than a dozen warriors to reveal his true colors in such a deadly place?

Then, his gossip would spread throughout the entire bloody skull arena the next day.

Also, there were many important figures in the sugar house at the moment. They were far from being someone that a small “Watchman”like him could provoke.

Important figures usually hated trouble very much.

If they knew that he was the one who brought trouble to the Sugar House, they would definitely leave a very bad impression on him.

More importantly, he did not have the time to interrogate this shifty-eyed kid in detail.

How did this kid fall into the hands of those pigs in Red Creek Town? What did he say to those pigs? How did those pigs know his whereabouts?

Although bringing this kid back to the Sugar House and handing him over to the boss would slowly squeeze out all the clues on this kid.

But since it was related to his own safety and reputation, Big Buck was more inclined to do it himself.

Thinking of this, Big Buck narrowed his eyes.

“No, we’re not going back to the Sugar House.”

He said to the mouse-man manservant, “Didn’t your boss build several secret tunnels near the Sugar House? Quickly take me out of here through the secret tunnels.”

“Yes, Secret Tunnels!”

The mouse-man servant slapped his head and struggled to get up.

The more he panicked, the more mistakes he made. He fell again and grimaced in pain.

“They hit me, Lord Big Buck. They almost killed me!”

The mouse-man servant explained his clumsiness while clumsily asking Big Buck to support him. “Look, my injuries, here and here!”

Big Buck was not interested in the mouse-man servant’s injuries at all.

However, he did not want to tangle with this lowlife who was destined to not see the sun rise in the morning at the critical moment when random people might appear at any time.

He pulled the mouse-man servant up and tried his best to hold back his anger. “I saw it. Don’t worry. When we are in the secret tunnel, tell me about it. I will uphold justice for you!”

“Thank you so, thank you so much, Merciful Lord Big Buck!”

The mouse-man servant was so grateful.

He jogged forward unsteadily.

With ease, he led Big Buck into a dead alley filled with junk.

He found a broken wooden box at the end of the alley.

Pushing open the wooden box, there was a plate of chains covered in dust.

The mouse-man servant used all his strength to pull the chains with all his might. He pulled open a wooden board under the chains and revealed a dark secret passage.

“Please, Lord Big Buck. Our boss carefully dug this secret passage. The exit is behind the Dead Dwarf’s head tavern. It’s safe!”

The mouse-man servant nodded and bowed.

Big Buck naturally knew that inside and around every candy house, there would be a few or even a dozen secret passages that extended in all directions.

It was convenient to leave safely during emergencies, or to allow important figures to enter and leave without anyone noticing.

However, most of the secret passages led directly to the inside of the candy house.

Judging from the dust on the chains, this secret passage set outside the candy house seemed to have not been used for a long time.

It seemed that it would not be disturbed later.

It really met his requirements.

Big Buck smiled sinisterly.

He took back the totem armor that he had been wearing for a long time and began to feel a faint pain.

He did not hesitate to enter the secret passage.

The mouse-man servant piled up the sundries behind him again and pulled up the wooden box. Only then did he cover the wooden board from the box.

The secret passage suddenly became pitch black.

The mouse-man manservant reached out and carelessly touched big buck’s saber.

He was shocked and hurriedly begged for mercy. “I’m sorry, Lord Big Buck. This secret passage is not often used. I, I’ve only come down once, so I’m not familiar with the environment here.”

“It’s okay.”

Big Buck’s eyes were bright. With his strength, he could naturally outline the outline of the darkness around him.

This was a straight path.

Perhaps because it was only a backup tunnel, it was not “Meticulously built”as the mouse-man manservant had said.

However, there were still a few oil lamps in the pit on the wall.

Big Buck lit an oil lamp and handed it to the mouse-man manservant, signaling him to lead the way.

The bean-sized light hit the shadows of the two people on the wall and twisted them into bared fangs and brandished claws.

The mouse-man servant let out a long sigh of relief. Holding the oil lamp, he walked in front, completely unaware that his entire back was exposed to big buck’s horns and saber.

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