Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 935 - Battle of the Totems

Chapter 935: Battle of the Totems

In addition, the arena was already littered with corpses.

The corpses were once again filled with densely packed javelins.

It was like a simple barricade.

It restricted the advantage of Ice Storm’s nimble body and unpredictable tactics.

Ice Storm tried several times to shake Brute Hammer off and forcefully attack the rat militia’s spear formation.

However, despite Brute Hammer’s slow pace, he was able to move freely. His strong and powerful elephant trunk and bone tumor that contained a large amount of metal were not lagging at all.

When he swung them like a meteor hammer, the shrill wails and howls sounded as if they came directly from behind Ice Storm’s ears.

Ice Storm charged left and right, trying to tear the rat militia’s dense square formation apart.

She was attacked by Brute Hammer from behind, and his bone tumor almost hit her waist, eye, and neck.

It was different from the hundreds of bloody wounds that remained on her opponent’s body but did not hurt her bones.

With her petite figure, if she was hit by Brute Hammer, she probably would no longer have the chance to walk down the arena.

In the end, Ice Storm could only use her claws to whip up wind blades that condensed frost, leaving bone-deep wounds on the few rat soldiers in the outermost perimeter of the dense formation.

She had no choice but to retreat resentfully.

After repeating this several times, the rat militia still fought to the death and did not back down.

However, a bloody wound was grazed on the face of the ice storm by Brute Hammer’s spiked club.

Although the injury was not serious.

It looked rather pathetic.

Moreover, her physical strength was also rapidly depleting. Her face was full of anxiety and anger. She was no longer as fast as lightning, suppressing Brute Hammer’s calmness.

Even the audience could tell from her slow figure and chaotic footsteps that she was in a disadvantageous position.

They stopped shouting Ice Storm’s name fervently and changed to Brute Hammer.

“Brute Hammer! Brute Hammer! Brute Hammer!”

“Come on, kill her, kill the leopard!”

“What female leopard? She’s just a white cat, a tiny white cat!”

“Come on, warriors of the Blood Hoof Clan, kill this kitten from the Gold Clan!”

Many of the audience members who had spent all their money on Brute Hammer were extremely excited. They roared and shouted as they tried to harass Ice Storm verbally.

There were also quite a number of audience members who spent a lot of money betting that Ice Storm would win. Not only did they glare at the former, they even pounced on him and started fighting. In every corner of the ring-shaped audience seats… all of them had put on a good show that was not inferior to the arena.

More and more spectators were addicted to gambling. When the game began, not only did they bet on Brute Hammer and Ice storm, who would win and who would lose, but they also bet on who would be more powerful, the supporters of Brute Hammer or Ice Storm.

These were all the normal operations of Turan’s gladiators. They did not interfere with the gladiators’ normal operation. On top of that, they made the atmosphere even more heated.

Finally, after a spear embedded with bone spurs narrowly grazed past her cheek and made a small, insignificant cut, the audience was stunned.

Ice Storm, who had been humiliated by the rat people, finally broke through the limit of her endurance!


A furious roar came from her seemingly petite body.

She opened her arms and extended her sharp claws to the maximum, like an unsheathed saber.

Bright silver lines appeared under her snow-white fur as if they were alive. They quickly spread to every part of her body, forming a complicated and beautiful pattern.

It was a cheetah carved out of white jade, with a tattoo that looked like a bloody mouth.

In a matter of a few blinks, this gorgeous tattoo became brighter and brighter. In the end, where each silver line intersected, there was a large amount of metallic mucus-like material. It gushed out of Ice Storm’s body.

This metallic substance continued to flow on her skin and fur, expanding, blending, wrapping, condensing, and forming into a ferocious fully-sealed armor. It covered all her organs tightly, including her eyes and claws.

At that moment, Ice Storm was like a standing metallic cheetah made of silver.

Unlike the most accurate war machine made by Dragon City’s civilization, there were no seams, gears, or transmission system on this fully enclosed cheetah-shaped armor.

However, it still spewed out a seemingly tangible flame, as if it could provide its owner with explosive power comparable to a rocket propeller at any time.

Kacha kacha kacha!

Kacha kacha kacha kacha!

Ice Storm equipped with the totem armor was ten times more powerful than she was a moment ago.

With the tip of her feet as the center, the ground within ten arms was frozen. Not only was a thick layer of ice shell emerging, but from the ice shell, interlocking icicles protruded out.

A few rat soldiers who could not dodge in time were pierced through by the icicles, freezing their legs. They cried out in pain.

However, they did not dare to take the risk of tearing their legs apart. They used all their strength to pull them out, but they could only be pitifully nailed to the ground.

“Mithril Ripper!”

“Ice Storm has summoned her totem — Mithril Ripper!”

The audience’s eyes lit up and they cheered loudly.

