Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 955 - Apocalypse Meng Chaos Way

Chapter 955: Apocalypse Meng Chao’s Way

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although he had the memory fragments from his previous life as the foundation...

The physical fitness of the advanced orcs still surprised Meng Chao.

It should be known that the physical fitness of Dragon City’s people was comparable to that of the Olympic champions in the Earth era.

Plus, even if the advanced orcs lived at the lowest level and had not received professional training, as long as they had enough food, as well as drink, and mastered the right way to exert their strength, they could produce strength that rivaled the veterans of Dragon City.

In order to obtain more resources and escape this d*mned place as soon as possible, Meng Chao had taught these rat civilian soldiers without reservation and tempered their combat skills.

However, their astonishing progress had also made Meng Chao’s scalp numb more than once, and he secretly clicked his tongue.

In addition to being taken aback, he had carried out a series of tests on the rat soldiers’ logical thinking and operational precision.

Fortunately, Meng Chao found that the advanced orcs were superior to the Dragon City people in areas such as absolute speed and strength.

Their logical thinking and operational precision, however, had quite a big, even natural flaw.

If the Turan people were given a saber, they could become the best cold-weapon warriors.

If they were given a full set of armed drones and remote-control equipment, they would very likely... disarm the rocket bombs on the drones straight away and blow up the enemy’s doghead.

Giving them a full set of experimental equipment, including a microscope, was like casting pearls before swine.

There was nothing that they could do. The physiological structure of many advanced orcs, such as hoofs and claws, overly thick limbs, and extremely heavy breathing, prevented them from carrying out precision operations such as controlling armed drones.

At the same time, aside from a few races such as the centaurs, most of them did not seem to be good at long-range attacks.

Bows and arrows were not popular in the Turan civilization. Spear throwing was the most common long-range weapon.

They even believed that the joy and anger of the ancestral spirits determined the accuracy of long-range attacks.

Each time before throwing a spear, they had to solemnly pray to the ancestral spirits or perform comical dance steps.

Meng Chao had no doubt that even if he exported the most sophisticated semi-automatic rifles made in Dragon City to Picturesque Orchid Lake, he would still be unable to use them.

When the Turan Warriors opened fire, they would also close their eyes, dance, and mumble.

Despite that, the difference in racial talent allowed Meng Chao to breathe a sigh of relief.

It seemed that, at least for a few decades, he would not have to worry about exporting Dragon City’s technology and equipment to Picturesque Orchid Lake, but there would be a backlash. The incident of “the church disciples starving their masters to death” had occurred.

Besides, it was not a bad thing for Meng Chao to train the rat servants wholeheartedly.

First of all, there were food and secret medicines, of course.

Ice storm was very satisfied with the rat servants’ progress.

She did not go back on her word. Using her identity as an ace, she obtained as much food and secret medicines as she could.

Among them, Meng Chao’s share alone was more than the share of ten rat servants.

Although it was not some heavenly material and earthly treasure with abundant spirit energy...

The energy extracted from the huge amount of food that he devoured all day helped Meng Chao to further repair his damaged body.

Through self-assessment during his deep meditation state, he felt that his combat ability had recovered up to the two-star Spirit Transformation Realm.

Deep in his eyes, the golden deviant flame that had been dormant for a long time also began to stir.

As long as he could get more higher-grade food and medicine...

He would be able to recover to the peak of the Earth Realm.

Once that happened, he would have the ability to escape Black-corner City.

In addition, he had also gained a deep understanding of the advanced orcs’ body structure by helping the rat militia adjust their strength and flexing their muscles and bones.

Do not underestimate this.

It was reason why Meng Chao was able to rise miraculously in just three years, from failing his college entrance exam to becoming the top expert of the golden generation in Dragon City.

He had been a reaper for decades in his past and present life, dissected thousands of monsters, and possessed a deep understanding of the structure of the monsters. They were inseparable.

Only by mastering the most subtle distribution and structure of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys would he be able to identify the most subtle changes in his muscles and bones when he exerted his strength.

That was the only way he could predict his enemy’s movements and control their rhythm. In the end, he could use the least amount of strength to deal the most fatal damage to his enemy’s vital points.

From this point of view, in the past five days, Meng Chao had undergone training that was a hundred times more important than carrying a stone lock, swinging a stone ax, and chopping logs...

Now, he knew advanced orcs like the back of his hand.

While he was modulating the rat militia, he also used the communication skills he had learned from the Black Skull Training Camp and the Abnormal Beast Research Department to ask the rat militia about their past lives.

The rat militia were initially tormented to death by him, but they were ecstatic to find that their strength had increased. Naturally, they lowered their guard completely, telling him every detail of their daily lives.

These conversations enabled him to sketch out a rough picture of the Turan civilization in the prosperous era.

One should note that even in the prosperous era where the mandrake fruits grew to their heart’s content and there were almost no problems with food, the labor that the ordinary rat people had to bear was still quite heavy.

