Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 946 - Setting Up a Blue Ocean Market in Advance

Chapter 946: Setting Up a Blue Ocean Market in Advance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ice Storm took the bark paper from Meng Chao’s hand with suspicion.

With just a glance, she was shocked.

On the light four pieces of bark paper, there was record of a technological civilization that had entered the post-industrial, information-based era. Being a thousand years ahead, it had an overwhelming advantage over a clan civilization.

It was not that the Turan civilization did not have such exquisite moves.

In fact, Ice storm could see at a glance that Forward Wind Cutter was only an entry-level basic combat technique.

To put it nicely, it was plain and unadorned.

To put it bluntly, it was simple and crude to the extreme.

Raising the battle saber with both hands and sprinting with both legs, he used the momentum to swing the battle saber down—it was such a common move that even a carbon-based intelligent creature with four limbs could think of it.

The military nobles of the five great clans had mastered countless totem combat techniques that were hundreds of times more powerful than Forward Wind Cutter.

Including detailed information about the principle of this move, the perspective of the muscles, joints, and even nerves, and so on, Ice Storm had seen similar things in the inheritance that the ancestors had given to the Turan warriors.

However, she had never thought that someone would spend the same amount of effort as researching totem combat techniques to research the basic combat techniques used by the rat militia.

No, this was not just for the rat militia...

Ice Storm’s mind raced as she instantly thought of several similar moves from the five great clans.

She was surprised to find that any thousand-year-old beheading technique from the clans paled in comparison to Forward Wind Cutter drawn by Meng Chao.

Closing her eyes, two versions of herself appeared in her mind. They held a saber of the same length and stood facing each other.

One of them was using the Gold Clan’s slashing technique.

The other one was using the Forward Wind Cutter technique.

The two versions sprinted at the same time, raised their sabers, exerted force, swung their sabers down, and passed each other.

In the aftermath of using the Gold Clan’s slashing technique, a large amount of blood spurted out of her neck, and her head soared into the sky!

Ice Storm broke out in cold sweat.

She revised her evaluation of Meng Chao again.

Reaper’s value was not only to create more powerful servants.

It could also directly... improve her own strength!

The female snow leopard warrior took a deep breath and asked in a hoarse voice, “Is this only the first move?”

Meng Chao knew from her eyes that he had made the right bet.

Of course... because?the saber technique that Meng Chao had revealed was not a common version in Dragon City.

It was the ultimate version of the One Hundred Saber Techniques that the people of Dragon City had just developed before the end of the world.

The biggest difference between the ultimate version and the basic version was that it incorporated the strengths of many families and absorbed the fighting profundities of many races from the Other World.

As the neighbor of Dragon City civilization and a well-known expert in hand-to-hand combat, the Turan civilization was naturally the best target for Dragon City’s people to learn from.

Therefore, the ultimate version of the One Hundred Saber Techniques in the future era contained many techniques from the Turan civilization.

It was also very suitable for the people of Turan to practice. There was no problem of incompatibility or strong foreign tinge.

If even Ice Storm could not see the value of such a unique technique, then the Bloody Skull Arena’s ace would not live up to her name no matter how much she bragged about it.

“That’s right. This is only the first move.”

Meng Chao calmly said, “I remember that there are a total of eighteen moves in the entire saber technique set. I think I also know about thirty to fifty sets of similar saber techniques and other combat techniques. Unfortunately, my injuries are too severe now, and my mind is a little confused. I can’t really remember them.

“But I believe that as long as I receive careful treatment and have enough food and medicine to gradually heal my injuries, I will definitely be able to remember more combat techniques.”

A glint flashed in Ice Storm’s eyes.

“If I can guarantee that you get enough food and medicine, are you willing to impart all of these battle techniques to my servants?” she confirmed once again.

Out of her pride as a clan warrior, she was too embarrassed to say, “Impart all of them to me.”

Meng Chao understood what she meant.

He knew that she did not dare to believe that he would publicly reveal all of these battle techniques, which surpassed the era.

In fact, Meng Chao had thought and deduced this question many times in the past half a month.

The Turan civilization was already very powerful and troublesome to deal with. It was not a chess piece that could be manipulated by Dragon City’s civilization.

If the spirit martial arts developed by Dragon City’s civilization with modern science and technology were spread to the Turan civilization, would Dragon City civilization devour itself? Would it be too late by then?

However, after analyzing the pros and cons based on the memories of his previous life, Meng Chao decided to go all out.

There were three reasons.

Firstly, the Holy Light faction had been stronger than the Chaos faction in comparison to the Other World’s overall national strength and war potential in his previous life.

Although the Chaos faction had temporarily gained the effect of being unstoppable by relying on surprise attacks and various new tactics at the beginning of the war...

After the Holy Light faction with its deep foundation recovered, especially after the Holy Light faction received help from the gods...

The situation of the war completely reversed.

The Chaos faction had embarked on an irreversible path of defeat and destruction.

Before Dragon City’s destruction, the Turan civilization had already been on the verge of death.

The desert in the northwest of the Other World continent, the Abyss in the north, and the land of ice, including the Chaos races living there, had also been burned into scorched earth and charcoal by the burning Holy Light.

