Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 907 - The Queen Bee and the Little Witch

Chapter 907: The Queen Bee and the Little Witch

A search and rescue team consisting of 12 speedboats, fishing boats, submersibles, and armored airships was going down the Raging Tiger River in search of Meng Chao.

The official search and rescue had come to an end.

The runoff from the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River was too large, and there were too many tributaries. The hydrologic environment at the bottom of the river was extremely complex.

It was no different from finding a needle in a haystack if one wanted to salvage a person who had most likely been torn to pieces by monsters and whirlpools.

Moreover, after so much time had passed, Meng Chao had most likely been swept into the middle and lower reaches of the two big rivers, an unknown area that the people of Earth had never explored before.

For the time being, Dragon City’s civilization was not fully prepared to conquer the entire Red Dragon River and Raging Tiger River basin.

However, his close relatives and friends were still unwilling to give up. They spared no expense and organized a private search and rescue team time and time again, hoping to find even the slightest clue.

Even if they could just find out which direction Meng Chao had gone in, it would be good.

However, this should also be the last private search and rescue because they had already followed Raging Tiger River and searched all the way to a place close to Killing Tiger Gorge.

In front of them was the super waterfall, Guillotine, which had just been discovered by human beings.

The waterfall that had a drop of more than a thousand meters was surrounded by violent gales.

The river water that contained the crystal powder would bombard the land below a thousand meters and release the spirit energy hidden in the depths of the land.

The planet’s magnetic field was extremely chaotic there, and the interference of spirit magnetism was as serious as that in the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain.

Even peak Heaven Realm experts might be blocked by violent spirit energy if they were caught in the wind, resulting in the loss of magnetic levitation control.

If they fell into the abyss like headless flies, they would almost certainly be crushed into pieces.

Not to mention, the mist in the area had just dispersed not long ago.

Other than Killing Tiger Gorge on both sides, which looked like a battle between a human being and a tiger, and the intimidating Guillotine, the two famous landmarks, human beings knew nothing about their surroundings.

As for the plain hidden in the clouds and mist under the guillotine, it was an unknown secret land that was likely to contain fatal danger.

If the natives of the Other World with high intelligence lived there…

The search and rescue teams sent out by the Earthlings were likely to be captured by them. Through torture or secret spirit arts, the natives of the Other World could figure out the real situation of Dragon City’s civilization.

That would lead to disastrous consequences.

Therefore, before the Dragon City civilization’s military strength was strong enough to ensure the safety of every search and rescue team and exploration team and allow them to retreat safely from the extremely dangerous unknown region, whether it was the search and rescue work of the official or private teams… they could only helplessly pause.

Killing Tiger Gorge was the temporary border of the Dragon City civilization.

It took three days and three nights to search all the way here, still nothing, the search and rescue team can only turn back resentfully.

“Sister Siya, let’s go back. The current ahead is getting faster and faster. If we’re not careful, we’ll fall under Guillotine.”

Bai Jiacao, the representative of her family, stood on the bow of the first search-and-rescue ship. It was equipped with a high-power crystal engine, a super-high-alloy net in the nanometer level, and dozens of detection and search-and-rescue equipment. Overlooking Guillotine outside the vast world, she spoke to Lu Siya.

She did not know if it was because she had received enough training in the school of martial arts…

Or the elder brother thing had gotten her to suddenly realize that her elder brother or anyone else could not protect her life.

One day, she would have to protect her family and more.

Bai Jiacao had matured and grown up overnight.

Her delicate facial features seemed to have been smeared with paint. They were more three-dimensional, and her every movement exuded a valiant aura.

She was like a small-sized Meng Chao.

In front of her, Lu Siya was still nailed to the bow of the boat like a nail. She was staring at the surging river, which was getting faster and faster.

In the background of Killing Tiger Gorge and Guillotine, Lu Siya’s back was extremely tiny and thin.

However, from an angle that no one could see, her sharp and profound eyes had already pierced through the canyon and the waterfall to the distance where clouds and mist were lingering.

“Sister Siya, the wind here is too strong and the waves are too high. We really can’t go any farther.”

Seeing that she did not move at all, Bai Jiacao sighed. She took two steps forward, grabbed her sleeve, and shook it gently as she comforted her. “Don’t blame yourself anymore. What happened to my brother is not your fault. This is war, and war is destined… to have sacrifices.

“Now that things have come to this, my parents have slowly accepted this fact. My father said that my brother is indeed the child of the Red Dragon Army. He will always be proud of my brother. My mother said that no matter where my brother is now, he would definitely not like to see our family sigh and be depressed. My brother can only be at ease if we are happy and live a better life.

“Besides, although we didn’t find any trace of my brother, we didn’t find any evidence to prove that he’s… dead! Isn’t this great news? Who knows, maybe my brother is still alive?”

Lu Siya turned her head abruptly at the last sentence.

“That’s right. Trust me, Xiaocao. Your brother must be alive!”

With bright eyes, Lu Siya seriously said, “You know, after your brother and I experienced the shocking changes at the bottom of Raging Waves Mountain Range together, due to the double invasion of the Red Radiance Jade tide and the Blue Origin Crystal, we had a mysterious telepathic connection with each other.