It was mainly because the old masters of the clan had an astonishing amount of food.

According to Meng Chao’s comprehensive description of the rat soldiers and his calculations, the number of mandrake fruits consumed by the warriors of the clan, who occupied 1% of the total population of the Turan civilization, and the rats, who occupied 99% of the total population, was actually about the same.

If the consumption of the lords to feed the totem beasts was added, the former would be far greater than the latter.

It was impossible for the clan warriors to personally pick the mandrake fruits.

This glorious and arduous task fell on the heads of the rat people.

They had to pay a large amount of “blood taxes” via the mandrake fruits day after day, year after year. It was all to wash away the filth and shame that they were born with, which were hidden in the depths of their bloodlines.

Only then did they have the right to continue living in this glorious land.

Even the cowardly and incompetent rat people had the bravery and even brutality of advanced orcs in their bodies.

The extremely heavy blood taxes had caused the conflicts between the rat people and the warriors of the clan to accumulate day after day. Gradually, they became irreconcilable and extremely tense.

In the past, the prosperous era and the glorious era would change each other for less than ten years.

Before the conflicts between the rat people and the masters could fully accumulate, they would be vented on the land of eternal illumination through the War of Glory.

However, the prosperous era had lasted for half a century.

Half a century was enough for the new generation of rat people, who were not afraid of anything, to forget what it felt like to be whipped and butchered by the masters.

It was also enough for the bold rat people to indulge in a peaceful and carefree way of life. They despised anyone who broke this way of life, even their masters and the spokesmen of their ancestors. They were filled with a deep-rooted hatred.

Meng Chao could vaguely see from the memory fragments of his previous life that this hatred would bring new variables to the upcoming five-clan battle, the War of Glory, and even the ultimate war that would sweep across the Other World continent.

Apart from that, Meng Chao’s harvest also included Ice Storm.

In fact, he really wanted to help this female snow leopard warrior adjust her strength, unclog her bloodline, and activate her muscles and bones.

It was so that he could understand the physiological structure of the Turan powerhouses in depth.

He did not expect to be rejected by Ice Storm.

Meng Chao did not understand why Ice Storm rejected him.

After all, he had already proved that his hands had the ability for rebirth, especially on Leaf.

Advanced orcs, who were bold and unrestrained by nature, usually did not care about such level of contact in order to obtain power.

However, even though she did not let Meng Chao touch a single strand of her hair...

Ice Storm did take Meng Chao’s suggestion and activated the totem armor in front of the rat militia every day.

Meng Chao was also able to observe the silver-colored liquid metal from a close distance. It flowed out of the female snow leopard warrior’s body and condensed into a super armor that was larger than her body.

After many observations, he came to a conclusion.

This was definitely not an ordinary armor from the era of cold weapons.

It was also not a product of witchcraft and magic.

Instead, it was a very advanced single-weapon system that surpassed Dragon City’s nano battle suits and power armors.

According to Dragon City’s cultivation system, Ice Storm, in her normal state, would at most be at the beginning of Heaven Realm.

However, after activating Mithril Ripper, every inch of her skin would covered by the liquid metal armor, and her combat strength would suddenly soar to the five-star Heaven Realm or a stronger realm!

Based on Ice Storm’s own introduction, her Mithril Ripper had not been upgraded to its most powerful form.

Even if it had been upgraded to the highest level, Mithril Ripper was far from being the most powerful totem armor.

In the hands of the military aristocrats of the five great clans, as well as the heart of the Turan civilization, the Holy Mountain where the ancestral spirits lay in eternal rest, the incomparably ancient and powerful totem armor was sealed.

It was a super weapon system that could be continuously upgraded with liquid metal!

Meng Chao was becoming more and more interested in the totem armor.

Despite that, with his current status, he could not show too much enthusiasm toward the totem armor.

Plus, if he wanted to recover at least the combat strength of peak Earth Realm, it was far from enough to rely on ordinary mandrake fruits, condensed milk, and secret medicine.

It was said that each mandrake tree only bore one “golden fruit” per round, and he needed to get it...

And the flesh of totem beasts that contained rich spirit power.

These were items that only the victors were qualified to enjoy.

Of course, he could not really take on the role of a servant or gladiator, foolishly seizing victory after victory, then waiting for the Lords’ charity.

The goal of victory was to expand the range of activities.

Only then could he understand the Blood Skull Arena’s overall structure.

He knew where the golden fruits, as well as the flesh and blood of totem beasts, were stored...

And where the secret medicine that contained mysterious power was placed.

He also knew where the totem armor was sealed.

He knew which route he could take to escape the Blood Skull Arena. It would be best if he could escape out to Black-corner City.

He had to gather all of this information.

He had to find an opportunity to wipe all of them out.

That was the way the Ghost Assassin, “Apocalypse Meng Chao,” did things in his previous life.

“No matter what, let’s gain the first victory first!”

The corners of Meng Chao’s mouth formed a smile that showed his determination to win.

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