Seeing this, Brute Hammer slammed his two maces hard. His muscles were also tightened, and a shocking roar came from the depths of his body. A black tattoo emerged from between the rough skin and the wrinkles.

The ink-colored tattoo soon rose high, and exploded like balls of black lava.

The exploding lava flowed everywhere, forming a majestic black armor on the surface of his body.

Savage Hammer, who was shirtless, was like a moving mountain of meat.

Savage Hammer, who was covered in armor, was more like an indestructible fortress.

The two tusks that were raised high were covered in an extremely viscous liquid metal substance, and there were also dozens of sharp spikes.

The elephant trunk and bone tumor that were originally extremely ferocious had become even thicker after being completely covered by the totem battle armor. It was like a devil’s arm that stretched out from a bloody mouth.

Especially because of its huge body, it would definitely accumulate a large amount of heat energy during an intense battle.

In order to dissipate the heat, two devices that looked like exhaust pipes and sirens were erected behind Brute Hammer’s totem armor. They were filled with holes.

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

Accompanied by brute Hammer’s monstrous strength, these two ‘exhaust pipes’let out ear-splitting screeches and spewed out a large amount of extremely high temperature steam.

Brute Hammer, who was surrounded by white steam, was like a mechanical elephant that had merged with a main battle tank!

“It, it has appeared!”

“The totem of Wild Hammer — ‘locomotive’!”

“It is the blessing of the ancestors of the wild elephant clan and the legendary ancient divine weapon ‘locomotive’. It is really powerful!”

The two trump cards activated their respective totems.

The astonishing battle intent turned into a shockwave that could be seen with the naked eye. It savaged the air, causing the burning air to scream in pain.

Not to mention the rat folk soldiers on the arena.

Even the rat folk servants who were in charge of drumming below the arena could not withstand the shock wave and ran away with their heads held in their hands.

The audience exclaimed in ecstasy.

However, many of the audience could no longer see the confrontation between the two trump cards.

They only saw a silver flash and the ice storm that had activated the mithril Ripper had already swapped places with man hammer, who was installed with the locomotive.

A deafening roar that was half a blink slower than the two people’s intertwined figures exploded next to the audience’s ears.

At the same time, the ground of the arena that was as hard as iron exploded as well.

Around the ice storm, a total of seven shocking holes appeared on the ground, which looked like smoking craters.

These were all created by Brute Hammer’s upgraded elephant trunk and Mace.

The nearest hole was only half a finger’s distance from where she stood.

However, the Gladiator who was staggering backward was brute hammer.

On his totem armor, a huge ice mark exploded from his chest to his waist.

It was as if someone had frozen his iron-like chest into a huge block of ice, using absolute zero to destroy the molecular structure of the liquid metal and even the atomic energy layer. Finally, the ice was cracked.., it was as if a huge crack in the ice had been torn open.

Man Hammer kneeled on one knee and screamed in pain.

He clenched his iron fists and punched the crack on his chest armor as if he was angry out of humiliation, shattering the ice into pieces.

The black armor around him turned into the extremely viscous liquid metal again. It slowly wriggled over and repaired the chest armor as before.

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

The ‘exhaust pipe’on their back let out ear-splitting shrieks again. The roars of the war machines made the blood of countless spectators boil and even make them lose their minds.

“Locomotive! The locomotive with infinite strength!”

“Locomotive! The invincible locomotive!”

“Locomotive! The locomotive, the ancient divine weapon!”

The spectators from the Barbarian Elephant tribe all stood up and raised their arms and trunks high. They were dancing and praising the totem that their ancestors had given them together with the warriors of their tribe on the arena.

Among the main tribes that made up the bloody hoof tribe, the barbarian elephant tribe had the least number of people compared to the Tauren, centaurs, and wild boar people.

However, because they were too big, even if they didn’t stand up, they would still block the audience in the back row.

Therefore, every arena in black horn city had set up a special stand for the audience of the barbarian elephant tribe.

The Barbarian Elephant People’s voices were loud and clear to begin with.

They also liked to use their long trunks to blow a horn made of hollowed-out tusks, making “Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo”sounds. It was said that they were imitating the sound of “The roar of a train whistle”.

The noise of dozens of barbarian elephant people was almost as lively as the noise of hundreds of Tauren gathered together.

The cheers of his fellow tribesmen stimulated the blood of the barbarian hammer even more.

He stomped heavily on the ground, indicating that he was unharmed. Then, he raised his spiked club to the woman opposite him and shouted, “Again!”

The two stomps seemed to have the effect of ‘war stomp’, splashing the debris in the holes.

The debris that was splashing in the air was captured by man Hammer’s fighting will. It froze in the air. It was shivering crazily, but it did not fall down no matter how hard it tried.

Ice storm snorted coldly.

Mithril surged around his body, and icicles formed under his feet once again. They formed a crystal clear path of death and slowly extended toward brute hammer.

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