“As long as the two of us are close enough, our vitality magnetic fields will resonate with each other weakly.

“For an expert like your brother, even if he dies, his vitality magnetic field will not dissipate so easily. Theoretically speaking, it is very likely that he will turn into a heroic spirit.

“However, in the past month or so, we have searched the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River many times since we set off from the Devil’s Eye, but I still haven’t sensed his vitality magnetic field or found his heroic spirit.

“This proves that he’s still alive!”


Bai Jiacao had only comforted Lu Siya when she saw her sad and lonely back.

She was overjoyed when she realized that her words were true.

“Of course it’s true. I have a feeling that your brother will appear in front of us in a way that nobody will expect and give us a big fright soon!”

Thinking of this, Lu Siya could not help but laugh. “Therefore, we must cheer up and wait for his return in the most perfect condition!”

“That’s right. We must cheer up. We must let my brother see that even if he’s not here, we will still keep our family and company in good order and protect Dragon City!”

Bai Jiacao waved her fists and said confidently.

Then, she secretly glanced at Lu siya and cautiously asked, “Sister Siya, are you… okay?”

During Meng Chao’s disappearance, Lu Siya was as sad and busy as the Meng family.

The Meng family knew what was going on, but they could only let out a long sigh.

Bai Jiacao had always liked Lu Siya.

Although she knew that people in the circle called Lu Siya, “Queen Bee,” a very dangerous nickname.

However, she did not find it dangerous at all. Instead, she felt a little envious.

In any case, she felt that Sister Siya was much more pleasing to the eye than the girl that her other brother often came into contact with, Su Mulian, who was now called “Little Miracle Doctor” by many people in Dragon City.

While her brother was gone, Bai Jiacao and Lu Siya comforted each other and licked the wounds in their hearts.

Their already close relationship deepened.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine now.”

Lu Siya heaved a long sigh of relief as if she had really put down a heavy burden. She felt much more relaxed.

“I’m sorry for making everyone worry about me for so long.”

She apologized to Bai Jiacao. “I just… I’ve been blaming myself. I keep feeling that if it weren’t for saving me, your brother might not have jumped into the Devil’s Eye. I… I don’t know how to face Uncle and Auntie…”

“Sister Siya, what nonsense are you talking about? You’ve already tried your best. There’s no need to blame yourself!”

Bai Jiacao said with her eyes wide open, “It’s not your fault that you encountered a monster. Besides, everyone says that this monster lurking in the depths of Mist Mountain was very powerful. If you hadn’t found it in time and eliminated it, who knows how big of a storm it would have caused if it had been dormant for a period of time and turned into a storm!

“My brother only did what he was supposed to do. Even if it was not you but me, my parents, or any ordinary citizen that my brother did not know, he would have made the same choice!

“Besides, you have already done too much during this period of time.

“Putting everything else aside, just saying that you have put in all your effort to tide over the difficulties of Superstar Resource and the organizations, as well as industries under my brother’s name, is a great help to us.

“You have to know that everyone thought that with my brother’s disappearance, Superstar Resource would be in a slump or even fall apart. Even if they could barely maintain it, it would definitely not be as impressive as it was in the past.

“I didn’t expect you to risk everything and bet all your assets to help us. My parents and I are so touched that we don’t know what to say.”

“It’s nothing. Compared with what your brother did for me, what I did for him is just a drop in the bucket. Besides, I already have a lot of shares in Superstar Resource. After the increase of shares, I have become the second largest shareholder of Superstar Resource. It has tied me and Meng Chao together. How can I not do my best for my own business?”

Lu Siya smiled and changed the subject. “But to be honest, Xiaocao, although I’m willing to pay everything for Superstar, you still have to grow up as soon as possible. You have to shoulder the burden of your family, the company, and the entire Dragon City.

“You know that I’ve been promoted to another level in the Research Department because of my military exploits.

“I’ve been very busy since the beginning.

“With the change of the Abnormal Beast Research Department to the Other World Research Department, our workload has increased tenfold.

“For the next period of time, my focus will be on the Research Department. I will be preparing to rush out of Killing Tiger Gorge and explore the world below Guillotine, as well as the broader continent of the Other World.

“As for Superstar Resource, you will have to rely on yourselves.

“Although Uncle is smart and capable, Qin Hu is also quite shrewd. Xie Xiaofeng is also an outstanding person in management and business.

“Even so, you are the first successor of Superstar Resource after your brother, after all. You represent the future of Superstar Resource.

“You need to learn a lot of things about your family and the company. Make up your mind.”


Bai Jiacao seemed to have matured a lot. After all, she was still a freshman.

When she heard that Lu Siya, who had been helping them to manage Superstar Resource, was busy with the Other World Research Department, she panicked and stammered. “Sister Siya, I-I can’t do it. I can’t do it!”

“Who said you can’t do it?”

Lu Siya burst into laughter. She stretched out her slender, fair fingers and tapped the tip of Bai Jiacao’s nose lightly. “A few days ago, who was the one who slaughtered everyone on the martial arts practice field in Dragon City University’s Martial Arts Department? As a freshman, she defeated seven or eight seniors from wealthy families and won the title of ‘Little Witch?'”

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