Under the premise that he could not change his faction, he could only walk down the path of darkness with the brothers of the Chaos faction.

Meng Chao had no other choice. He could only think of every way to raise the Chaos faction’s war potential.

Secondly, although the Turan civilization was a “pig-teammate1” out and out...

This method of dragging Dragon City’s civilization into the water was half-threatening and half-enticing. It was definitely not friendly and glorious.

However, up to the point where they were destroyed in Meng Chao’s previous life, the Turan Civilization had never betrayed the Dragon City Civilization at least.

This was because the advanced orcs living in Picturesque Orchid Lake and the intelligent humanoid races living in the land of eternal Holy Light had conquered each other for thousands of years and had irreconcilable blood feuds.

To capture the land of eternal Holy Light was a strategic goal that was above everything else in the Turan people’s concept of war.

The Dragon City civilization’s territory was not large, and the number of troops that could be mobilized was not too much.

However, they had taken over a strategic highland like Monster Mountain Range, which was blessed by the heavens and easy to defend but hard to attack.

Forget everything else, just the super waterfall, Guillotine, which was thousands of meters away, was an insurmountable natural danger.

It was easy to backstab the Turan civilization by ambushing them from Monster Mountain Range using an armored airship or through a portal.

It was difficult to attack the Dragon City civilization from Picturesque Orchid Lake by climbing over mountains that were thousands of meters above sea level.

As long as not all the water in the Red Dragon River and Raging Tiger River drowned the five chiefs of the Turan civilization...

It would be impossible for them to break the covenant and head south to attack Dragon City’s civilization before they completely conquered the land of eternal Holy Light.

In that case, what if the flapping of Meng Chao’s butterfly wings really changed the strategic situation and caused the Chaos faction to defeat the Holy Light faction, and the Turan civilization completely conquered the land of eternal Holy Light? Would it pose a threat to Dragon City’s civilization?

That was even more worrying.

Not to mention, would the Holy Light faction, which had the protection of the gods, be blown down by the storm caused by Meng Chao, the little butterfly?

As the Turan civilization advanced triumphantly, the Dragon City civilization would not sleep soundly on the fruits of victory!

If the Dragon City civilization had experienced the entire world war and had eaten its fill of the war’s dividends, it would not have been able to become the leader of the Chaos faction and overawe the Other World’s one-hundred races. Instead, it would have to fear the backlash of a clan civilization.

Meng Chao felt that such a disgraceful Dragon City civilization that simply sought its own destruction was incurable.

Thirdly, there was an even more important reason.

It was to open up Picturesque Orchid Lake’s vast market by spreading Dragon City’s martial arts.

One needed to know that the biggest difference between the modern spirit martial arts and traditional ancient martial arts was their systemization.

To practice modern martial arts, one required all kinds of gene medicines, training equipment, and even supporting facilities, such as medical pods, training pods, and many other high-tech facilities.

Meng Chao could give away the One Hundred Saber Techniques’ mental cultivation method, routine, and all kinds of anatomical diagrams for free.

After all, the Earthlings had traveled thousands of miles to cross over to the Other World. What bad intentions could they have? The main purpose was to make friends!

However, if one wanted to practice the One Hundred Saber Techniques to the extreme, would it work without the consumption of gene medicines that were specially made by Dragon City? Would it work if one did not take the high-energy nutrient medicine specially made by Dragon City? Would it work if one did not lie down in the training cabin and the medical cabin that could only be made by Dragon City every now and then?

It did not matter if one made a profit or not, the main thing was to make friends.

Despite that, the cost was too high for their Turan friends to refuse, right?

And this was only the One Hundred Saber Techniques.

There was also the Thunder Rapier, the three basic force-execution techniques, all kinds of advanced martial techniques and spear techniques, and various other unique skills.

In addition to the gene medicines and training equipment, there were also various early classes, training, examinations, and martial arts trade associations that have their own set of standards.

In short, the jargon term for it was “ecological chain.”

In any case, from the experience and lessons of Dragon City over the past half a century, as long as one could open the ecological chain, dig deep into the moat, and form an ecological circle, the cultivation industry would absolutely be a sunrise industry that would never end.

As long as one could cultivate consumer awareness and habits in the vast blue ocean market, the profits of each market segment would be astronomical!

The advanced orcs’ passion for martial arts was even greater than the Earthlings’.

Meng Chao believed that as long as he was willing to spend a little capital, in the near future, the advanced orcs would definitely give him, Superstar Resource, and even the entire Dragon City martial arts world, a big surprise.

Was there not a saying about third-rate enterprises selling products, second-rate enterprises selling services, and first-rate enterprises selling standards?

What Meng Chao wanted to do now was give away some of the entry-level products for free. He wanted to cultivate the advanced orcs’ consumer awareness first and wait for an opportunity to sell services and standards.

Perhaps one day, Dragon City’s cultivation system would encompass the entire Other World and become a supreme system that could be applied everywhere.

At that time, the Dragon City civilization could conquer the entire Other World without bloodshed!

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